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  1. #1
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    Default payment integration module

    The Stripe payment module is now available here:
    Last edited by swguy; 17 Nov 2012 at 08:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    I just installed this module on my zen cart site, and tried it out. Seems to work great, only problem I can find is that for some reason when it sends the email it says 'Payment type: stripe secure card You do not have javascript so cannot use stripe' or something like that. I am really new to zen cart so not exactly sure if this is caused by the module, or the cart. Any help is appreciated.

  3. #3
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    red flag Re: payment integration module

    Hi Michael

    Ahhh - looks like I overlooked the email part of things when I was updating the module - only the most recent downloads will have the problem so folks who downloaded before 20th November or so should be OK - if cannot see the code below in your file then you can ignore this.

    So for you & everyone here's a fix to your problem I've just uploaded a v1.2 with this change in it

    Find the file includes/modules/payment/stripepay.php and at around line 30 you should see a block of code like this:
    		//admin title info
    		  if (IS_ADMIN_FLAG === true) {
    		  	        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) $this->title .= '<strong><span class="alert"> CURL NOT FOUND. Cannot Use.</span></strong>';
                             MODULE_PAYMENT_STRIPEPAY_MERCHANT_LIVE_SECRET_KEY == '' ||
                             MODULE_PAYMENT_STRIPEPAY_LIVE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY == ''){
    						 $this->title .= '<strong><span class="alert"> One of your Stripe API keys is missing.</span></strong>';
    					if (ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG!=='true'){
    						$this->title .= '<strong><span class="alert"> Catalog SSL appears to be missing. Live payments are not possible</span></strong>';
    		  }else{//client side
    		  $this ->title.='<noscript><br><span style="color:red">Javascript is not enabled in your browser - you cannot checkout using Stripe</span></noscript>';
    Now carefully edit the last full line of code by adding two slashes (php comment) at the start of the line so that it looks like:

    // $this ->title.='<noscript><br><span style="color:red">Javascript is not enabled in your browser - you cannot checkout using Stripe</span>

    The full chunk of code should now look like that shown below

    		//admin title info
    		  if (IS_ADMIN_FLAG === true) {
    		  	        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) $this->title .= '<strong><span class="alert"> CURL NOT FOUND. Cannot Use.</span></strong>';
                             MODULE_PAYMENT_STRIPEPAY_MERCHANT_LIVE_SECRET_KEY == '' ||
                             MODULE_PAYMENT_STRIPEPAY_LIVE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY == ''){
    						 $this->title .= '<strong><span class="alert"> One of your Stripe API keys is missing.</span></strong>';
    					if (ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG!=='true'){
    						$this->title .= '<strong><span class="alert"> Catalog SSL appears to be missing. Live payments are not possible</span></strong>';
    		  }else{//client side
    		 // $this ->title.='<noscript><br><span style="color:red">Javascript is not enabled in your browser - you cannot checkout using Stripe</span></noscript>';
    That's probably the easiest way of editing out the <noscript> for the moment.

    Apologies for my oversight


  4. #4
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    I was wondering if it would be possible to take the credit card details on the second page, in the same way that the payment module takes the credit card info. on the second page (the payment confirmation page, rather than the order confirmation/finalize page).

    I ask because customers prefer to see that their information is entered before they finalize the order, and you can't tell if the information has been properly saved or not with how the module is set up now.

    Thanks for the help. :)

    P.S. - Otherwise, this is an excellent payment module! It made me try out Zen Cart for the first time, and I am loving it much more than other similar carts.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Quote Originally Posted by filmgirl View Post
    I was wondering if it would be possible to take the credit card details on the second page, in the same way that the payment module takes the credit card info. on the second page (the payment confirmation page, rather than the order confirmation/finalize page).

    I ask because customers prefer to see that their information is entered before they finalize the order, and you can't tell if the information has been properly saved or not with how the module is set up now.

    Thanks for the help. :)

    P.S. - Otherwise, this is an excellent payment module! It made me try out Zen Cart for the first time, and I am loving it much more than other similar carts.
    Hi there
    It'll take a bit of sorting out as it changes a few bits in the code - I'll have a look at it but it will probably be early 2013 before it's ready as I fully intend to have some time off over Christmas :-)

  6. #6
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Quote Originally Posted by sakwoya View Post
    Hi there
    It'll take a bit of sorting out as it changes a few bits in the code - I'll have a look at it but it will probably be early 2013 before it's ready as I fully intend to have some time off over Christmas :-)
    Not a problem at all. Thank you for looking into it.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Hi, would you please tell me which version of zen-cart is this module suitable for? My zen-cart version is 1.5.1
    Because I have downloaded it, upload all the related files to my server and installed it in my admin interface. However it shows me this sentence: "WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again". When I back to my admin interface, I can see it says Stripe secure payments One of your Stripe API keys is missing.

    Or is there any other reason resulted in this?

  8. #8
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    Jun 2011
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Quote Originally Posted by jim.wu View Post
    Hi, would you please tell me which version of zen-cart is this module suitable for? My zen-cart version is 1.5.1
    Because I have downloaded it, upload all the related files to my server and installed it in my admin interface. However it shows me this sentence: "WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again". When I back to my admin interface, I can see it says Stripe secure payments One of your Stripe API keys is missing.

    Or is there any other reason resulted in this?
    Works fine in v1.5.1 - You have either entered a wrong or skipped one of your test keys or one of your publishable key.



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