I'm having a problem exceeding mysql database connections.
So I'm wondering:
* When I'm in zen admin, do I need to log out in order to disconnect the connection.
Or is just closing the browser enough (and I do that a LOT of times per day)

* When in phpmyadmin, there's no logout button. Is closing the browser ok there as well.
* Same question for Cuteftp connection. Should I log out, or is browser close ok.

I don't have a lot of customers at one time and only 1 database gets any real use.
Phpmyadmin is optimized frequently.
Apparently I'm reaching 100% cpu usage on server occasionally.

My logs folder only has 2 errors this week and both would relate to this problem.
The log is:
0B_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED :: select * from project_version WHERE project_version_key = 'Zen-Cart Database' in /home/MINE/public_html/MINE.co.nz/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 120
