I somehow got a weird combo of 1.3.8 and 1.3.9h on my site. Everything worked OK until the host upgraded PHP. Then I began getting ereg errors, etc. in Admin

No problems with the shopping cart itself. Just admin prompts.

I was told to upgrade to 1.5 which I want to do. But I was trying to get everything on the proper 1.3.9h files first.

I ran Winmerge against my site and modified some of the virgin 1.3.9h files and copied them over to the server.

I tested accessing admin at various points in the conversions. It worked until today. After I finished, I can no longer access my Admin. Problem is, I did it in batches over several days and the cleaning crew at the office trashed my check sheets I was using to log which files I changed and uploaded when.

I had a backup of the whole site but lost THAT in a computer crash last month. So bad luck is following me <g>.

I try to access admin and get the HTTP 404 error, so I know it's not seeing the path. DrByte already confirmed this for me in a different thread I had accidently posted to. I also see http://www.legacyleathercraft.com/admin/alert_page.php in the address bar.

I didn't change the configuration.php file in \admin and did not change the configure.php in \admin\includes But I have gone over both just in case. I see nothing wrong (to me) with my paths. They look the same as the relavent paths in the \includes\configure.php file.

I read some of the threads here and tried the adding of the www. to the path without any change.

Any ideas where to look next or what to try?

