It is installed. But when I bring over the updated tables from the live site they do not contain all the database changes from OPC and it does not reinstall them.
It is installed. But when I bring over the updated tables from the live site they do not contain all the database changes from OPC and it does not reinstall them.
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@mprough, I still don't understand. Which tables is it that you are "bringing over" from the live site and which OPC database changes are missing?
OPC doesn't perform its database update process if it doesn't see a change in its version.
So you create a dev site for an upgrade. Build it, make sure everything works... then when it's done, you have to upgrade the live site's database to catch up the orders, customers etc.
But the tables created by OPC are then lost and the installer doesn't re-create them, then people cannot check out for example.
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... and how do you go about that upgrading of the live site's database? I ask because what you said still doesn't make sense to me.
Was OPC previously installed on the live site? If so, what version? What version of OPC is installed on the upgrade site?
There are no tables, per se, created by OPC's installation script ... just additions to the database's configuration, customers and address_book tables.
Another one, sorry to double you up... It's a great mod. I am migrating a great deal of site from FEC, many of them have guest checkout only. I am trying to include the post for guest from the shopping cart page checkout button, so they go directly to checkout as a guest. I cannot redirect them because the checkout type is un-chosen, so I have to post the guest checkout selection.
So even if I bring in
I am still directed to the login page. I have tried a bunch of things and I am certainly missing something, but no idea what. Any ideas?Code:zen_draw_hidden_field('guest_checkout', 1)
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The live site's database is upgraded to zc_install and then I bring over all of the customer, order and related tables to "refresh" the dev site's data. Then it's just a matter of moving the live (in maintenance mode) site's files out and the new files in. Right, I need to then add the changes for customers and address_book tables.
PRO-Webs, Inc. since 2003 :: Zen Cart Hosting :: Zen Cart SEO – 12 Steps to Success
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@mprough, you can have OPC re-generate those customers and address-book records by cutting and pasting the following into the store's Tools->Install SQL Patches:
That will cause the OPC auto-installer to create those customer/address-book records on the next admin login or screen refresh.Code:DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key IN ('CHECKOUT_ONE_GUEST_CUSTOMER_ID', 'CHECKOUT_ONE_GUEST_BILLTO_ADDRESS_BOOK_ID', 'CHECKOUT_ONE_GUEST_SENDTO_ADDRESS_BOOK_ID');
PRO-Webs, Inc. since 2003 :: Zen Cart Hosting :: Zen Cart SEO – 12 Steps to Success
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So I figured this out.
In tpl_shopping_cart_default.php
And make itCode:<!-- Finished loop through all products /--> </table> <div id="cartSubTotal"><?php echo SUB_TITLE_SUB_TOTAL; ?> <?php echo $cartShowTotal; ?></div>
then find:Code:<!-- Finished loop through all products /--> </table> </form> <div id="cartSubTotal"><?php echo SUB_TITLE_SUB_TOTAL; ?> <?php echo $cartShowTotal; ?></div>
and make it:Code:<!--bof shopping cart buttons--> <div class="buttonRow forward"><?php echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '">' . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_CHECKOUT, BUTTON_CHECKOUT_ALT) . '</a>'; ?></div> <div class="buttonRow back"><?php echo zen_back_link() . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_CONTINUE_SHOPPING, BUTTON_CONTINUE_SHOPPING_ALT) . '</a>'; ?></div>
Then a few lines down (146ish)Code:<!--bof shopping cart buttons--> <?php echo zen_back_link() . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_CONTINUE_SHOPPING, BUTTON_CONTINUE_SHOPPING_ALT) . '</a>'; ?><?php echo zen_draw_form('guest', zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_ONE, '', 'SSL'), 'post') . zen_draw_hidden_field('guest_checkout', 1); ?> <div class="buttonRow back"><?php echo zen_back_link() . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_CONTINUE_SHOPPING, BUTTON_CONTINUE_SHOPPING_ALT) . '</a>'; ?></div> </form>
and remove it.Code:</form>
This change makes people always be a guest and continue right in to checkout from the shopping cart page.
My testing so far is minimal, but if I find any issues I'll report here.
PRO-Webs, Inc. since 2003 :: Zen Cart Hosting :: Zen Cart SEO – 12 Steps to Success
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Hi Cindy - after checking out with OPC on the checkout success page SITE/index.php?main_page=checkout_success I am seeing the following;
Checkout Success Sample Text ...
in admin/tools/define pages editor/checkout success ... I inserted customized text when the site was built but that text is not showing - have I missed a file merge or something?HTML Code:Checkout Success Sample Text ... A few words about the approximate shipping time or your processing policy for guest-checkout would be put here. This section of text is from the Define Pages Editor located under Tools in the Admin. You can view the status of this order by going to the Order Status page and supplying this order number and your email address. Please direct any questions you have to customer service.
cheers, Mike