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  1. #1311
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    @sungmo, it's been about 2 years since I looked at EO 4.1.4. Would you post the top 100 lines of /your_admin/edit_orders.php (using "CODE" tags) and identify which line is #69.
    line 69 is after if ($status < 1) break;


    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // |zen-cart Open Source E-commerce |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // | Copyright (c) 2003 The zen-cart developers |
    // | |
    // | |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the GPL license, |
    // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
    // | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
    // | |
    // | If you did not receive a copy of the zen-cart license and are unable |
    // | to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
    // | [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

    global $db;


    // Check for commonly broken attribute related items

    // Start the currencies code
    include_once(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'init_includes/init_currencies.php');

    // Use the normal order class instead of the admin one
    include(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php');

    $oID = zen_db_prepare_input($_GET['oID']);
    $step = zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['step']);
    $add_product_categories_id = zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['add_product_categories_id']);
    $add_product_products_id = zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['add_product_products_id']);
    $add_product_quantity = zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['add_product_quantity']);

    $orders_statuses = array();
    $orders_status_array = array();
    $orders_status_query = $db->Execute("select orders_status_id, orders_status_name
    from " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS . "
    where language_id = '" . (int)$_SESSION['languages_id'] . "' order by orders_status_id");
    while (!$orders_status_query->EOF) {
    $orders_statuses[] = array('id' => $orders_status_query->fields['orders_status_id'],
    'text' => $orders_status_query->fields['orders_status_name'] . ' [' . $orders_status_query->fields['orders_status_id'] . ']');
    $orders_status_array[$orders_status_query->fields['orders_status_id']] = $orders_status_query->fields['orders_status_name'];

    $action = (isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'edit');

    if (zen_not_null($action)) {
    if(EO_DEBUG_ACTION_LEVEL > 0) eo_log(
    '============================================================' . PHP_EOL .
    '= Edit Orders (' . EO_VERSION . ') Action Log' . PHP_EOL .
    '============================================================' . PHP_EOL .
    'Order ID: ' . $oID . PHP_EOL .
    'Action Requested: ' . $action . PHP_EOL .
    'Enabled Order Totals: ' . str_replace('.php', '', MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_INSTALLED) . PHP_EOL

    switch ($action) {

    // Update Order
    case 'update_order':
    $comments = zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['comments']);
    $status = (int)zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['status']);
    if ($status < 1) break;

    $order_updated = false;
    $sql_data_array = array(
    'customers_name' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_name']),
    'customers_company' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_company']),
    'customers_street_address' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_street_address']),
    'customers_suburb' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_suburb']),
    'customers_city' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_city']),
    'customers_state' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_state']),
    'customers_postcode' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_postcode']),
    'customers_country' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_country']),
    'customers_telephone' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_telephone']),
    'customers_email_address' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_customer_email_address']),
    'last_modified' => 'now()',

    'billing_name' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_billing_name']),
    'billing_company' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_billing_company']),
    'billing_street_address' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_billing_street_address']),
    'billing_suburb' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_billing_suburb']),
    'billing_city' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_billing_city']),
    'billing_state' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_billing_state']),
    'billing_postcode' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_billing_postcode']),
    'billing_country' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_billing_country']),

    'delivery_name' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_delivery_name']),
    'delivery_company' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_delivery_company']),
    'delivery_street_address' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_delivery_street_address']),
    'delivery_suburb' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_delivery_suburb']),
    'delivery_city' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_delivery_city']),
    'delivery_state' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_delivery_state']),
    'delivery_postcode' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_delivery_postcode']),
    'delivery_country' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_delivery_country']),
    'payment_method' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_info_payment_method']),
    'cc_type' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_info_cc_type']),
    'cc_owner' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_info_cc_owner']),
    'cc_expires' => zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_info_cc_expires'])

  2. #1312
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    For future reference, those "CODE" tags are inserted when you click the big # in the toolbar when you're writing a post. To include code (or large blocks of text), click that # button and then insert your code or text between the CODE and /CODE tags.

    When you initially display an order for editing, there's a block at the bottom of the page that you use to change an order's status or add a message to the user. The 'status' field is the dropdown list of order-status values, used when you're changing the status of an order.

    When you click that dropdown, what values are shown as possible?

  3. #1313
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    For future reference, those "CODE" tags are inserted when you click the big # in the toolbar when you're writing a post. To include code (or large blocks of text), click that # button and then insert your code or text between the CODE and /CODE tags.

    When you initially display an order for editing, there's a block at the bottom of the page that you use to change an order's status or add a message to the user. The 'status' field is the dropdown list of order-status values, used when you're changing the status of an order.

    When you click that dropdown, what values are shown as possible?

    i can see 4 lists..

    Pending [1]
    Processing [2]
    Sent [3]
    Update [4]

  4. #1314
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Hmm, that doesn't make sense. That $status value that is being detected as 0 is the result of that dropdown form-element.

  5. #1315
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Plugin Contributions

    bug Tax amount is increasing when updating an order

    In Edit Orders 4.3.4 strange things are happening for stores which are displaying prices with tax and charge tax on the shipping fee.

    To reproduce configure a vanilla 1.5.5f store like this (99% of b2c stores in Germany are configured like this):

    Store Country: Germany
    Zone: Berlin
    Display Prices with tax: true
    Display Prices with tax in Admin: true
    Basis of Product Tax: Shipping
    Basis of Shipping Tax: Shipping
    Currency: Euro (Decimal Places: 2)
    Tax Rate: 19%
    Shipping Module: flat (set a price of 4.16 with tax class taxable goods so the result with tax will be 4.95 Euro)
    Test product: set a price of 29.9000 gross

    Order the product, the result will be:

    Sub-Total: €29.90
    Flat Rate (Best Way): €5.89
    19%: €5.57
    Total: €35.79

    Edit the order with Edit Orders 4.3.4, do not change anything, just click the update button

    The result will be:
    Sub-Total: €29.90
    Flat Rate (Best Way): €5.89
    19%: €5.71
    Total: €35.79

    Note that the tax amount has magically increased.

    EO log:
    2018-07-01 18:46:41, Edit Orders entered (4.3.4) action (edit)
    Enabled Order Totals: ot_subtotal.php;ot_shipping.php;ot_coupon.php;ot_group_pricing.php;ot_tax.php;ot_loworderfee.php;ot_gv.php;ot_total.php
    getOrderInfo, on entry: Called by /var/www/xxx/edit_orders.php on line #705
    	Subtotal: (not set), Shipping: (not set), Shipping Tax: (not set), Tax: 5.57, Total: 34.86, Tax Groups: {"19.0000":"1"}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: (not set)
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9047
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.57, Value: 5.5651
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.86, Value: 34.8551
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    getProductTaxes, returning 4.77.
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    calculateOrderShippingTax returning 0.94.
    removeTaxFromShippingCost(order, flat), 1, Shipping, 1.19, 4.95, 4.16, 0.79
    getOrderInfo, on exit:
    {"code":"flat","title":"Flat Rate","description":"Flat Rate","icon":"","enabled":true,"sort_order":"0","tax_class":"1","tax_basis":"Shipping"}
    	Subtotal: 29.9, Shipping: 4.16, Shipping Tax: 0, Tax: 4.78, Total: 34.86, Tax Groups: {"19%":4.77}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9047
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.57, Value: 5.5651
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.86, Value: 34.8551
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    = Creating display of Order Product #1
    Product Details:
    2018-07-01 18:46:59, Edit Orders entered (4.3.4) action (update_order)
    Enabled Order Totals: ot_subtotal.php;ot_shipping.php;ot_coupon.php;ot_group_pricing.php;ot_tax.php;ot_loworderfee.php;ot_gv.php;ot_total.php
    getOrderInfo, on entry: Called by /var/www/xxx/manager/edit_orders.php on line #305
    	Subtotal: (not set), Shipping: (not set), Shipping Tax: (not set), Tax: 0.00, Total: 34.86, Tax Groups: {"19.0000":"1"}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: (not set)
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9047
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.57, Value: 5.5651
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.86, Value: 34.8551
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    getProductTaxes, returning 4.77.
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    calculateOrderShippingTax returning 0.94.
    removeTaxFromShippingCost(order, flat), 1, Shipping, 1.19, 4.95, 4.16, 0.79
    getOrderInfo, on exit:
    {"code":"flat","title":"Flat Rate","description":"Flat Rate","icon":"","enabled":true,"sort_order":"0","tax_class":"1","tax_basis":"Shipping"}
    	Subtotal: 29.9, Shipping: 4.16, Shipping Tax: 0, Tax: -0.79, Total: 34.86, Tax Groups: {"19%":4.77}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9047
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.57, Value: 5.5651
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.86, Value: 34.8551
    Order Subtotal: 29.9
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9047
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.57, Value: 5.5651
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.86, Value: 34.8551
    Order Tax (total): -0.79
    Order Tax Groups:
    Requested Products:
    array (
      1 => 
      array (
        'qty' => '1',
        'name' => 'Test',
        'model' => '',
        'tax' => '19',
        'final_price' => '25.13',
    Products in Original Order: 
    array (
      0 => 
      array (
        'qty' => 1,
        'id' => '1',
        'name' => 'Test',
        'model' => '',
        'tax' => '19.0000',
        'price' => '25.1261',
        'final_price' => '25.1300',
        'onetime_charges' => '0.0000',
        'products_priced_by_attribute' => '0',
        'product_is_free' => '0',
        'products_discount_type' => '0',
        'products_discount_type_from' => '0',
    Order Product ID: 1 Row ID: 0
    Product in Request: 
    Old Product:
    Old Order Subtotal: 29.9
    Old Order Totals: 		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9047
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.57, Value: 5.5651
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.86, Value: 34.8551
    Old Tax (total): -0.79
    Old Tax Groups:
    eo_update_order_subtotal (), taxes on entry.  Called by /var/www/xxx/edit_orders.php on line #370
    	Subtotal: 29.9, Shipping: 4.16, Shipping Tax: 0, Tax: -0.79, Total: 34.86, Tax Groups: {"19%":4.77}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9047
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.57, Value: 5.5651
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.86, Value: 34.8551
    getProductTaxes, returning 4.77.
    eo_update_order_subtotal, taxes on exit. 
    	Subtotal: 0, Shipping: 4.16, Shipping Tax: 0, Tax: -5.56, Total: 4.16, Tax Groups: {"19%":0}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;0.00, Value: 0
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-5.56, Value: -5.56
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;4.16, Value: 4.16
    Removed Product Order Subtotal: 0
    Removed Product Order Totals: 		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;0.00, Value: 0
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-5.56, Value: -5.56
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;4.16, Value: 4.16
    Removed Product Tax (total): -5.56
    Removed Product Tax Groups:
    eo_update_order_subtotal (1), taxes on entry.  Called by /var/www/xxx/manager/edit_orders.php on line #429
    	Subtotal: 0, Shipping: 4.16, Shipping Tax: 0, Tax: -5.56, Total: 4.16, Tax Groups: {"19%":0}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;0.00, Value: 0
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-5.56, Value: -5.56
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;4.16, Value: 4.16
    getProductTaxes, returning 4.77.
    eo_update_order_subtotal, taxes on exit. 
    	Subtotal: 29.9, Shipping: 4.16, Shipping Tax: 0, Tax: -0.79, Total: 34.06, Tax Groups: {"19%":4.77}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-0.79, Value: -0.79
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.06, Value: 34.06
    Pricing, as entered, was used.
    Added Product:
    Added Product Order Subtotal: 29.9
    Added Product Order Totals:		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-0.79, Value: -0.79
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.06, Value: 34.06
    Added Product Tax (total): -0.79
    Added Product Tax Groups:
    Updated Products in Order:
    array (
      0 => 
      array (
        'id' => 1,
        'qty' => 1.0,
        'tax' => '19',
        'name' => 'Test',
        'model' => '',
        'price' => '25.1261',
        'products_discount_type' => '0',
        'products_discount_type_from' => '0',
        'products_priced_by_attribute' => '0',
        'product_is_free' => '0',
        'products_virtual' => '0',
        'product_is_always_free_shipping' => '0',
        'tax_description' => '19%',
        'onetime_charges' => 0,
        'final_price' => '25.13',
        'stock_reduce' => 1.0,
    Updated Products Order Totals:		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-0.79, Value: -0.79
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.06, Value: 34.06
    Updated Products Tax (total): 4.77
    Updated Products Tax Groups:
    = Processing Requested Updates to Order Totals
    Requested Order Totals:
    array (
      0 => 
      array (
        'code' => 'ot_shipping',
        'shipping_module' => 'flat',
        'title' => 'Flat Rate (Best Way):',
        'value' => '4.9504',
      1 => 
      array (
        'code' => 'ot_coupon',
        'title' => '',
        'value' => '',
        'shipping_module' => 'flat',
    Starting Order Totals:		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-0.79, Value: -0.79
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.06, Value: 34.06
    Starting Tax (total): 4.77
    Starting Tax Groups:
    eo_update_database_order_total: and_clause: (), found (0), array (
      'code' => 'ot_shipping',
      'shipping_module' => 'flat',
      'title' => 'Flat Rate (Best Way):',
      'value' => 4.9504000000000001,
      'text' => '&euro;4.95',
      'sort_order' => NULL,
    eo_update_database_order_total: and_clause: (), found (1), array (
      'code' => 'ot_coupon',
      'title' => '',
      'value' => 0.0,
      'shipping_module' => 'flat',
      'text' => '&euro;0.00',
      'sort_order' => NULL,
    eo_update_database_order_totals, taxes/totals on entry.  Called by /var/www/xxx/edit_orders.php on line #585
    	Subtotal: 29.9, Shipping: 4.9504, Shipping Tax: 0, Tax: 4.77, Total: 34.06, Tax Groups: {"19%":4.77}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-0.79, Value: -0.79
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.06, Value: 34.06
    		ot_coupon. Text: &euro;0.00, Value: 0
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    Checking taxes for ot_coupon: Tax class (MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_TAX_CLASS:0), 0
    eo_update_database_order_totals, after adjustments: order_total: 35.790976, order_tax: 5.710576
    eo_update_database_order_totals, after process: order_total: 35.790976, order_tax: 5.710576
    [{"code":"ot_subtotal","title":"Sub-Total:","text":"&euro;29.90","value":29.9,"sort_order":"100"},{"code":"ot_shipping","title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)::","text":"&euro;5.89","value":5.890976,"sort_order":"200"},{"code":"ot_tax","title":"19%:","text":"&euro;5.71","value":5.710576,"sort_order":"300"},{"code":"ot_total","title":"Total:","text":"&euro;35.79","value":35.790976,"sort_order":"999"}]
    [{"title":"Sub-Total:","text":"&euro;29.90","class":"ot_subtotal","value":29.9},{"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way):","text":"&euro;4.95","class":"ot_shipping","value":4.9504},{"title":"19%:","text":"&euro;-0.79","class":"ot_tax","value":-0.79},{"title":"Total:","text":"&euro;34.06","class":"ot_total","value":34.06},{"class":"ot_coupon","title":"","value":0,"text":"&euro;0.00","sort_order":null}]
    eo_update_database_order_total: and_clause: (), found (0), array (
      'code' => 'ot_subtotal',
      'title' => 'Sub-Total:',
      'text' => '&euro;29.90',
      'value' => 29.899999999999999,
      'sort_order' => '100',
    eo_update_database_order_total: and_clause: (), found (0), array (
      'code' => 'ot_shipping',
      'title' => 'Flat Rate (Best Way)::',
      'text' => '&euro;5.89',
      'value' => 5.8909760000000002,
      'sort_order' => '200',
    eo_update_database_order_total: and_clause: (), found (0), array (
      'code' => 'ot_tax',
      'title' => '19%:',
      'text' => '&euro;5.71',
      'value' => 5.7105759999999997,
      'sort_order' => '300',
    eo_update_database_order_total: and_clause: (), found (0), array (
      'code' => 'ot_total',
      'title' => 'Total:',
      'text' => '&euro;35.79',
      'value' => 35.790976000000001,
      'sort_order' => '999',
    Removing order-total, and-clause: `class` = ''
    Removing order-total, and-clause: title = 'Flat Rate (Best Way):' OR `class` = ''
    Removing order-total, and-clause: `class` = ''
    Removing order-total, and-clause: `class` = ''
    Removing order-total, and-clause: title = '' OR `class` = ''
    eo_update_database_order_totals, taxes on exit. 
    	Subtotal: 29.9, Shipping: 5.890976, Shipping Tax: 0.940576, Tax: 5.710576, Total: 35.790976, Tax Groups: {"19%":5.710576}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-0.79, Value: -0.79
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.06, Value: 34.06
    		ot_coupon. Text: &euro;0.00, Value: 0
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-0.79, Value: -0.79
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.06, Value: 34.06
    		ot_coupon. Text: &euro;0.00, Value: 0
    Updated Tax (total): 5.710576
    Updated Tax Groups:
    = Done Processing Requested Updates to the Order
    Final Subtotal: 29.9
    Final Totals:		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;4.95, Value: 4.9504
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;-0.79, Value: -0.79
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;34.06, Value: 34.06
    		ot_coupon. Text: &euro;0.00, Value: 0
    Final Tax (total): 5.710576
    Final Tax Groups:
    2018-07-01 18:47:00, Edit Orders entered (4.3.4) action (edit)
    Enabled Order Totals: ot_subtotal.php;ot_shipping.php;ot_coupon.php;ot_group_pricing.php;ot_tax.php;ot_loworderfee.php;ot_gv.php;ot_total.php
    getOrderInfo, on entry: Called by /var/www/xxx/edit_orders.php on line #705
    	Subtotal: (not set), Shipping: (not set), Shipping Tax: (not set), Tax: 5.71, Total: 35.79, Tax Groups: {"19.0000":"1"}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way)","id":"flat_","cost":4.95}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9000
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;5.89, Value: 5.8910
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.71, Value: 5.7106
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;35.79, Value: 35.7910
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    getProductTaxes, returning 4.77.
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    calculateOrderShippingTax returning 1.12.
    removeTaxFromShippingCost(order, flat), 1, Shipping, 1.19, 5.89, 4.95, 0.94
    getOrderInfo, on exit:
    {"code":"flat","title":"Flat Rate","description":"Flat Rate","icon":"","enabled":true,"sort_order":"0","tax_class":"1","tax_basis":"Shipping"}
    	Subtotal: 29.9, Shipping: 4.95, Shipping Tax: 0, Tax: 4.77, Total: 35.79, Tax Groups: {"19%":4.77}
    	$_SESSION['shipping']: {"title":"Flat Rate (Best Way):","id":"flat_","cost":5.89}
    Order Totals
    		ot_subtotal. Text: &euro;29.90, Value: 29.9000
    		ot_shipping. Text: &euro;5.89, Value: 5.8910
    		ot_tax. Text: &euro;5.71, Value: 5.7106
    		ot_total. Text: &euro;35.79, Value: 35.7910
    Checking order for virtual status.  Order contains 1 unique products, 0 of those are virtual
    = Creating display of Order Product #2
    Product Details:

  6. #1316
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Tax amount is increasing when updating an order

    @webchills, did you try clicking on the "Update" button twice? EO has issues at times with tax-related calculations.

    I appreciate the detailed steps to reproduce the issue and will attempt that later today.

  7. #1317
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
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    Default Re: Tax amount is increasing when updating an order

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    @webchills, did you try clicking on the "Update" button twice?
    If you click twice the tax amount is increased again. Every click increases it further

  8. #1318
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    @webchills, did you also try ticking the "Reset totals prior to update" box?

  9. #1319
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    @webchills, did you also try ticking the "Reset totals prior to update" box?
    Yes, same wrong result

  10. #1320
    Join Date
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Hmm, when I use your setup instructions and place an order containing that product, instead of

    Sub-Total: €29.90
    Flat Rate (Best Way): €5.89
    19%: €5.57
    Total: €35.79

    ... I get

    Sub-Total: €29.90
    Flat Rate (Best Way): €4.95
    19%: €5.57
    Total: €34.86

    Any idea what's different (other than the result)?



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