No, nothing in the log folder but ! am getting an error when I try to add an option value to an option name when trying to set up attributes. (WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.) So I am guessing something isn't right.
I don't think it has anything to do with the CKEditor itself. The CKEditor files in the store side are "self contained". It may be something in your admin files that causes the editor not to show. My next step would be to compare the files in the admin to a stock download of zc 1.5.1 - may give you some clues and possibly even iron out the other error you are getting.
Just a thought...
Thanks again for your help. I compared the files and couldn't find anything obvious, so re-uploaded the Zen files and that fixed the CKeditor problem! YAY. I am however still getting the error when I try to add an option value. Bugger!
Question regarding flash player in CKEditor:
I am using Zencart version 1.5 with the CKEditor installed and am having issues using the included flash player piece. I have uploaded my flash video:
/Streaming Videos/Cane Ja class training cane_F8_FLV_VP6_3000Kbps_720p.flv and, using the flash dialogue window in the editor, cannot seem to get the player to see the video file. I have, however, been able to embed from Vimeo and You tube the same video using their code. I would really like our customers to be able to view the video from our server though. Does this have anything to do with a security setting in Zencart for outside access to the server or is there something else I am missing?
Thanks for the help!
I've never used any flash-player from ckeditor.
But I'd strongly recommend NOT using flash, since doing so rules out a LARGE population of visitors whose computers/tablets/phones don't support flash. Why not use MP4 instead, and drop a suitable player widget onto the page to handle it.
Of course, that takes the discussion totally away from CKEditor too :)
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So flash is out, mp4 is it! My original thought was to go in that direction, but in another thread on this forum I read that mp4 files, being the size they are, result in long down load times before they can be played and/or buffering problems. Any thoughts on that issue?
In the mean time, I will use the Vimeo service. Thanks all for the feedback!
My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.