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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
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    Default Whoops! Your session has expired. Session Question.

    Hello All.

    I am currently in the process of upgrading a fairly well modified version of zencart 1.3.7 to the latest one. Everything seems to be going smoothly, however I have run into a wall.

    This site does not have a shopping cart function where you check out and buy. Instead they have a quote form set up, where you fill out a quote and hit 'send' and it emails the quote to the business.

    This works fine on the old site, however when I try it after upgrading I am receiving the 'Whoops! Your session has expired.' and it is asking me to log in.

    However, customers never had to log in before. They just fill out the quote with their information, and send it off. There is no need to log in.

    As far as I can tell, the new zencart framework is somehow setting sessions for any form on the site? i think?

    I am stumped. Can anyone offer me any info on how to disable this, or at the very least the supporting files that controls these sessions.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Whoops! Your session has expired. Session Question.

    You need to provide additional information that is listed in the posting tips at the top when you reply
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Whoops! Your session has expired. Session Question.

    What version of Zen Cart are you using?
    The latest.

    Has your site been upgraded? When? From what version(s)?
    upgrading from 1.3.7

    If you've upgraded, HOW did you upgrade? (official upgrade procedure or an automated script from your hosting company?)
    installed a fresh zencart on a new server, moved the database over, did a zc_install to update the database, moved over old custom template pages.

    What plugins/addons have you installed? When? If your problems are payment-related, what payment module(s) are you using? If it's shipping-related, which shipping module(s) are you using?


    If your problems are language-pack related (non-English), have you checked that all the language files are loaded and correct?


    HOW did you install Zen Cart? (upload via FTP and run zc_install, or a one-click install from your hosting company? (one-click installs might mean you don't have enough information about your site/server to make customizations easily))

    Installed a fresh zencart on a new server, moved the database over, did a zc_install to update the database, moved over old custom template pages

    What version of PHP and MySQL is your server using? (See Admin->Tools->Server Info)
    PHP Version 5.4.40
    mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.23

    WHEN did the problem "start"? How does that compare with other events of your hosting company, changes you've made to your site files/addons, or your admin settings, etc?

    After the upgrade

    Please post the contents of related "debug logs" generated by Zen Cart (wrap the content in
    tags please!).
    This problem is not throwing an error in the logs.

    If this is your first store, have you tested all aspects of transactions before going live?
    No, was running fine under the previous version.

    In what ways is your site customized or different from a brand new uncustomized install?

    a number of custom code modifications.

    Please post your site URL* so we can take a look at it. This is especially important if you're encountering display/layout problems, so the problem can be seen directly.
    employers request I do not at this time.

    If you're encountering problems that could be related to your server or hosting company, include the name of your hosting company (not their URL).

    its not

    HAVE YOU LOOKED IN THE FAQ AREA for answers to your question? (ie: a search for your error message or what you want to edit/change, etc)


    Have you searched the FORUM for your error message or for answers to the question you're asking?


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Whoops! Your session has expired. Session Question.

    a number of custom code modifications
    Are/have these been rewritten for ZenCart v1.5.4??
    moved over old custom template pages.
    Have these been merged with the possible alterations to them in V1.5.4?
    employers request I do not at this time
    All of this is like poking a stick in a blind hole
    Zen-Venom Get Bitten

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    Default Re: Whoops! Your session has expired. Session Question.

    Quote Originally Posted by weblamer View Post
    As far as I can tell, the new zencart framework is somehow setting sessions for any form on the site? i think?
    I think this is just a wild guess rather than something 'as far as I can tell'.

    I have to say, it is actually quite a valid guess, because ZenCart, much like all Ecommerce systems and dynamic websites all set session data when someone first connects to the site, and this has never changed. It is the only way the servers can keep 'state' as a person navigates from one page to the next.

    The question isn't really a matter of if this is being set or not, it is more a matter of why is it prematurely expiring?

    What are your current Session settings?
    How are they different from the defaults?
    Is the session save path correct?
    Are the sessions being stored in the database or in the files (this is set in the configure.php files).
    Are both the old and new sites running on the same server, if so, is the session data for both sites being saved in the same place causing a conflict as/when you browser from the old to the new site?

    Quote Originally Posted by weblamer View Post
    However, customers never had to log in before
    Although the logins use session data, the session data can still expire without any login involvement at all, so has this actually *changed* (for you) between the old and current version, are are you assuming that Sessions == Logins?

    Other than ask/seek advice, have you actually *tried* adjusting any of the session settings to see if it makes any difference? What were the effects/results? If you say "nothing" or "no change" it generally means that you failed to clear your browser cache files after making the change and checking the results.

    When on one of the site pages have you tried using your browser tools to see what cookies have been set?

    Are there two sets of cookies... one for "" and another for "" (should generally be one of the other, not both, because technically these are two different sites).

    Sorry, but no actual answer is possible for your questions - all we can do is ask more questions in the hopes that one or more of the answers will provide us with further clues.

    Please post your site URL* so we can take a look at it. This is especially important if you're encountering display/layout problems, so the problem can be seen directly.
    employers request I do not at this time.
    How are we supposed to help you narrow down the cause of the problem unless we can see and replicate it? (Other than asking you a zillion questions, many of which we could answer ourselves, if only we could see the site).

    As Kobra so elegantly put it "All of this is like poking a stick in a blind hole". You really need to give us a fighting chance.

    After all, would you phone your local car mechanic and tell them you've just upgraded your car, and now it doesn't start, refuse to let them take a look at it, and STILL expect them to tell you what is wrong and how to fix it? a five minute inspection is better than hours of guessing at the possibilities (and *hoping* that the customer is giving valid/accurate responses to said questions).

    Help us, and we'll help you. :-)

    I've no more guesses or suggestions to make at the moment, but those given should keep you occupied for several hours :-)


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: Whoops! Your session has expired. Session Question.

    You've probably got a hard-coded HTML form instead of using the zen_draw_form function. See my blog posting ( for details.



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