I create a tagcloud in the bottom of my pages.
I create a field "pied_de_page" in the table "products_description" in my database and the same in the table categories_description
I add the code in the filels for the products and it work all right.
But for the categories, i didn't find the good file (the one which extract the data when all the products of a category are displayed or it didn't work.
I try to put all the code in the footer.php(/www/zencart/includes/templates/responsive_sheffield_blue/common/tpl_footer.php) but it doesn't work :

$current_pied_de_page ="";
// pied_de_page
$sql = "SELECT pied_de_page
WHERE categories_id= :categoriesID
AND language_id = :languagesID";

$sql = $db->bindVars($sql, ':categoriesID', $current_category_id, 'integer');
$sql = $db->bindVars($sql, ':languagesID', $_SESSION['languages_id'], 'integer');
$pied_de_page_lookup = $db->Execute($sql);
if ($pied_de_page_lookup->RecordCount() > 0) {

$pied_de_page = (!preg_match('/(<br|<p|<div|<dd|<li|<span)/i', $pied_de_page->fields['pied_de_page']) ? nl2br($pied_de_page->fields['pied_de_page']) : $pied_de_page->fields['pied_de_page']);
Has someone an idea ?

see for the products : http://www.ios.fr/zencart/index.php?...roducts_id=154