If you want to adjust your faq metatags so that the faq question is the title and the faq answer is the description, add
PHP Code:
//BOF FAQ Metatags
case (strstr($_GET['main_page'], 'faq_info')):
$sql= "select pd.faqs_name, p.faqs_id, pd.faqs_answer
from " . TABLE_FAQS . " p, " . TABLE_FAQS_DESCRIPTION . " pd
where p.faqs_id = '" . (int)$_GET['faqs_id'] . "'
and p.faqs_id = pd.faqs_id
and pd.language_id = '" . (int)$_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'";
$faq_info_metatags = $db->Execute($sql);
$meta_faqs_name = $faq_info_metatags->fields['faqs_name'];
$meta_faqs_name = zen_clean_html($meta_faqs_name);
$meta_faqs_answer = zen_truncate_paragraph(strip_tags(stripslashes($faq_info_metatags->fields['faqs_answer'])), MAX_META_TAG_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH);
$meta_faqs_answer = zen_clean_html($meta_faqs_answer);
define('META_TAG_TITLE', str_replace('"','',$meta_faqs_name . PRIMARY_SECTION . TITLE . TAGLINE));
define('META_TAG_DESCRIPTION', str_replace('"','', $meta_faqs_answer . ' '));
define('META_TAG_KEYWORDS', str_replace('"','',$meta_faqs_name . METATAGS_DIVIDER . KEYWORDS));
//EOF FAQ Metatags
to includes/modules/YOUR_TEMPLATE/meta_tags.php just above the line
PHP Code:
// meta tags override due to 404, missing products_id, cPath or other EOF issues