Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
The Admin Request Sanitizer infrastructure has been updated to work more amicably with various plugins.

In your Admin if you're getting & converted into & unexpectedly then you probably need to apply the following updates.

These changes are applicable to v1.5.0-thru-v1.5.5a:
a) /admin/includes/classes/AdminRequestSanitizer.php
b) /admin/includes/init_includes/init_sanitize.php
c) /admin/includes/auto_loaders/config.adminSanitize.php (this file doesn't require changing if you already have v155a)
These files have been updated today to fix a few more admin cases where things like & symbols are incorrectly being converted to & amp;

The links above will always give you the latest version of the file compatible with v155x