Hi There,
I have a box that shows products in the basket on all the pages. The thing I want to include is so it will show the attribute selected too as you see from this picture.

Name:  rpyHkuB.png
Views: 102
Size:  23.5 KB

I believe the code is this:

PHP Code:
<li class="cartContainer">                              
if ($_SESSION['cart']->count_contents() != 0) { ?>
                        <div class="items"><strong>Cart:</strong> <?php echo $_SESSION['cart']->count_contents(); ?> <?php echo HEADER_CART_ITEMS?></div>
                        <div class="productWrapper">
                          <div class="productWrapperInner">
                            <div class="products">
$products "";
                                foreach (
$productsArray as $product) {

$productImage = (IMAGE_SHOPPING_CART_STATUS == zen_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES $product['image'], $product['name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTHSMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) : '');
$linkProductName zen_href_link(zen_get_info_page($product['id']), 'products_id=' $product['id']);  
$linkProductDelete zen_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART'action=remove_product&product_id=' $product['id']);

$products.= '
                                    <ul class="product">
                                      <li class="img"><a href="'
.$linkProductName.'">'$productImage .'</a></li>
                                      <li class="name"><strong>'
$product['quantity'] .''BOX_SHOPPING_CART_DIVIDER .'</strong> <a href="'.$linkProductName.'">'$product['name'] . [B]THINK THE CODE SHOULD GO HERE'[/B]</a></li>
                                      <li class="amount">'
$currencies->format($product['final_price']) .'</li>                                  
                                      <li class="delete"><a href="'

                            <p><strong> <?php echo HEADER_CART_SUBTOTAL .''$currencies->format($_SESSION['cart']->show_total()); ?></strong></p>
                            <ul class="optionsWrapper group">
                              <li><a class="btn btn_2" href="<?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART'''NONSSL'); ?>"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_CART_CONTENTS?></a></li>
                              <li><a class="btn" href="<?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING'''SSL'); ?>"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUT?></a></li>
                    <?php }else{ ?>
                        <div class="items empty"><strong>Cart:</strong> <?php echo $_SESSION['cart']->count_contents(); ?> <?php echo HEADER_CART_ITEMS?></div>                      
                    <?php ?>

I have marked where i think the code should go, but I don't know what the code would be!?

Help would be awesome,
