A Price would normally be displayed like so:

<div class="productListPrice">£14.40</div>

And if a product has a special offer it would be displayed something like this:

<div class="productListPrice">
<span class="normalprice">£37.20 </span>
<span class="productSalePrice">£29.76</span>
<span class="productPriceDiscount">20% off</span></div>

What I would like to do is wrap a dive around <div class="productListPrice">£14.40</div> without it being wrapped around
<div class="productListPrice">
<span class="normalprice">£37.20 </span>
<span class="productSalePrice">£29.76</span>
<span class="productPriceDiscount">20% off</span></div>

So which bit of code would I look for please?

If I wrap a div around '$lc_price' in product_listing.php it would wrap a div around both of the above and not the price that isn't a 'special' or 'sale' alone.

So you would end up with:

<div class="productListPrice"><div id="MYNEWDIV">£14.40</div></div>

and for the special:

<div class="productListPrice"><div id="MYNEWDIV">
<span class="normalprice">£37.20 </span>
<span class="productSalePrice">£29.76</span>
<span class="productPriceDiscount">20% off</span></div>

However I want the following to happen:

<div class="productListPrice"><div id="MYNEWDIV">£14.40</div></div>

and for the special:

<div class="productListPrice">
<span class="normalprice">£37.20 </span>
<span class="productSalePrice">£29.76</span>
<span class="productPriceDiscount">20% off</span></div>