Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!
Okay, I'll add blunt and un-experienced to the resume.
You've got to admit, though, that what you are doing goes against goal #2 of Zen Cart. #1 being to sell and, #2, allowing customers to keep their data up to date. We have one site that allows users 75 addresses in their address book and allows them to ship to multiple addresses. The opposite end of the spectrum, I guess.
Whether using ODBC or LDAP, the customer and their data is tied to so many tables in the database that it's not just a simple "turn off." This looks like special programming versus help in the forum. Perhaps someone will PM you to further the discussion.
<bluntAlert>This would have also been better discussed outside of the template discussion as a lot of folks don't use the template and, therefore, don't visit this thread. Perhaps https://www.zen-cart.com/forumdispla...ers-and-Orders would have gotten you a quicker/better answer or a PM.</bluntAlert>
Hope you get it going.![]()
Are You Vulnerable for an Accessibility Lawsuit?
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Thank you all.
I HAVE the solution I wanted already - but it took so many changed and additional lines of code (with the inherent update maintenance issues) - that I assumed I was being stupid and missing something simple!
Thank you dbltoe -you are of course right - there is a better forum I shall have a prod there
Last edited by shayne; 2 Jun 2018 at 08:53 AM.
So I'm running pretty much stock 1.5.5e and I'm getting complaints from customers who've been unable to sign up because it's not allowing their birth date. I can turn birth date off but would like to leave it on to help verify the customer is of legal age. In testing I find it all works fine with the normal interface, but if you try it from a mobile device the birth date field is terribly hard to use. Any click into the field brings up the GUI calendar with today selected and the user is required to click the back month arrow about a bazillion times to get to a reasonable date, then when they go to complete their registration it fails with 'are you sure your birth date is correct?" message. How can I fix this, or should I be using a different template than the stock one for mobile?
Change to:Code:$('input#dob').clone().attr('type','date').insertAfter('input#dob').prev().remove();
Thanks, that worked great. Has that been rolled into new versions or will I have to do it again with my next update?
My mobile menu looses the css style when I get to product info page? Help Please!
Spent hours on here not finding anything close.
I have 1.5.5f , using responsive_classic.
Installed mega menu and use this
@media (min-width:0px) and (max-width:480px){ #mega-wrapper { display:none;visibility:hidden; }
in responsive.css and responsive_mobile.css to hide it.
Installed colorbox, Twitch's grid layout, FedEx Webservice. Also had one page check out installed.
On a phone when going through my site, I can get to category>subcat > then when I select the individual product info page, my mobile menu looses the css formating and messes up my page layout.
Can't figure it out. Thanking you in advance for any input!
Your pictures are very large and so take a long time to load up, also you are using .png picture format not .jpg which is also much larger. Consequently your site takes a very long time to load up.
I suggest you fix the picture sizes first then it might be easier to see what is happening.
For example WG-755.png is 229KB, change it to a slightly lower quality jpg then it is 31KB so loads in about one tenth of the time!