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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Plugin Contributions

    Default paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    I'm getting this error when paypal returns. "10486 This transaction couldn't be completed. - This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal."

    Paypal payments did work and now they don't.
    The log files show the error but not the reason other than 10486.

    Transaction log files in newest to oldest order...

    Jul-27-2014 22:32:19 (1406525539)
    Killed the session vars as requested
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:19 (1406525539)
    BEFORE: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Token Data:
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:19 (1406525539)
    AFTER: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:19 (1406525539)
    $this->showPaymentPage NOT true, and NO custom page selected ... using SHIPPING as default
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:19 (1406525539)
    Redirecting to checkout_shipping - Stack: checkout_shipping
    Message: 10486  This transaction couldn't be completed. - This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.
    Session Data: Array
        [securityToken] => f6f3f1625715063e4cde1fe3eb054bc6
        [customers_host_address] =>
        [SSL_SESSION_ID] => 
        [SESSION_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0
        [cartID] => 20481
        [cart] => shoppingCart Object
                [contents] => Array
                        [307] => Array
                                [qty] => 1
                [total] => 3.95
                [weight] => 0.6
                [cartID] => 20481
                [content_type] => physical
                [free_shipping_item] => 0
                [free_shipping_weight] => 0
                [free_shipping_price] => 0
                [download_count] => 0
                [total_before_discounts] => 3.95
                [display_debug_messages] => 
                [flag_duplicate_msgs_set] => 
        [check_valid] => true
        [navigation] => navigationHistory Object
                [path] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [page] => login
                                [mode] => SSL
                                [get] => Array
                                        [action] => process
                                [post] => Array
                        [1] => Array
                                [page] => index
                                [mode] => SSL
                                [get] => Array
                                        [type] => ec
                                        [token] => EC-96T80674NT081272S
                                        [PayerID] => ZYKBEMP263PBJ
                                [post] => Array
                        [2] => Array
                                [page] => checkout_process
                                [mode] => SSL
                                [get] => 
                                [post] => Array
                [snapshot] => Array
        [language] => english
        [languages_id] => 1
        [languages_code] => en
        [currency] => USD
        [today_is] => 2014-07-27
        [updateExpirations] => 1
        [session_counter] => 1
        [customers_ip_address] =>
        [login_attempt] => 1
        [messageToStack] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [class] => checkout_shipping
                        [text] => 10486  This transaction couldn't be completed. - This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.
                        [type] => error
        [customer_id] => 9
        [customer_default_address_id] => 10
        [customers_authorization] => 0
        [customer_first_name] => joseph
        [customer_last_name] => s
        [customer_country_id] => 223
        [customer_zone_id] => 12
        [valid_to_checkout] => 1
        [sendto] => 10
        [payment] => paypalwpp
        [shipping] => Array
                [id] => usps_First-Class Mail Large Envelope
                [title] => United States Postal Service (First-Class Mail Large Envelope)
                [cost] => 3.76
        [billto] => 10
        [shipping_tax_amount] => 0
        [comments] => 
        [payment_attempt] => 1
        [shipping_tax_description] => Sales Tax
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    getLineItemDetails 7 - subtotal comparisons
    BEFORE line-item calcs: Array
        [AMT] => 8.01
        [ITEMAMT] => 3.95
        [TAXAMT] => 0.3
        [SHIPPINGAMT] => 3.76
        [SHIPDISCAMT] => 0
        [HANDLINGAMT] => 0
        [INSURANCEAMT] => 0
    AFTER doing line-item calcs: Array
        [AMT] => 8.01
        [ITEMAMT] => 3.95
        [TAXAMT] => 0.3
        [SHIPPINGAMT] => 3.76
        [SHIPDISCAMT] => 0
        [HANDLINGAMT] => 0
        [INSURANCEAMT] => 0
        [L_NUMBER0] => tcw388s
        [L_NAME0] => Crafters' Workshop 6 X 6 Mini Giraffe Print [307]
        [L_QTY0] => 1
        [L_AMT0] => 3.95
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    getLineItemDetails 8
    checking subtotals... 
        [calculated total] => 8.01
        [AMT] => 8.01
        [ITEMAMT] => 3.95
        [TAXAMT] => 0.30
        [SHIPPINGAMT] => 3.76
    difference: 0  (abs+rounded: 0)
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    getLineItemDetails 10
    subtotals balance - okay
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    before_process - EC-1
    Beginning EC mode
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    before_process - EC-2
    address overrides added:
        [AMT] => 8.01
        [ITEMAMT] => 3.95
        [TAXAMT] => 0.30
        [SHIPPINGAMT] => 3.76
        [L_NUMBER0] => tcw388s
        [L_NAME0] => Crafters' Workshop 6 X 6 Mini Giraffe Print [307]
        [L_QTY0] => 1
        [L_AMT0] => 3.95
        [DESC] => 
        [SHIPTONAME] => joseph s
        [SHIPTOSTREET] => 800 mystreet
        [SHIPTOSTREET2] => 
        [SHIPTOCITY] => Anyplace
        [SHIPTOSTATE] => CA
        [SHIPTOZIP] => 91360
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    before_process - EC-3
    address info added:
        [AMT] => 8.01
        [ITEMAMT] => 3.95
        [TAXAMT] => 0.30
        [SHIPPINGAMT] => 3.76
        [L_NUMBER0] => tcw388s
        [L_NAME0] => Crafters' Workshop 6 X 6 Mini Giraffe Print [307]
        [L_QTY0] => 1
        [L_AMT0] => 3.95
        [DESC] => 
        [SHIPTONAME] => joseph s
        [SHIPTOSTREET] => 800 mystreet
        [SHIPTOSTREET2] => 
        [SHIPTOCITY] => Anyplace
        [SHIPTOSTATE] => CA
        [SHIPTOZIP] => 91360
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    before_process - EC-4
    info being submitted:
    EC-96T80674NT081272S ZYKBEMP263PBJ 8.01
        [AMT] => 8.01
        [ITEMAMT] => 3.95
        [TAXAMT] => 0.30
        [SHIPPINGAMT] => 3.76
        [L_NUMBER0] => tcw388s
        [L_NAME0] => Crafters' Workshop 6 X 6 Mini Giraffe Print [307]
        [L_QTY0] => 1
        [L_AMT0] => 3.95
        [DESC] => 
        [SHIPTONAME] => joseph s
        [SHIPTOSTREET] => 800 mystreet
        [SHIPTOCITY] => Anyplace
        [SHIPTOSTATE] => CA
        [SHIPTOZIP] => 91360
        [BUTTONSOURCE] => ZenCart-EC_us
        [CUSTOM] => EC-9-1406525535
        [INVNUM] => 9-1406525535-[Alleystamp]
        [CURRENCY] => USD
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:18 (1406525538)
    before_process - EC-5
        [TIMESTAMP] => 2014-07-28T05:40:48Z
        [CORRELATIONID] => 730df9d9b6c6
        [ACK] => Failure
        [VERSION] => 61.0
        [BUILD] => 11950065
        [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10486
        [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => This transaction couldn't be completed.
        [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.
        [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error
        [CURL_ERRORS] => 
    2014-07-27 10:32:18
    (live transaction) -->
    Request Headers: 
        [0] => Content-Type: text/namevalue
        [1] => X-VPS-Timeout: 90
        [2] => X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL
        [3] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart(R) - PayPal/NVP
        [4] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version: 1.5.3
    Request Parameters: {DoExpressCheckoutPayment} 
        [AMT] => 8.01
        [ITEMAMT] => 3.95
        [TAXAMT] => 0.30
        [SHIPPINGAMT] => 3.76
        [L_NUMBER0] => tcw388s
        [L_NAME0] => Crafters' Workshop 6 X 6 Mini Giraffe Print [307]
        [L_QTY0] => 1
        [L_AMT0] => 3.95
        [SHIPTONAME] => joseph s
        [SHIPTOSTREET] => 800 mystreet
        [SHIPTOCITY] => Anyplace
        [SHIPTOSTATE] => CA
        [SHIPTOZIP] => 91360
        [BUTTONSOURCE] => ZenCart-EC_us
        [CUSTOM] => EC-9-1406525535
        [INVNUM] => 9-1406525535-[Alleystamp]
        [TOKEN] => EC-96T80674NT081272S
        [PAYERID] => ZYKBEMP263PBJ
        [PAYMENTACTION] => Sale
        [NOTIFYURL] =>
        [METHOD] => DoExpressCheckoutPayment
        [USER] =>
        [PWD] => ****************
        [VERSION] => 61.0
        [SIGNATURE] => ****************************************************M.kM
        [TIMESTAMP] => 2014-07-28T05:40:48Z
        [CORRELATIONID] => 730df9d9b6c6
        [ACK] => Failure
        [VERSION] => 61.0
        [BUILD] => 11950065
        [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10486
        [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => This transaction couldn't be completed.
        [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.
        [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error
        [CURL_ERRORS] => 
    DoExpressCheckoutPayment, Elapsed: 3091ms -- Failure
    other logs in next message

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    next logfile.

    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    Re-instantiating $order object.
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    Instantiated $order object contents: order Object
        [info] => Array
                [order_status] => 2
                [currency] => USD
                [currency_value] => 1.00000000
                [payment_method] => PayPal
                [payment_module_code] => paypalwpp
                [coupon_code] => 
                [shipping_method] => United States Postal Service (First-Class Mail Large Envelope)
                [shipping_module_code] => usps_First-Class Mail Large Envelope
                [shipping_cost] => 3.76
                [subtotal] => 3.95
                [shipping_tax] => 0
                [tax] => 0.29625
                [total] => 8.00625
                [tax_groups] => Array
                        [CA TAX 7.5%] => 0.29625
                        [Sales Tax] => 0
                [comments] => 
                [ip_address] => -
        [totals] => Array
        [products] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [qty] => 1
                        [name] => Crafters' Workshop 6 X 6 Mini Giraffe Print
                        [model] => tcw388s
                        [tax_groups] => Array
                                [CA TAX 7.5%] => 7.5
                        [tax_description] => CA TAX 7.5%
                        [price] => 3.9500
                        [final_price] => 3.95
                        [onetime_charges] => 0
                        [weight] => 0.6
                        [products_priced_by_attribute] => 0
                        [product_is_free] => 0
                        [products_discount_type] => 0
                        [products_discount_type_from] => 0
                        [id] => 307
                        [rowClass] => rowEven
                        [tax] => 7.5
        [customer] => Array
                [firstname] => joseph
                [lastname] => s
                [company] => 
                [street_address] => 800 mystreet
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Anyplace
                [postcode] => 91360
                [state] => California
                [zone_id] => 12
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 223
                        [title] => United States
                        [iso_code_2] => US
                        [iso_code_3] => USA
                [format_id] => 2
                [telephone] => 6612304567
                [email_address] => [email protected]
        [delivery] => Array
                [firstname] => joseph
                [lastname] => s
                [company] => 
                [street_address] => 800 mystreet
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Anyplace
                [postcode] => 91360
                [state] => California
                [zone_id] => 12
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 223
                        [title] => United States
                        [iso_code_2] => US
                        [iso_code_3] => USA
                [country_id] => 223
                [format_id] => 2
        [content_type] => physical
        [email_low_stock] => 
        [products_ordered_attributes] => 
        [products_ordered] => 
        [products_ordered_email] => 
        [attachArray] => 
        [billing] => Array
                [firstname] => joseph
                [lastname] => s
                [company] => 
                [street_address] => 800 mystreet
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Anyplace
                [postcode] => 91360
                [state] => California
                [zone_id] => 12
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 223
                        [title] => United States
                        [iso_code_2] => US
                        [iso_code_3] => USA
                [country_id] => 223
                [format_id] => 2
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    ec_step2_finish - 1
    START: paypal_ec_payer_info= Array
        [payer_id] => ZYKBEMP263PBJ
        [payer_email] => [email protected]
        [payer_salutation] => 
        [payer_gender] => 
        [payer_firstname] => joseph
        [payer_lastname] => s
        [payer_business] => 
        [payer_status] => unverified
        [ship_country_code] => US
        [ship_address_status] => Confirmed
        [ship_phone] => 6612304567
        [order_comment] => 
        [ship_name] => joseph s
        [ship_street_1] => 800 mystreet
        [ship_street_2] => 
        [ship_city] => Anyplace
        [ship_state] => CA
        [ship_postal_code] => 91360
        [ship_country_name] => United States
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    ec_step2_finish - 2
    country_id = 223 United States US
    address_format_id = 2
    state_id = 12 (original state tested: CA)
    country1->fields['countries_id'] = 223
    country2->fields['countries_id'] = 223
    $order->customer = Array
        [firstname] => joseph
        [lastname] => s
        [company] => 
        [street_address] => 800 mystreet
        [suburb] => 
        [city] => Anyplace
        [postcode] => 91360
        [state] => CA
        [zone_id] => 12
        [country] => Array
                [id] => 223
                [title] => United States
                [iso_code_2] => US
                [iso_code_3] => USA
        [format_id] => 2
        [telephone] => 6612304567
        [email_address] => [email protected]
        [name] => joseph s
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    findMatchingAddressBookEntry - 1-stats
        [countries_id] => 223
        [address_format_id] => 2
        [zone_country_id] => 1
        [zone_id] => 12
    check_zone: 1
        [firstname] => joseph
        [lastname] => s
        [company] => joseph s
        [street_address] => 800 mystreet
        [suburb] => 
        [city] => Anyplace
        [postcode] => 91360
        [state] => CA
        [zone_id] => 12
        [country] => Array
                [id] => 223
                [title] => United States
                [iso_code_2] => US
                [iso_code_3] => USA
        [country_id] => 223
        [format_id] => 2
        [name] => joseph s
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    findMatchingAddressBookEntry - 2-read for match
    Lookup RecordCount = 1
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    findMatchingAddressBookEntry - 3a
    From PayPal:
    From DB:
        [address_book_id] => 10
        [entry_street_address] => 800 mystreet
        [entry_suburb] => 
        [entry_city] => Anyplace
        [entry_company] => 
        [entry_firstname] => joseph
        [entry_lastname] => s
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    findMatchingAddressBookEntry - 3b
    Exact match:
        [address_book_id] => 10
        [entry_street_address] => 800 mystreet
        [entry_suburb] => 
        [entry_city] => Anyplace
        [entry_company] => 
        [entry_firstname] => joseph
        [entry_lastname] => s
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    ec_step2_finish - 3
    Exiting ec_step2_finish logged-in mode.
    Selected address: 10
    Original was: 10
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    BEFORE: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Token Data:EC-96T80674NT081272S
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    AFTER: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    $this->showPaymentPage NOT true, and have custom page parameter: checkout_process
    Jul-27-2014 22:32:15 (1406525535)
    Redirecting to checkout_process - Stack: header
    Session Data: Array
        [securityToken] => f6f3f1625715063e4cde1fe3eb054bc6
        [customers_host_address] =>
        [SSL_SESSION_ID] => 
        [SESSION_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0
        [cartID] => 20481
        [cart] => shoppingCart Object
                [contents] => Array
                        [307] => Array
                                [qty] => 1
                [total] => 3.95
                [weight] => 0.6
                [cartID] => 20481
                [content_type] => physical
                [free_shipping_item] => 0
                [free_shipping_weight] => 0
                [free_shipping_price] => 0
                [download_count] => 0
                [total_before_discounts] => 3.95
                [display_debug_messages] => 
                [flag_duplicate_msgs_set] => 
        [check_valid] => true
        [navigation] => navigationHistory Object
                [path] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [page] => login
                                [mode] => SSL
                                [get] => Array
                                        [action] => process
                                [post] => Array
                        [1] => Array
                                [page] => index
                                [mode] => SSL
                                [get] => Array
                                        [type] => ec
                                        [token] => EC-96T80674NT081272S
                                        [PayerID] => ZYKBEMP263PBJ
                                [post] => Array
                [snapshot] => Array
        [language] => english
        [languages_id] => 1
        [languages_code] => en
        [currency] => USD
        [today_is] => 2014-07-27
        [updateExpirations] => 1
        [session_counter] => 1
        [customers_ip_address] =>
        [login_attempt] => 1
        [messageToStack] => 
        [customer_id] => 9
        [customer_default_address_id] => 10
        [customers_authorization] => 0
        [customer_first_name] => joseph
        [customer_last_name] => s
        [customer_country_id] => 223
        [customer_zone_id] => 12
        [valid_to_checkout] => 1
        [sendto] => 10
        [payment] => paypalwpp
        [shipping] => Array
                [id] => usps_First-Class Mail Large Envelope
                [title] => United States Postal Service (First-Class Mail Large Envelope)
                [cost] => 3.76
        [billto] => 10
        [shipping_tax_amount] => 0
        [comments] => 
        [paypal_ec_markflow] => 1
        [paypal_ec_token] => EC-96T80674NT081272S
        [paypal_ec_payer_id] => ZYKBEMP263PBJ
        [paypal_ec_payer_info] => Array
                [payer_id] => ZYKBEMP263PBJ
                [payer_email] => [email protected]
                [payer_salutation] => 
                [payer_gender] => 
                [payer_firstname] => joseph
                [payer_lastname] => s
                [payer_business] => 
                [payer_status] => unverified
                [ship_country_code] => US
                [ship_address_status] => Confirmed
                [ship_phone] => 6612304567
                [order_comment] => 
                [ship_name] => joseph s
                [ship_street_1] => 800 mystreet
                [ship_street_2] => 
                [ship_city] => Anyplace
                [ship_state] => CA
                [ship_postal_code] => 91360
                [ship_country_name] => United States
        [paypal_ec_temp] => 
        [shipping_tax_description] => Sales Tax

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    A bit of a stab in the dark as to why it didn't go through.

    Does the same thing happen when a real address is used or isis in test mode? (Didn't see any indication that it was in test mode.)

    I usually test with a rel city, state and zip code combination.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
    Contribution for contributions welcome...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    I should have mentioned that I changed the some of the personal details. The address, name are real during the transaction.
    This was not done in test mode, since paypal was working. I was using 1.51 and upgraded.

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    A bit of a stab in the dark as to why it didn't go through.

    Does the same thing happen when a real address is used or isis in test mode? (Didn't see any indication that it was in test mode.)

    I usually test with a rel city, state and zip code combination.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    i also generated new api details on paypal but that did not resolve this issue either.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
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    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    Quote Originally Posted by jsteggy View Post
    I was using 1.51 and upgraded.
    It isn't an upgrade issue.

    10486 means "there was a problem with the funding source at PayPal" (ie: you don't have funds in your PayPal account and don't have a credit card on file to do the funding, or the CC bank is declining the CC payment, or PayPal isn't letting you use whatever you originally chose to fund the payment ... basically PayPal is making the customer re-choose a payment option), and the "please redirect your customer to paypal" is telling you that the store should send the customer back to the PayPal page.

    There's code in v1.6.0 for that, but it didn't get put into 1.5.3 or older, so you'll have to edit the code to accommodate that scenario.

    I *think* the following will work:
    /includes/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php, around line 2793, you'll see code like this:
              // if funding source problem occurred, must send back to re-select alternate funding source
              if ($response['L_ERRORCODE0'] == 10422) {
                $paypal_url = $this->getPayPalLoginServer();
                zen_redirect($paypal_url . "?cmd=_express-checkout&token=" . $_SESSION['paypal_ec_token']);
    Change it like this:
              // if funding source problem occurred, must send back to re-select alternate funding source
              if ($response['L_ERRORCODE0'] == 10422 || $response['L_ERRORCODE0'] == 10486) {
                $paypal_url = $this->getPayPalLoginServer();
                zen_redirect($paypal_url . "?cmd=_express-checkout&token=" . $_SESSION['paypal_ec_token']);

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
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    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    Thanks for the tip, but that did not work. All I got was a blank page after clicking on checkout. Your comment did help me though.
    you don't have funds in your PayPal account and don't have a credit card on file to do the funding,
    stupid me - my paypal account does not have a card on it and even though paypal seemed to take the payment, it threw an error. Is there a more expressive error message that's available?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    and after looking at your example closer I see I made a copy paste error. doh! that suggestion does work. Thanks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
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    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    Thanks for confirming that the fix works.

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  10. #10
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    Jul 2008
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    Default Re: paypal express checkout error: 10486 This transaction couldn't be completed

    I'm having the same problem... started all of a sudden with these error messages again.
    I'm using version 1.5.1
    And, I'm using the paypalwpp_v84.php module.
    And it seems to be working fine when I applied the fix.

    Does it matter which one I'm using? I applied the fix to the module I'm using.
    But I wondered if I should be using the other one.


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