I'm trying and display the manufacturer image on top of the product index listing page, just below the manufacturer name.

I have inserted the following code* just below the categories_image part in tpl_index_product_list.php

<?php // manufacturers image
if (isset($_GET['manufacturers_id']) && $_GET['manufacturers_id'] > 0) { ?>
<div id="categoryImgListing" class="categoryImg"><?php echo zen_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $image, $breadcrumb->last()); ?></div>
But it just shows the NO PICTURE AVAILABLE image. Perhaps it's trying and pull the image from the image folder (instead of the manufacturers folder)? I've tried with $manufacturers_image instead of $image but to no avail.

Do you know how I could do this?

*It was posted by Kuroi on the thread below that is now closed
