Hello Cindy - I would like to add some text to the PayPal image in payment selection - had a few customers 'expecting' that when they selected the paypal radio button on the payment page that it would take them immediately to PayPal (like the paypal icon on the checkout page) not realizing they need to click confirm order first which requires scrolling with a lot of white space between them (a couple have contacted me meaning a bunch of others haven't) - so in an effort to try to obviate these instances could you guide me please to where/how I can add some text to the bottom of that block, if this is possible that is - if not then no problem.
cheers, Mike
Attachment 18317
includes/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php around line 270. It's all an image from PayPal itself.
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Since I couldn't find this referenced on the ZC forum, here's some info in case it can help another not-so-experienced Zenner out there like me. Cindy, please see text in blue below re whether this affects OPC code.
An OPC javascript-like error started to appear i.e. on checkout entry, instead of the usual OPC screen, only this is displayed:
.HTML Code:Sorry, but our expedited checkout process cannot be used. Click here to use our alternate checkout process
FYI, javascript errors (Firefox: F12; Console menu) displayed while SQUARE was enabled (the middle ones disappeared when SQUARE was disabled):
However, I couldn’t track the problem down & resolve this issue for ages because, just through bad luck, a server PHP version issue happened at the same time and 'muddied the waters'. But more about the PHP issue later…
My system: ZC1.5.5e; OPC v2.0.5; Template: RSB v2 modified; various payment & shipping modules including SQUARE v, Direct Bank Deposit & Australia Post Shipping Modules; lots more plugins & mods. My website: (currently under development so closed for maintenance): https://recoveredheritage.com.au/ .
First, the OPC issue + solution:
That OPC error message was caused by 2 x database entries in my zones table including an apostrophe: Côte-d'Or & Côtes-d'Armor. Internet research mentioned that one could use "a SqlParameter object to pass in values...so you don't have to worry about the apostrophes users enter in". However I did a manual work-around (replaced those apostrophes with spaces) since I'm not sure whether OPC has that functionality or if one of my other mods is interfering.
Where did the apostrophe errors come from? Back in January, after getting OPC to play well with SQUARE (with Cindy's help - thanks), I added extra countries into my zones table in the database using ZC plugins including this one. After working through ZC1.5.5 compatibility issues with the old ZC version SQL files, I did lots of testing...and thought I had nailed it . When I tested OPC the next day or so, I started getting error logs at the same time. With hind-sight being 20-20, I now know those error logs had abolutely nothing to do with the OPC issue but were, instead, to do with the PHP issue (below). But I didn't know that then so... since a site can only have one active PHP version, I headed in the wrong direction and started in on upgrading to PHP 7.2.
Now that this OPC issue is solvedI've reverted to backups and am free instead to progress towards launching the website (using PHP 7.1) while upgrading to ZC1.5.6(maybe b) locally with WAMP where I can run PHP 7.3 while testing.
And now the PHP issue:
Don't take it for granted that your hosting company will tell you when they upgrade the server PHP default version to 7.2. Mine didn't (inMotion hosting). So...if you start getting error logs out of the blue like these ones, investigate whether you can just change your site PHP version manually back to PHP 7.1 FIRST - before you assume you have to do a full PHP 7.2 upgrade like I did.
While I still had to address a few error logs even after I had reverted to Site PHP 7.1, there aren't too many so far. I think these occur when the cPanel currency cron job runs &, of course accessed the default server running PHP 7.2. (I haven't yet been able to get the SQUARE cron job to work...so fingers crossed.)
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the great job of analysis and data-gathering, @GerriM! I'll see if I can reproduce the issue to correct the underlying issue.
Greetings =)
I am having an issues where guest checkout is not updating totals for order total modules such as low order fee and minimum order fee. Neither works and checkout proceeds without adding them at all.
Zen Cart 1.5.5F
PayPal Express & WPP
PHP 7.1.26
OPC 2.0.5 (2018-12-23)
ZCA Bootstrap 1.0.6
Code:[06-Feb-2019 15:56:26 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_loworderfee::$credit_class in /home/----/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 125
Code:2019-02-06 15:56:26 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_ORDER_TOTAL_PROCESSING order_total::__set_state(array( 'modules' => array ( 0 => 'ot_subtotal.php', 1 => 'ot_shipping.php', 2 => 'ot_coupon.php', 3 => 'ot_tax.php', 4 => 'ot_loworderfee.php', 5 => 'ot_mfg_min_order.php', 6 => 'ot_gv.php', 7 => 'ot_total.php', ),I can provide the whole log if necessary, it's a dev environment.Code:<tr id="otsubtotal"> <td colspan="2" class="text-right bg-white"> Sub-Total:</td> <td class="text-left bg-white"> $53.85</td> </tr> <tr id="otshipping"> <td colspan="2" class="text-right bg-white"> USPS (Priority Mail™):</td> <td class="text-left bg-white"> $11.16</td> </tr> <tr id="ottotal"> <td colspan="2" class="text-right bg-white"> Total:</td> <td class="text-left bg-white"> $65.01</td> </tr>
Any ideas?Code:2019-02-06 15:56:36 checkout_one_confirmation: Initial order information:order::__set_state(array( 'info' => array ( 'order_status' => '1', 'currency' => 'USD', 'currency_value' => '1.00000000', 'payment_method' => NULL, 'payment_module_code' => NULL, 'coupon_code' => NULL, 'shipping_method' => 'USPS (Priority Mail™)', 'shipping_module_code' => 'usps_Priority MailTM', 'shipping_cost' => 11.160000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625, 'subtotal' => 53.85000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625, 'shipping_tax' => 0, 'tax' => 0.0, 'total' => 65.0100000000000051159076974727213382720947265625, 'tax_groups' => array ( 'Sales Tax' => 0.0, ), 'comments' => '',
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**I answer questions in the forum, private messages are not conducive to a helpful community.
Melanie, I just tried a < $50.00 order on my demo site (the configured low-order fee cut-off). Running zc155f/OPC 2.0.5/responsive_classic and had no issues regarding the low-order fee's addition to the order (verified that it's included in the order-confirmation email, too).
I've never used a "Minimum Order Fee", so I can't comment on its operation. I suppose the next step is to see what differences are seen between the bootstrap templates versions of the OPC template files (as-shipped in the /template_default subdirectory).
Question. I have been using this for sites instead of FEC. Problem is that I create a start template and thus it's already installed and customized. When I port over the live site's info the added SQL installation pieces are lost. It doesn't recheck even if I remove the admin installation.
Can you provide a means to install the SQL changes after installation?
PRO-Webs, Inc. since 2003 :: Zen Cart Hosting :: Zen Cart SEO – 12 Steps to Success
**I answer questions in the forum, private messages are not conducive to a helpful community.
I don't understand. If the live site doesn't currently have OPC installed, then the admin-side processing will auto-create those configuration settings.
If you're porting from a test- to live-site, I suggest taking a snapshot of the test-site's OPC settings and updating those on the live site.