Originally Posted by
Zen Cart 1.5.5f
Template is M o z e n (forum won't let me post that word without the spaces)
OPC 2.3.4
I did follow the steps for 1.5.5f on GitHub
When trying to checkout, I'm getting a 500 error:
[26-Oct-2020 09:29:39 America/Chicago] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting :: (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) in /XXX/includes/modules/pages/checkout_one/header_php.php on line 355
Clearly this file is not the root cause. But if that's not the cause, where do I go looking for the real issue?
I don't know where that header_php.php file 'came from', but that file hasn't changed since November of 2019.
Line 355 of the as-shipped version of the file is highlighted below:
// -----
// Determine if there are any payment modules that are in the confirmation-required list.
// The generated list is used within the /includes/modules/pages/checkout_one/jscript_main.php module to determine what text to
// display for the order-submittal text/title.
$required_list = '';
$confirmation_required = explode(',', CHECKOUT_ONE_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED);
$required_list = '"' . implode('", "', $confirmation_required) . '"';