Make sure the file YOUR_ADMIN > includes > languages > english > extra_definitions > carousel_featured_defines.php exists (YOUR_ADMIN being the name of your store admin folder). The options to configure the carousel and turn it off and on are in configuration > carousel featured products - no install needed within your admin dashboard.
Yup, did that, the file is indeed in the right place, did uninstalled and reinstalled the .sql but in vain...I get the following:

Looks like it's missing some file when uploading the whole thing. I confirm all files are into right place.
I just installed this mod on both a 1.39h and 1.51 site as is and it worked.
I use 1.50, would this make any differences?
There are only eight options to install so you're okay there.
Uninstalling the .sql gets me only 5 off!
If it still isn't showing any configuration options, try running the uninstall.sql and re-running the configuration sql.