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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 but now just see blank page on my domain and admin login

    I've just upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4

    We've had a few customizations done since 1.5.1 was initially installed and all those changes were applied to the 1.5.4 .php files prior to upgrade. The other thing I did was to rename the 1.5.4 admin folder to the folder name we use on our store admincp (that wasn't in the instructions but I thought it made sense to do it?)

    I uploaded all the 1.5.4 files (those I had updated and those I hadn't) to the site (we are not 'live' yet so I did it directly on to our store and ran /zcinstall/index.php It did come up with an error initially, saying that the configure.php file didn't exist in /public_html/includes/admin/ even though it did (be it in admincp), but I took the zen cart solution which was to rename the dist_configure.php file to configure.php (I hadn't changed the dist_configure.php on the 1.5.4 files, because I didn't realise it needed to be changed) and I changed the permissions to 666 as suggested which then allowed the zcinstall to finish successfully. I did have one syntax error in a file that I had altered, which came up in the error logs, which I corrected. Even though dist_configure.php was a 1.5.4 version I didn't think any changes were required to either of my original versions of /public_html/includes/admincp/configure.php or /public_html/includes/configure.php files, so I just uploaded my original versions, and set the permissions to 644 on both files.

    Now I have two problems (1) I can't get into my domain - it just comes up with a blank page and (2) I can't get into the domain/admincp/ either - that also comes up with a blank screen rather than the admin login screen. Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong, please? (Incidently, while I was uploading the 1.5.4 files I did notice that the domain was totally blank at that stage too, but not having done the original install or an upgrade before, I didn't know if that was normal or not. I do have the website down for maintenance at the moment but I do have my IP address set in the configuration so that I am able to test the site. (That's if I could get something other than a blank page!))

    I would appreciate any help that could point me in the right direction towards getting this fixed! I do have a full backup prior to the upgrade, but if I did restore, I'm not sure what I could do differently?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 but now just see blank page on my domain and admin l

    Any error log files in your /logs folder?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 but now just see blank page on my domain and admin l

    Thanks for your prompt reply!

    In the logs I had one syntax error in the shopping_cart.php file, where I'd altered the file incorrectly and I've now fixed that and the only other error was when the zc_install was saying that the configure.php file didn't exist in admin/includes (although it did exist in admincp/includes) I did what was recommended renamed the dist_configure.php file to configure.php and the install finished successfully. (I did have an error with the permissions on the configure.php file too in the public_html/includes directory, but that was just a permissions problem) The logs are below.

    The only message I got when the install ran successfully was from the screen, would there be a separate log for that, I can't see anything in the logs folder? I've since done what was suggested on another post, and that was to build my changes directly on top of the dist_configure.php files and then use those as the configure.php files rather than my old configure files but that didn't make any difference. Do you think it's worth running the zcinstall again, now the configure.php files are rebuilt on top of the dist_configure.php files and renamed, or would that not work, since I've already run the zcinstall?


    the log called zcInstallExceptionDetails_Apr-11-2015_07-32-24-gg3A0M.log shows:
    Apr 11 2015 7:32 -- inspect
    /admin/includes/configure.php does not exist

    Apr 11 2015 7:32 -- inspect
    FATAL: store configure.php is not writeable

    Apr 11 2015 7:39 -- inspect
    /admin/includes/configure.php does not exist

    Apr 11 2015 7:40 -- inspect
    /admin/includes/configure.php does not exist

    Apr 11 2015 7:44 -- inspect
    /admin/includes/configure.php does not exist

    the log called zcInstallLog_Apr-11-2015_07-32-24-gg3A0M.log shows:

    Apr 11 2015 7:32 -- inspect
    /admin/includes/configure.php does not exist

    Apr 11 2015 7:32 -- inspect
    FATAL: store configure.php is not writeable

    Apr 11 2015 7:32 -- inspect
    System Inspection Results:
    NA: Webserver => Apache
    NA: HTTP Host =>
    NA: Path_Translated => /home4/thedesig/public_html/zc_install/index.php(SCRIPT_FILENAME)
    NA: Real Path => /home4/thedesig/public_html
    NA: Server Free Disk Space => 470.94 GB
    NA: PHP O/S => Linux
    NA: PHP API Mode => cgi-fcgi
    NA: PHP Max Execution Time per page => 30
    NA: Disabled PHP Functions => dl
    OK: MySQL Support => ON
    OK: PHP Version => 5.4.38
    OK: PHP Sessions Support => ON
    OK: PHP Session.AutoStart => OFF
    OK: PHP session.use_trans_sid => OFF
    OK: Current SQL Cache Folder => /home/thedesig/public_html/cache-->Writeable
    OK: Suggested SQL Cache Folder => /home4/thedesig/public_html/cache
    OK: PHP GD Support => ON
    OK: GD Version => GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    OK: PHP ZLIB Compression Support => ON
    OK: PHP OpenSSL Support => ON
    OK: PHP cURL Support => ON
    OK: CURL NON-SSL Capability => Okay
    OK: CURL SSL Capability => Okay
    OK: PHP Upload Support => ON upload_max_filesize=64M; post_max_size=64M
    OK: PHP Upload TMP dir =>
    OK: Apache .htaccess Support => ON
    NA: PHP include_path => .:/opt/php54/lib/php
    NA: PHP SMTP destination => localhost
    NA: PHP sendmail path => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    NA: PHP sendmail 'from' =>
    OK: PHP open_basedir restrictions =>
    WARN: PHP Output Buffering (gzip) => OFF
    OK: PHP XML Support => ON
    OK: PHP Session.Save_Path => /home4/thedesig/public_html/cache-->Writeable
    FAIL: includes/configure.php => <span class='errors'>Unwriteable</span>
    FAIL: admin/includes/configure.php => NOT FOUND
    OK: cache => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: images => OK 777 read/write/execute (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO)
    OK: includes/languages/english/html_includes => OK 777 read/write (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO)
    OK: logs => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: media => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: pub => OK 777 read/write/execute
    WARN: admin/backups => <span class='errors'>Unwriteable</span> 777 read/write
    WARN: admin/images/graphs => <span class='errors'>Unwriteable</span> 777 read/write/execute
    PHP Extensions compiled: Core, date, ereg, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, session, intl, json, mbstring, mcrypt, mssql, mysql, mysqli, odbc, standard, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, pspell, Reflection, imap, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, exif, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, cgi-fcgi, imagick, SourceGuardian, mhash, ionCube Loader, Zend Guard Loader

    Apr 11 2015 7:39 -- inspect
    /admin/includes/configure.php does not exist

    Apr 11 2015 7:39 -- inspect
    System Inspection Results:
    NA: Webserver => Apache
    NA: HTTP Host =>
    NA: Path_Translated => /home4/thedesig/public_html/zc_install/index.php(SCRIPT_FILENAME)
    NA: Real Path => /home4/thedesig/public_html
    NA: Server Free Disk Space => 470.95 GB
    NA: PHP O/S => Linux
    NA: PHP API Mode => cgi-fcgi
    NA: PHP Max Execution Time per page => 30
    NA: Disabled PHP Functions => dl
    OK: MySQL Support => ON
    OK: PHP Version => 5.4.38
    OK: PHP Sessions Support => ON
    OK: PHP Session.AutoStart => OFF
    OK: PHP session.use_trans_sid => OFF
    OK: Current SQL Cache Folder => /home/thedesig/public_html/cache-->Writeable
    OK: Suggested SQL Cache Folder => /home4/thedesig/public_html/cache
    OK: PHP GD Support => ON
    OK: GD Version => GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    OK: PHP ZLIB Compression Support => ON
    OK: PHP OpenSSL Support => ON
    OK: PHP cURL Support => ON
    OK: CURL NON-SSL Capability => Okay
    OK: CURL SSL Capability => Okay
    OK: PHP Upload Support => ON upload_max_filesize=64M; post_max_size=64M
    OK: PHP Upload TMP dir =>
    OK: Apache .htaccess Support => ON
    NA: PHP include_path => .:/opt/php54/lib/php
    NA: PHP SMTP destination => localhost
    NA: PHP sendmail path => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    NA: PHP sendmail 'from' =>
    OK: PHP open_basedir restrictions =>
    WARN: PHP Output Buffering (gzip) => OFF
    OK: PHP XML Support => ON
    OK: PHP Session.Save_Path => /home4/thedesig/public_html/cache-->Writeable
    OK: includes/configure.php => Writeable
    FAIL: admin/includes/configure.php => NOT FOUND
    OK: cache => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: images => OK 777 read/write/execute (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO)
    OK: includes/languages/english/html_includes => OK 777 read/write (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO)
    OK: logs => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: media => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: pub => OK 777 read/write/execute
    WARN: admin/backups => <span class='errors'>Unwriteable</span> 777 read/write
    WARN: admin/images/graphs => <span class='errors'>Unwriteable</span> 777 read/write/execute
    PHP Extensions compiled: Core, date, ereg, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, session, intl, json, mbstring, mcrypt, mssql, mysql, mysqli, odbc, standard, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, pspell, Reflection, imap, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, exif, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, cgi-fcgi, imagick, SourceGuardian, mhash, ionCube Loader, Zend Guard Loader

    Apr 11 2015 7:40 -- inspect
    /admin/includes/configure.php does not exist

    Apr 11 2015 7:40 -- inspect
    System Inspection Results:
    NA: Webserver => Apache
    NA: HTTP Host =>
    NA: Path_Translated => /home4/thedesig/public_html/zc_install/index.php(SCRIPT_FILENAME)
    NA: Real Path => /home4/thedesig/public_html
    NA: Server Free Disk Space => 470.95 GB
    NA: PHP O/S => Linux
    NA: PHP API Mode => cgi-fcgi
    NA: PHP Max Execution Time per page => 30
    NA: Disabled PHP Functions => dl
    OK: MySQL Support => ON
    OK: PHP Version => 5.4.38
    OK: PHP Sessions Support => ON
    OK: PHP Session.AutoStart => OFF
    OK: PHP session.use_trans_sid => OFF
    OK: Current SQL Cache Folder => /home/thedesig/public_html/cache-->Writeable
    OK: Suggested SQL Cache Folder => /home4/thedesig/public_html/cache
    OK: PHP GD Support => ON
    OK: GD Version => GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    OK: PHP ZLIB Compression Support => ON
    OK: PHP OpenSSL Support => ON
    OK: PHP cURL Support => ON
    OK: CURL NON-SSL Capability => Okay
    OK: CURL SSL Capability => Okay
    OK: PHP Upload Support => ON upload_max_filesize=64M; post_max_size=64M
    OK: PHP Upload TMP dir =>
    OK: Apache .htaccess Support => ON
    NA: PHP include_path => .:/opt/php54/lib/php
    NA: PHP SMTP destination => localhost
    NA: PHP sendmail path => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    NA: PHP sendmail 'from' =>
    OK: PHP open_basedir restrictions =>
    WARN: PHP Output Buffering (gzip) => OFF
    OK: PHP XML Support => ON
    OK: PHP Session.Save_Path => /home4/thedesig/public_html/cache-->Writeable
    OK: includes/configure.php => Writeable
    FAIL: admin/includes/configure.php => NOT FOUND
    OK: cache => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: images => OK 777 read/write/execute (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO)
    OK: includes/languages/english/html_includes => OK 777 read/write (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO)
    OK: logs => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: media => OK 777 read/write/execute
    OK: pub => OK 777 read/write/execute
    WARN: admin/backups => <span class='errors'>Unwriteable</span> 777 read/write
    WARN: admin/images/graphs => <span class='errors'>Unwriteable</span> 777 read/write/execute
    PHP Extensions compiled: Core, date, ereg, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, session, intl, json, mbstring, mcrypt, mssql, mysql, mysqli, odbc, standard, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, pspell, Reflection, imap, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, exif, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, cgi-fcgi, imagick, SourceGuardian, mhash, ionCube Loader, Zend Guard Loader

    Apr 11 2015 7:44 -- inspect
    /admin/includes/configure.php does not exist

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
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    Default Re: Upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 but now just see blank page on my domain and admin l

    Make sure to check file ownership and permissions
    Zen cart PCI compliant Hosting

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 but now just see blank page on my domain and admin l

    Both configure.php files are set to 644 Is that OK?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 but now just see blank page on my domain and admin l

    Don't worry about this I've now decided to do a fresh install of Zen Cart, and then build the site up from scratch!

    Thanks for your help, though! It's much appreciated!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Los Angeles, California, United States
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    Default Re: Upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 but now just see blank page on my domain and admin l

    Quote Originally Posted by suedouglas View Post
    I've just upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4

    We've had a few customizations done since 1.5.1 was initially installed and all those changes were applied to the 1.5.4 .php files prior to upgrade. The other thing I did was to rename the 1.5.4 admin folder to the folder name we use on our store admincp (that wasn't in the instructions but I thought it made sense to do it?)
    It's not in the upgrade instructions because that's not what you should do.. For the upgrade the admin folder needs to be named admin, and renamed AFTER the upgrade completes..
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.4 but now just see blank page on my domain and admin l

    Quote Originally Posted by DivaVocals View Post
    It's not in the upgrade instructions because that's not what you should do.. For the upgrade the admin folder needs to be named admin, and renamed AFTER the upgrade completes..
    Thanks for your reply! I'll make a note of that for future upgrades!



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