I'm not super strong on this; it's just a suggestion. The reason this came up is that I had to fix the salutation stuff in OPC, which I could have avoided if it had been possible to just redirect to the default page. No worries.
I'm not super strong on this; it's just a suggestion. The reason this came up is that I had to fix the salutation stuff in OPC, which I could have avoided if it had been possible to just redirect to the default page. No worries.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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Testing OPC on 1.5.7 alpha with 7.3 PHP and 5.6 MySQL
No mods touching core in the site and Guest Checkout gives the hesitation when clicking Checkout and the message "Please contact the store owner; some required elements of this page are missing.".
I get the same missing #otshipping that folks were getting two years ago. The fix is incorporated in OPC in use.
Between too many hours at this and my trifocals, what might I have missed?
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myZenCartHost.com - Zen Cart Certified, PCI Compatible Hosting by JEANDRET
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I haven't had a chance to test any zc157 interoperations. Would you open an issue on OPC's GitHub for tracking (https://github.com/lat9/one_page_checkout)?
I can now verify that I've replicated @dbltoe's issue on zc157. No good deed goes unpunished; this is a direct result of this Zen Cart PR that corrects the ot_shipping module's previous behavior (where it registered itself during class-construction rather than during the 'process' method).
Correction posted to GitHub: https://github.com/lat9/one_page_checkout/issues/251
I'll wait to see what other gremlins are lurking before committing the OPC v2.3.2 release (this will, BTW, be the minimum version required for zc157 interoperation).
Works just fine. Got some problems with undefined PayPal and GV constants but I don't see any more problems with OPC and 1.5.7
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myZenCartHost.com - Zen Cart Certified, PCI Compatible Hosting by JEANDRET
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Thanks folks for helping us get ready for the 1.5.7 release!
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
Available for hire - See my ad in Services
Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
Do you benefit from Zen Cart? Then please support the project.
I know this is a stupid thing to do, but...
Using vanilla 1.5.6c with OPC 2.3.1, php 7.3.17 and PayPal Pro (sandbox activated). I go to checkout, enter CC details and click Confirm Order, give it 3-4 seconds and hit F5 on my keyboard. It takes me back to checkout page (checkout_one) BUT the order actually goes through and is recorded in the admin. If I attempt to go through checkout again, I get a blank screen:
The same action actually allows you to go through checkout *again* in OPC 2.2.0 (duplicate order) and I'm really glad to see it fixed, however... Is it possible to completely block any and all customer interaction while processing checkout? Ideally, block their mouse, keyboard and (F it) even their washing machine in the basement... The only thing that would be allowed is to flip the power switch...Code:[04-May-2020 21:48:04 UTC] Request URI: /ajax.php?act=ajaxOnePageCheckout&method=updateShipping, IP address: #1 trigger_error() called at [/var/www/vhosts/XYZ/includes/classes/OnePageCheckout.php:956] #2 OnePageCheckout->setTempShippingToBilling() called at [/var/www/vhosts/XYZ/includes/classes/ajax/zcAjaxOnePageCheckout.php:56] #3 zcAjaxOnePageCheckout->updateShipping() called at [/var/www/vhosts/XYZ/ajax.php:85] --> PHP Fatal error: Invalid access; $_SESSION['billto'] is not set. in /var/www/vhosts/XYZ/includes/classes/OnePageCheckout.php on line 956.
I wonder what method of stopping F5 (or Ctrl-F5) for POST requests (to clear $_POST I presume) was used.
I am also checking OPC on my test site now, and can experiment there.
As I understand it, the basic way is to perform a redirect to the same page after submitting the form:
There is also a JavaScript way using window.history.replaceState, or by setting as session variable:
More on using JavaScript for this:
A tutorial using various way:
Zen Cart 1.5.6c modified for Japanese language support. Upgraded incrementally from initial 1.5.5d. Currently planning direct upgrade to 2.0.1.
ZC v1.56c
OPC v2.3.1
Not sure if this is a thing or that I'm getting a bit befuddled by all the testing I've been doing but,
Checking out as a guest, on the checkout success page the first thing the customer sees is an option to create an account (followed by the html language text and lastly the order details - which in this case contains download links). If they create an account before scrolling down they go to the create account success page so losing any of the order information on screen.
It seems I have two options.
- Have some text on the create account success page to indicate that the customer can view their order details in My Account - but only for guests that have created an account as part of the Guest checkout process.
- more simply, move the create account guest option to the bottom of the page, below the order details on the checkout success page.