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  1. #41
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    any resolutions?

  2. #42
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Using Zen Cart 1.5 and PHP Version 5.3.5
    This was a clean install of 1.5 as I was using shop-scrip for the past 10 years or so.

    Have edit orders 4.03 and Super Orders 4.02 installed. Also Image Handler 4 v 4.0.
    fedex web services, USPS services, and ceon processing

    (although in admin/edit orders version it says 4.02) Don't remember what I installed as this hasn't been working for a few months and don't remember what I installed from as I have Version 4.03 on my computer. So maybe I installed 4.02 and downloaded 4.03 but never got around to upgrading?

    Anyway, my issue is that I cannot add a product. It lets me choose the product but when I click Add Now I get "WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again." which gets loopy if I actually follow that instruction.

    I can go into customers and select New Order which creates the order but I cannot add any products.

    Wondering if you can tell me which file might not have updated and I can either replace it or use win-merge to update.


  3. #43
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by charliea View Post
    Using Zen Cart 1.5 and PHP Version 5.3.5
    This was a clean install of 1.5 as I was using shop-scrip for the past 10 years or so.

    Have edit orders 4.03 and Super Orders 4.02 installed. Also Image Handler 4 v 4.0.
    fedex web services, USPS services, and ceon processing

    (although in admin/edit orders version it says 4.02) Don't remember what I installed as this hasn't been working for a few months and don't remember what I installed from as I have Version 4.03 on my computer. So maybe I installed 4.02 and downloaded 4.03 but never got around to upgrading?

    Anyway, my issue is that I cannot add a product. It lets me choose the product but when I click Add Now I get "WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again." which gets loopy if I actually follow that instruction.

    I can go into customers and select New Order which creates the order but I cannot add any products.

    Wondering if you can tell me which file might not have updated and I can either replace it or use win-merge to update.

    Are asking about Edit Order or whatever manual order add-on you installed?? Either way you need to post your error log results so we don't have to GUESS what the issue is..
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
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  4. #44
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    ... Anytime an order is updated, and that includes adding, changing or deleting product the following message stack appears at the top of the screen. Warning: Nothing to change. The order was not updated...
    This is talked about in the readme under "Potential Future Enhancements". As far as I know it does not break any functionality.
    The glass is not half full. The glass is not half empty. The glass is simply too big!
    Where are the Zen Cart Debug Logs? Where are the HTTP 500 / Server Error Logs?
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  5. #45
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by DivaVocals View Post
    Are asking about Edit Order or whatever manual order add-on you installed?? Either way you need to post your error log results so we don't have to GUESS what the issue is..
    Ok - found it.....
    [26-Jan-2013 21:07:08] PHP Fatal error: 1064:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'S Cinnamon Chips',
    products_price = '89.0000',
    f' at line 5 :: insert into orders_products set
    orders_id = 3883,
    products_id = 5,
    products_model = '14672',
    products_name = 'HERSHEY'S Cinnamon Chips',
    products_price = '89.0000',
    final_price = '89',
    products_tax = '0',
    products_quantity = 1,
    onetime_charges = 0; in /home/my_server/my_store/www/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 101

    Here's the code preceding line 101 which starts with trigger_eror
    function show_error() {
    if ($this->error_number == 0 && $this->error_text == DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED && !headers_sent() && file_exists('nddbc.html') ) include('nddbc.html');
    echo '<div class="systemError">';
    echo $this->error_number . ' ' . $this->error_text;
    echo '<br />in:<br />[' . (strstr($this->zf_sql, 'db_cache') ? 'db_cache table' : $this->zf_sql) . ']<br />';
    } else {
    echo 'WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.';
    trigger_error($this->error_number . ':' . $this->error_text . ' :: ' . $this->zf_sql, E_USER_ERROR);

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Problem is with the extra apostrophe in the product name. It has been awhile since I have looked at the 4.0x branch of Edit Orders... But ...

    Try changing all instances in "edit_orders.php" of the following (line 1383, 1394) from:
    products_name = '" . str_replace("'", "'", $p_products_name) . "',
    products_name = '" . $db->prepare_input($p_products_name) . "',
    This will let Zen Cart's DB abstraction layer handle preparing the inputted product name including any required escaping for the database :)
    The glass is not half full. The glass is not half empty. The glass is simply too big!
    Where are the Zen Cart Debug Logs? Where are the HTTP 500 / Server Error Logs?
    Zen Cart related projects maintained by lhûngîl : Plugin / Module Tracker

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lhungil View Post
    Problem is with the extra apostrophe in the product name. It has been awhile since I have looked at the 4.0x branch of Edit Orders... But ...

    Try changing all instances in "edit_orders.php" of the following (line 1383, 1394) from:
    products_name = '" . str_replace("'", "'", $p_products_name) . "',
    products_name = '" . $db->prepare_input($p_products_name) . "',
    This will let Zen Cart's DB abstraction layer handle preparing the inputted product name including any required escaping for the database :)

    Very cool... Thanks - worked like a charm!!!

    I still see this at the top when I update:
    "Warning: Nothing to change. The order was not updated."

    I've seen other postings (in this thread) but no answers as yet??

    Thanks again!!

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    can i please get a link to the installation instructions - they did not come with my download. thanks.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lidlchris View Post
    can i please get a link to the installation instructions - they did not come with my download. thanks.
    The installation instructions are in the fileset that is part of the download.. they aren't available elsewhere..
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread


    I am having difficulty in loading Edit Orders 4.0. Here is some background:

    I am in the process of upgrading from 1.3.8 to 1.5.1 on a test server, so this in not live.
    Upgrade goes well.
    I upgraded the template that I use (Cherry Zen); no problems.
    I use Edit Orders on my old site.
    PHP is 5.2.17
    MySQL is 5.0.91

    When I FTP the files to my server, then go to the admin page to activate the auto install I get a blank page. This has happened multiple (5-6) times. It happens when it is the first plugin I install, or if I do it after others (such at Ty Package Tracker which works fine).

    I feel like I am missing something simple. I have gone through the installation process in the readme file many times, I don't think I am doing anything wrong.

    Could something be interfering with the auto install on this? I don't really know what else could do this.

    Any ideas? Thanks is advance.



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