I'm always reluctant to take this approach - As a general rule, if it works, all it does is hide the cause rather than fixing it.
Probably no need to upload all the files again, but if you suspect that this is the cause of the problem (and I don't know what the basis of your suspicion is) then the very least you should be doing is comparing the files to verify or refute the suspicion.
This is a no brainer - It is the LOG files that you need to pay the most attention to, as these will often help narrow down problems with the other files. :-)
All of them? None of them? Seriously, I'd been digging for more clues before doing anything like this. Who's to say that if there was a problem with the original uploads, that there won't be a problem with the re-uploads - in if this is the case you could, in thoery end up compounding the problem rather than resolving it.