Does anyone know if this works with 1.5.5.e?
Does anyone know if this works with 1.5.5.e?
yes it does.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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Note: The following is not a bugfix nor a major change to the mod's operation. Just a minor modification that made comparing listings easier for me.
I was trying to compare two sites and found that the listing is ordered by the FIFO (first in , first out) method that really made it difficult for these trifocals of mine.
So... I got the YOUR_ADMIN/mod_list.php file out and added an ORDER BY to the query on line 66:
becomesCode:$pages_query_raw = " SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_ADMIN_PAGES;That way, the listings are arranged close to the same as the menu items in the admin.Code:$pages_query_raw = " SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_ADMIN_PAGES . " ORDER BY menu_key ASC ";
Makes it a little easier to compare.
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I like to suggest something; is there away to add this?
Checks for deleted files and changed files in both admin and catalog? like an automatic compare. I am guessing you can make a reference file on GitHub for the version. Mods can have a line to add the actual mod its from. Just a suggestion not sure if this can be done.
You can do this offline. Download your files, then download a pristine copy of the version you based your site on. Compare all files.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
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In the case of plugin's that do NOT have an uninstall.sql included... How do we go about removing the loose entries? I don't have any databases or configs still showing that shouldn't be, but I do have these:
(BOX_CATALOG_ADVANCED_XSELL_PRODUCTS) catalog Y Link cannot be created
(BOX_CONFIGURATION_MOBIZENCART_CONFIG) configuration Y Link cannot be created
(BOX_CATALOG_XSELL_PRODUCTS) catalog Y Link cannot be created
(BOX_SITEMAPXML) tools Y Link cannot be created (BOX_CONFIGURATION_SITEMAPXML) configuration Y Link cannot be created
(BOX_CONFIGURATION_ONEALLSOCIALOGIN) tools Y Link cannot be created (BOX_CONFIGURATION_ONEALLSOCIALOGIN) configuration Y Link cannot be created
(BOX_ADDON_GV_DASHBOARD) gv Y Link cannot be created
(BOX_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT) configuration N Link cannot be created
And I have no idea what or where these are. One All Social Login, and Mobizencart I know I have removed everything for, and nothing is triggering as broken, but there are files left for XSell and Sitemap, and I don't want to touch something and trigger a crash, because I don't know what or where they originally came from, or if anything is still pointing to them.
These are defined constants in PHP files in your admin. You can use the developer's toolkit to track them down.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
Available for hire - See my ad in Services
Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
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