I'm using a little right chevron ► in the product description that shows up correctly on preview but is saved as ? in the database. This used to work.
I'm using a little right chevron ► in the product description that shows up correctly on preview but is saved as ? in the database. This used to work.
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No, I have the latest Trustwave updates + 155a.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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Oh well, I had this issue and replacing these files corrected it for my install
Zen-Venom Get Bitten
To what charset is the database set? Template?
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product description is probably the most permissive field as far as admin sanitizer is concerned.
How do you enter the chevron. As an html entity ?
Did a quick test on my v155 branch.
Copy/pasted a chevron into a description.
saved OK and displays OK in admin/catalog
Thanks for confirming, @wilt.
Did some digging and found the root cause was that the database was latin1. Converted to UTF8 using Andrew's script:
and the problem was resolved.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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It does but the charset (in the configure files) and database have to agree - I had set the charset to utf8 but failed to update the database accordingly. Prior incarnations of this system had charset iso-8859-1, so it all worked.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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