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  1. #41
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Oh, one other thing. For some reason when I installed the 1.3 version, there was no longer the choice to pick the expiration year of the credit card during checkout. So the changes above were made to version 1.2.

  2. #42
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    I just installed the module and see this problem with the year. So what is the best solution? Going back to 1.2 would mean missing out on improvements since then. If the bug is known, in which file is it so I can go and edit.


  3. #43
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Hi all

    I've just uploaded a 1.3.1. that fixes the commenting error that was preventing the dropdown from displaying the correct choices for expiry date.

    It also includes the floor() change to the order total suggested by filmgirl.

    Any problems add a reply here and I'll get my 'toit' (as in a 'roundtoit') on the case.

    p.s. it will take a couple of hours for 1.3.1 to appear in the downloads section so is a zip of the /includes/ folder only
    Last edited by sakwoya; 2 Jun 2013 at 08:45 AM.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Ran into a problem with this module "Invalid Integer" I was able to track this down to the sales tax making the value being passed to stripe a decimal 1061.4375 ($9.99 plus 6.25% tax or $10.61). I was able to correct this in the module by adding round to amount lines in stripepay.php like this

    "amount" => round(($order->info['total']) * 100)
    multiple lines look like this

    However I think this could probly be fixed in zencart core to round tax amounts before adding to totals creating prices with more than 2 decimal places. I think this problem only showed itself because Stripe requires cents(price * 100) only to be passed.
    Last edited by MikeHansenMe; 5 Jun 2013 at 08:38 PM. Reason: additional details

  5. #45
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	stripe.jpg 
Views:	231 
Size:	13.7 KB 
ID:	12647Click image for larger version. 

Name:	stripe.jpg 
Views:	231 
Size:	13.7 KB 
ID:	126471 Issue:

    1. I cant view my orders in the admin area after installing 1.3.1

    I can only view the top part of any order.

    im using zencart 1.3.9h

    any help here?

  6. #46
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    Default Re: payment integration module


    Yup - my bad - it's the <noscript> tags that were added in for non javascript users in the front end - the module is adding them into the order table as part of the title but, as the field insn't long enough the </noscript> is missing so, effectively everything on the page is hidden after that.

    I'll upload a new package but, in the meantime I've attached a revised includes/modules/stripepay.php that has no <noscript> so the problem will go away.

    For existing stores and you are happy to use phpmyadmin then run this query to fix missing orders:

    UPDATE `orders` SET `payment_method` = 'Stripe secure payments' WHERE `payment_module_code` = 'stripepay'

    (if you have a DB_PREFIX add that in before orders)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #47
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Ok - new package on the upload queue

    Here's a fix for non phpMyadmin type folks

    Save this code as a filename that you can remember and upload it to your store admin folder.

    Login to your admin area and then type the url for the file into the address bar - you should get redirected to the orders page with a 'success' message




    * @package stripepay fix

    * @copyright Copyright 2003-2010 Zen Cart Development Team

    * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce

    * @license GNU Public License V2.0




    $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_ORDERS . " SET payment_method = 'Stripe secure payments.' WHERE payment_module_code = 'stripepay' " );

    $messageStack->add_session('Stripe payments fix completed', 'success');
    zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, zen_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=edit', 'NONSSL'));


  8. #48
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    worked thanks!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Hi, great plugin and I love the Stripe offering

    I am running Zen-cart version 1.5.1. I have installed the plugin and configured it to best of my ability. I have also created an account with Stripe and I am able to process the orders using their test credit card number ending in 4242.

    I started by creating an order, asking the cart to save my CC number and processed the first order. While still logged in, I created another order and this time rather than inputting my cc number I selected the option that says "use my save CC ending in 4242". However, when I click confirm order I get "You must supply either a card or a customer id" error!

    I checked my Stripe account and my test customer has a customer ID (cus_21tq8...) but I am still getting the error.

    What am I doing wrong?

  10. #50
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    Default Re: payment integration module

    Quote Originally Posted by sakwoya View Post
    Hi Pablo

    The Stripe module kind of reinvented the wheel a little in that the payment data fields were shifted to the confirmation page (that's where we placed them in the osC version so when it was ported over there they remained - I have been asked to shift them to the confirmation page but I've not had the time to do so yet)..... so we have to do a little fudging.

    OK - so the FEC you are using works by grabbing all the order info and displaying it on one page ( - when you click 'confirm order' on that page it sends you to and automatically submits the form on that page . It does this by simply hiding all the stuff that is normally visible in the final checkout page on a standard ZC store and javascripting a form submission.

    So we have to stop the submission and display the checkout_confirmation form fields - this has been done by modifying the inlcudes/modules/payment/stripepay.php file which is in the attached zip file. It has been edited to make a jQuery alteration to the hiddenFields css so that they display. Also further edited to handle the form name which is different from a standard ZenCart. Finally edited a little bit more to pass any Stripe errors back to the checkout page

    Also in the zip there is a template file tpl_fec_confirmation_default.php that is in the classic template folder - you'll need to shift that to whatever template folder you are using. This has been edited so that if Stripe is the chosen payment method then it will (1) display any errors from Stripe (2) remove the 'Your order is being processed' line.

    I've only worked with the default FEC and it looks like there are a load of bells and whistles in there so if you find that this does not work for you get back to me.


    p.s. anybody else using FEC grab the zip and deploy it as described above - I don't intend adding these changes to the stock download

    p.p.s if you edit the includes/modules/stripepay.php file as above to work with FEC and then turn off FEC it will no longer work with the default ZC setup so you'll have to upload the original stripepay.php file
    First of all, sorry for back to back posts, I really like this plugin and hopping to get it to work.

    I am running version 1.5.1 and FEC version 1.11.0. I have installed the plugin and the patch you have provided to fix the reload reported by Pablo.

    Based on your recommendation and since I have installed Abbington Mega template, I copied the tpl file to my Abbington folder, but after inputting the info and pressing Confirm the page start loading over and over.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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