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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Pleased to announce: One-Page Checkout for Zen Cart 1.5.4 and later!

    This plugin's been developed from the ground-up, using the Zen Cart 1.5.5a checkout-handling as the basis. It's been validated on Zen Cart 1.5.4 and 1.5.5a with all the built-in shipping methods (plus ups and usps) and a couple of the more "complicated" (i.e. and PayPal Express Checkout) payment methods.

    (Zen Cart v1.5.5a is the latest version of Zen Cart as of today's posting. No doubt there will be future versions. Consult the /docs/ documentation and/or discussions in this thread for further updates.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Coast, Australia
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    What a great contribution!

    Just obtained a copy from github (can't wait to get this installed and working on a production site!!!!) and had a play on my local dev server.

    Page loads in great shape, displays all my zone rates (3 clones), store pickup and local delivery. Shows all my payment methods (eWay, PayPal and direct bank deposit) - great stuff!! I know that I need to modify the plugin for eWay to extend and show the CC, expiry date etc when selected but that's my problem for now...


    I have "Confirm Terms and Conditions During Checkout Procedure" set to true (the nature of this biz needs that confirmed) but there is no prompt / no checkbox (and link to terms & cond page) to confirm that the T&C have been read.

    That seems to be the only little booboo in the module, but if that's all then this is a great addition and should be made core!!! Well done indeed!!

    You may want to update the docs stating that zone rates and most payment modules are supported.

    Well done again, this has been lacking in ZC for a decade.

    Cheers / Frank
    Last edited by frank18; 31 Jul 2016 at 01:02 PM.

  3. #3
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Thanks for the report, Frank. I'd found a couple of other "misses" that I've just noted in the plugin's GitHub repository. I'll note that one as well and expect to have v1.0.1 available within a week (waiting for additional reports).

    I've never used the eWay payment method, what does it do "differently" with respect to the credit-card displays?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    Thanks for the report, Frank. I'd found a couple of other "misses" that I've just noted in the plugin's GitHub repository. I'll note that one as well and expect to have v1.0.1 available within a week (waiting for additional reports).

    I've never used the eWay payment method, what does it do "differently" with respect to the credit-card displays?
    Thanks Cindy.

    If selected eWay just shows the usual fields for CC, name on card, expiry and CVV for completion. The customer does not leave the site, all is done in the store. The mod is available from the downloads. I tweaked it a bit for my needs but the basics are the same.

    You can do a test on one of my sites frnt dot com dot au (needs an account creation ofc).

  5. #5
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Thanks, again, Frank. That, too, is a boo-boo. I've got it noted in the plugin's GitHub issues and hope to have a solution real-soon-now.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    Thanks, again, Frank. That, too, is a boo-boo. I've got it noted in the plugin's GitHub issues and hope to have a solution real-soon-now.
    What a great contribution, just what I've been after for 1.5.5a

    I've set this up on a clone of my main site and everything is working well with the add-on installed. I have tested it with the PayPal Express (sandbox), COD and moneyorder payment modules and all of them work.

    The only minor point I noticed is that the checkout page selects the cheapest non-free postage however the order total shown at the bottom of the page doesn't include the postage unless the radio button is clicked again or a different postage option is selected. I use a cloned table shipping module and the default being selected by the checkout page in my case is table2 (UK 2nd class postage). The correct order total still goes through when the order is confirmed however I wondered if there is some way to get the page to refresh the total when the default is selected by the checkout page or if it is possible to have no postage selected so that the customer needs to pick from the list?

    I've attached a screen shot of the page in use on my test site.

    Name:  checkout-total.jpg
Views: 11525
Size:  41.0 KB

    Kind regards,

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Gary, since you've got the plugin installed on a clone (so you're the only customer accessing that "clone"), you could create me a debug-file and send it to me via PM.

    It's important to note at which point the shipping doesn't get included in the total. Is it the very first time you "hit" the checkout_one page after you've logged in? I'm "assuming so", so:
    1. Log off of the store front.
    2. Log into your admin and set the One Page Checkout Settings, Debug to true.
    3. Sign back into your storefront, place a product in your cart and click the Checkout button.

    Does the symptom display itself at this point (i.e. no shipping selected)? If so, look in your store's /logs folder for a file named myDebug-one_page_checkout-xxx.log (the xxx is your customer_id), make a copy and PM that to me.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    zc 1.5.5a. Responsive Sheffield Blue 2.0 adapted to zc 1.5.5a, Canada Post only shipping module, Paypal regular with express enabled. Live site is SSL, test site not ssl.

    I tried installing this mod on my WAMP clone test site.

    I didn't have the issue mentioned above with shipping selection - CanadaPost mod offered a number of choices/rates, with none pre-selected. Clicking on any one of them automatically recalculated total at bottom of page. (my CanadaPost mod is live connected on my test site)

    I clicked through as far as I could. My test site isn't actually hooked into Paypal live so I got an error at that point. I presume that is only because of the test situation but I had enabled the debug and can send if desired.

    I did receive an email from the test site notifying me of paypal error.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    @soxophoneplayer, please send that log!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    Gary, since you've got the plugin installed on a clone (so you're the only customer accessing that "clone"), you could create me a debug-file and send it to me via PM.

    It's important to note at which point the shipping doesn't get included in the total. Is it the very first time you "hit" the checkout_one page after you've logged in? I'm "assuming so", so:
    1. Log off of the store front.
    2. Log into your admin and set the One Page Checkout Settings, Debug to true.
    3. Sign back into your storefront, place a product in your cart and click the Checkout button.

    Does the symptom display itself at this point (i.e. no shipping selected)? If so, look in your store's /logs folder for a file named myDebug-one_page_checkout-xxx.log (the xxx is your customer_id), make a copy and PM that to me.
    Thanks for your reply. Yes it happens either when I'm logged in and first click checkout or click checkout and then login. The radio button for 2nd class post is already selected and the sub-total and shipping are both show at the bottom of the page above the confirm order button, however the total shows the same amount as the sub-total (i.e. the shipping isn't added). I'll PM you the log file created at this stage. It's not a major problem and the total does go through once the order is confirmed.



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