
I have just set up Gift Certificate functionality and all was working fine as I tested it until I got to the SEND A GIFT CERTIFICATE functionality. When logged into my account I can see I have a Gift Certificate Account with a balance of $19.81. I choose the SEND A GIFT CERTIFICATE button which takes me to the /index.php?main_page=gv_send page. I enter the details of the person I'm sending it to and choose send but get an error:

Login Time Out
Whoops! Sorry, but you are not allowed to perform the action requested.
You are still logged in to your account and may continue shopping. Please choose a destination from a menu.

I'm now on this page:

I'm certainly still logged in and it even says I'm still logged in! I have no problems send emails from the site, so know all my mail settings are correct.

Anyone have this issue?

Thanks in advance for any help