Can someone please help me configure Braintree as my payment module?
Thank you!
Can someone please help me configure Braintree as my payment module?
Thank you!
You may need to contact the vendor of this payment module for assistance.
Has any progress been made for zencart module for braintree payment solution....
I need to install Braintree in my store!
Please PM me if you haven't found it
Has anyone got an idea if anyone is working on an add on for BrainTree?
I have been using the Numinix.com mod for about 3 months now and it's working well. The biggest item to remember is as with any zencart store you should have an SSL.
Has anyone had success with the Braintree module? I cannot get it to work.
As previously mentioned I have been using the module without issue. Numinix has submitted the mod to zen-cart.com plugins, so hopefully it will be approved shortly and we can get a support thread going.