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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Testers Wanted: PayPal Express Checkout Updated to NVP v84.0

    Some of the PayPal Express features aren't available with the NVP v61.0 interface that's currently used. I've got what's currently an alpha-1 version of the paypalwpp module updated to use v84.0 of the interface. My intent is, once validated, to submit it for incorporation into a future version of Zen Cart.

    What I've tested using a default Zen Cart 1.5.1 install with the demo products included and PayPal Express Checkout setup using a sandbox account:
    1. Basic physical item checkout, using the express checkout button
    2. Basic physical item checkout, going through to the PayPal button at checkout_confirmation
    3. Full refund
    4. Partial refund (something's funny here, so I'll post back when it's better)

    My request to testers:
    • Use only on a test setup
    • Enable the file-based debug, so you can post (or email) the log files if there's an issue
    • Post any issues to this thread, so that all the people testing can have the benefit of what you've found.
    • Post the features that you've tested and the environment in which you've tested (language, currency, type of product, etc.)

    DO NOT
    • Use this on a live store!

    Here's a synopsis of what's changed:
    1. All deprecated names changed (e.g. ADDRESSSTATUS changed to PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ADDRESSSTATUS)
    2. Additional notifiers added, to enable built-in override capabilities in adding new features
    3. Added logs of various responses (e.g. _doVoid)

    P.S. If you've already got PayPal Express Checkout configured in a test store, you can continue to use those settings!
    Last edited by lat9; 17 Nov 2013 at 07:48 PM. Reason: Added P.S.



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR