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  1. #131
    Join Date
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    Do you have a publicly-available site where I could view the layout? You can send me a link via PM if you don't want to post it for all to see.
    My checkout page actually looks the same as soxophoneplayer posted picture.
    Learning Fast.
    Eden Craft Supplies

  2. #132
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by adb34 View Post
    My checkout page actually looks the same as soxophoneplayer posted picture.
    That's because One-Page Checkout inherits the styling that is provided by your currently-installed template!

  3. #133
    Join Date
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    I just received a report that a store's customer using IE8 was unable to checkout using One-Page Checkout. I've replicated the issue and hope to have a solution sometime tomorrow.

    If you're using this plugin and you've got a high percentage of IE8-using customers, you might want to disable the plugin until that solution is available.
    I've made this correction on the plugin's GitHub repository and updated its current version to 1.0.4-beta2.

    If a customer "hits" your site using a version of IE less than 9.0, they'll continue the checkout using the "traditional" multi-page checkout due to incompatibilities provided by those older browsers' javascript support.

    That change is "booked" for the plugin's v1.0.4 release, coming to the Zen Cart Plugins RSN (real-soon-now)!

  4. #134
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by LightBrown View Post
    Is there a way for the shipping address box on the checkout_one page to automatically display/contain the account's shipping address (or second address in the address book) if one exists?
    That's something you could add via custom programming; it's very non-standard so it's not a feature that I'll currently consider in the plugin's base processing.

  5. #135
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    I've made this correction on the plugin's GitHub repository and updated its current version to 1.0.4-beta2.

    If a customer "hits" your site using a version of IE less than 9.0, they'll continue the checkout using the "traditional" multi-page checkout due to incompatibilities provided by those older browsers' javascript support.

    That change is "booked" for the plugin's v1.0.4 release, coming to the Zen Cart Plugins RSN (real-soon-now)!
    I've submitted v1.0.4 to the Plugins for review; this version provides changes to address the following issues (as referenced in the plugin's GitHub repository):

    #38: Additional, customizable message for the checkout_one_confirmation page
    #37: Sanitize debug output for non-standard CC number/CVV information
    #36: Hide bannerSix block on the plugin's confirmation page
    #35: Disallow one-page checkout for IE browsers earlier than 9.0
    #33: Correct handling for virtual orders and those with free shipping, as defined by the shipping order-total

    P.S. Thanks to everyone for the bug-reports and to those that allowed me access to their sites for problem investigation! You're all helping me make this plugin better.
    Last edited by lat9; 11 Sep 2016 at 03:47 PM. Reason: Added P.S.

  6. #136
    Join Date
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    I've submitted v1.0.4 to the Plugins for review; this version provides changes to address the following issues (as referenced in the plugin's GitHub repository):

    #38: Additional, customizable message for the checkout_one_confirmation page
    #37: Sanitize debug output for non-standard CC number/CVV information
    #36: Hide bannerSix block on the plugin's confirmation page
    #35: Disallow one-page checkout for IE browsers earlier than 9.0
    #33: Correct handling for virtual orders and those with free shipping, as defined by the shipping order-total

    P.S. Thanks to everyone for the bug-reports and to those that allowed me access to their sites for problem investigation! You're all helping me make this plugin better.
    Wow! That was fast ... v1.0.4 is now available for download from the Zen Cart Plugins.

  7. #137
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]


    I just made a fresh zencart 1.5.5a install. Also a fresh Edify template and of course one-page-checkout.
    But it seems that i can't get one-page-checkout to work, it loops back after pressing the button confirm order. It just stays on the checkout-one page.
    I copied the 1.5.5a payment.php file and made sure all other files are all copied correct. Now i don't have a clue where to look for this problem Website:
    Below the error code.

    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one_confirmation: Starting confirmation, shipping and request data follows:

        [id] => zones_zones
        [title] => Tariefzones (Verzenden naar NL)
        [cost] => 7
        [extras] => 
        [main_page] => checkout_one_confirmation
        [securityToken] => 2a3af9d4715c861f42db57917deaac0f
        [action] => process
        [shipping_billing] => 1
        [comments] => 
        [dc_redeem_code] => 
        [shipping] => zones_zones
        [payment] => moneyorder
        [conditions] => 1
        [confirm_order_x] => Confirm Order
        [order_confirmed] => 0
        [javascript_enabled] => 1
        [zenInstallerId] => 256ddc7393d6b447260fdffd7067e680
        [zenid] => 684d4f2ec67ac151a155a0d3331bb549
        [__atuvc] => 14|37
        [__atuvs] => 57d6bb1db6e74400000
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one_confirmation: Initial order information:order

        [info] => Array
                [order_status] => 1
                [currency] => EUR
                [currency_value] => 1.00000000
                [payment_method] => 
                [payment_module_code] => 
                [coupon_code] => 
                [shipping_method] => Tariefzones (Verzenden naar NL)
                [shipping_module_code] => zones_zones
                [shipping_cost] => 7
                [subtotal] => 10
                [shipping_tax] => 0
                [tax] => 0
                [total] => 17
                [tax_groups] => Array
                        [0] => 0
                [comments] => 
                [ip_address] => -
        [totals] => Array
        [products] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [qty] => 1
                        [name] => Test
                        [model] => Test-01
                        [tax_groups] => Array
                                [0] => Btw
                        [tax_description] => Btw
                        [price] => 10.0000
                        [final_price] => 10
                        [onetime_charges] => 0
                        [weight] => 1
                        [products_priced_by_attribute] => 0
                        [product_is_free] => 0
                        [products_discount_type] => 0
                        [products_discount_type_from] => 0
                        [id] => 1
                        [rowClass] => rowEven
                        [tax] => 0
        [customer] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [format_id] => 5
                [telephone] => 0622153576
                [email_address] => [email protected]
        [delivery] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [country_id] => 150
                [format_id] => 5
        [content_type] => physical
        [email_low_stock] => 
        [products_ordered_attributes] => 
        [products_ordered] => 
        [products_ordered_email] => 
        [attachArray] => 
        [billing] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [country_id] => 150
                [format_id] => 5
        [use_external_tax_handler_only] => 
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one_confirmation: SHIPPING_QUOTE:
        [0] => Array
                [id] => zones
                [module] => Tariefzones
                [methods] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [id] => zones
                                [title] => Verzenden naar NL
                                [cost] => 7
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one_confirmation: Shipping setup, preparing to call order-totals.shipping
        [modules] => Array
                [0] => zones.php
        [enabled] => 1
        [abort_legacy_calculations] => 
        [0] => Array
                [id] => zones
                [module] => Tariefzones
                [methods] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [id] => zones
                                [title] => Verzenden naar NL
                                [cost] => 7
        [id] => zones_zones
        [title] => Tariefzones (Verzenden naar NL)
        [cost] => 7
        [extras] => 
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one_confirmation: Returned from call to order-totals:order_total
        [modules] => Array
                [0] => ot_subtotal.php
                [1] => ot_shipping.php
                [2] => ot_coupon.php
                [3] => ot_group_pricing.php
                [4] => ot_tax.php
                [5] => ot_loworderfee.php
                [6] => ot_gv.php
                [7] => ot_total.php
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one_confirmation: Something causing redirection back to checkout_one, error (), order_confirmed ()
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_ENTRY, version (1.0.4 (2016-09-11)), Zen Cart version (1.5.5a), template (edify)
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_SHIPPING_CALCULATIONS, pass (), free_shipping (),
    array (
      'id' => 'zones_zones',
      'title' => 'Tariefzones (Verzenden naar NL)',
      'cost' => 7,
      'extras' => '',
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_SHIPPING_CHECK (zones_zones)
        [0] => Array
                [id] => zones
                [module] => Tariefzones
                [methods] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [id] => zones
                                [title] => Verzenden naar NL
                                [cost] => 7
        [0] => zones_zones
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_SHIPPING_QUOTES
    array (
      'id' => 'zones_zones',
      'title' => 'Tariefzones (Verzenden naar NL)',
      'cost' => 7,
      'extras' => '',
    )order Object
        [info] => Array
                [order_status] => 1
                [currency] => EUR
                [currency_value] => 1.00000000
                [payment_method] => 
                [payment_module_code] => 
                [coupon_code] => 
                [shipping_method] => Tariefzones (Verzenden naar NL)
                [shipping_module_code] => zones_zones
                [shipping_cost] => 7
                [subtotal] => 10
                [shipping_tax] => 0
                [tax] => 0
                [total] => 17
                [tax_groups] => Array
                        [0] => 0
                [comments] => 
                [ip_address] => -
        [totals] => Array
        [products] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [qty] => 1
                        [name] => Test
                        [model] => Test-01
                        [tax_groups] => Array
                                [0] => Btw
                        [tax_description] => Btw
                        [price] => 10.0000
                        [final_price] => 10
                        [onetime_charges] => 0
                        [weight] => 1
                        [products_priced_by_attribute] => 0
                        [product_is_free] => 0
                        [products_discount_type] => 0
                        [products_discount_type_from] => 0
                        [id] => 1
                        [rowClass] => rowEven
                        [tax] => 0
        [customer] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [format_id] => 5
                [telephone] => 0622153576
                [email_address] => [email protected]
        [delivery] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [country_id] => 150
                [format_id] => 5
        [content_type] => physical
        [email_low_stock] => 
        [products_ordered_attributes] => 
        [products_ordered] => 
        [products_ordered_email] => 
        [attachArray] => 
        [billing] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [country_id] => 150
                [format_id] => 5
        [use_external_tax_handler_only] => 
    messageStack Object
        [messages] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [id] => zones
                [module] => Tariefzones
                [methods] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [id] => zones
                                [title] => Verzenden naar NL
                                [cost] => 7
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_ORDER_TOTAL_PROCESSING
    order_total Object
        [modules] => Array
                [0] => ot_subtotal.php
                [1] => ot_shipping.php
                [2] => ot_coupon.php
                [3] => ot_group_pricing.php
                [4] => ot_tax.php
                [5] => ot_loworderfee.php
                [6] => ot_gv.php
                [7] => ot_total.php
    order Object
        [info] => Array
                [order_status] => 1
                [currency] => EUR
                [currency_value] => 1.00000000
                [payment_method] => 
                [payment_module_code] => 
                [coupon_code] => 
                [shipping_method] => Tariefzones (Verzenden naar NL)
                [shipping_module_code] => zones_zones
                [shipping_cost] => 7
                [subtotal] => 10
                [shipping_tax] => 0
                [tax] => 0
                [total] => 17
                [tax_groups] => Array
                        [0] => 0
                [comments] => 
                [ip_address] => -
        [totals] => Array
        [products] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [qty] => 1
                        [name] => Test
                        [model] => Test-01
                        [tax_groups] => Array
                                [0] => Btw
                        [tax_description] => Btw
                        [price] => 10.0000
                        [final_price] => 10
                        [onetime_charges] => 0
                        [weight] => 1
                        [products_priced_by_attribute] => 0
                        [product_is_free] => 0
                        [products_discount_type] => 0
                        [products_discount_type_from] => 0
                        [id] => 1
                        [rowClass] => rowEven
                        [tax] => 0
        [customer] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [format_id] => 5
                [telephone] => 0622153576
                [email_address] => [email protected]
        [delivery] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [country_id] => 150
                [format_id] => 5
        [content_type] => physical
        [email_low_stock] => 
        [products_ordered_attributes] => 
        [products_ordered] => 
        [products_ordered_email] => 
        [attachArray] => 
        [billing] => Array
                [firstname] => John
                [lastname] => van Rossem
                [company] => Restyleparts
                [street_address] => Ratelaarstraat 34
                [suburb] => 
                [city] => Arnhem
                [postcode] => 6832DK
                [state] => 
                [zone_id] => 0
                [country] => Array
                        [id] => 150
                        [title] => Netherlands
                        [iso_code_2] => NL
                        [iso_code_3] => NLD
                [country_id] => 150
                [format_id] => 5
        [use_external_tax_handler_only] => 
    messageStack Object
        [messages] => Array
    2016-09-12 16:45:38 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_PAYMENT_MODULES_SELECTION
    payment Object
        [modules] => Array
                [0] => moneyorder.php
                [1] => paypalwpp.php
        [selected_module] => 
        [doesCollectsCardDataOnsite] => 
        [paymentClass] => paypalwpp Object
                [ code ] => paypalwpp
                [title] => PayPal
                [description] => <strong>PayPal</strong>
                [enabled] => 1
                [zone] => 0
                [enableDebugging] => 
                [showPaymentPage] => 
                [flagDisablePaymentAddressChange] => 
                [sort_order] => 0
                [buttonSourceEC] => ZenCart-EC_us
                [order_pending_status] => 1
                [order_status] => 1
                [_logDir] => /home/admin/domains/
                [_logLevel] => 0
                [fmfResponse] => 
                [fmfErrors] => Array
                [use_incontext_checkout] => 
                [codeTitle] => PayPal Express Checkout
                [codeVersion] => 1.5.5
                [enableDirectPayment] => 
                [emailAlerts] => 
                [doDPonly] => 
                [buttonSourceDP] => ZenCart-DP_us
                [new_acct_notify] => Yes
                [cards] => Array
                [form_action_url] =>;markflow=1&amp;clearSess=1&amp;stage=final
                [cc_type_check] => 
    array (
      'id' => 'zones_zones',
      'title' => 'Tariefzones (Verzenden naar NL)',
      'cost' => 7,
      'extras' => '',
    Last edited by swguy; 12 Sep 2016 at 05:07 PM.

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    @JVRossem (and anyone else posting the contents of a checkout-one debug log), please post those logs wrapped with a set of CODE tags (the big # in the menu-bar when you're posting) ... those logs (as you can see) run on and on and ...

    Anyway, I looked at your site and that Edify template's made some significant changes to /includes/templates/edify/templates/tpl_modules_order_totals.php; what's causing the plugin to "not work" is the fact that they've removed the id attribute from each of the order-totals' divs.

    I suggest that you compare your template's version of that file with the like-named file present in the template_default folder to enable the plugin to operate properly.

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    I tried (as u can see the [CODE] at top and bottom) but don't know why he still posted whole code!

    But your solution did the trick! Just copied the tpl_modules_order_totals.php form template_default and now it work perfectly!
    Thank you for the help

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Stuart, FL
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by JvRossem View Post
    I tried (as u can see the [CODE] at top and bottom) but don't know why he still posted whole code!

    But your solution did the trick! Just copied the tpl_modules_order_totals.php form template_default and now it work perfectly!
    Thank you for the help
    Hmm, I wonder why those CODE tags split the display. Anyway, I'm happy to hear that you've got that working.

    I'll update the plugin so that it doesn't assUme that those selectors are present. Instead, if not found, an alert will be issued from the jQuery handling to inform the customer to contact the store owner.



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR