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I got one page checkout installed and running well. But the guy I did the website for does not like the error that flashes when you go to checkout.
He is giving me a real hard time about it. Is there anything we can do to prevent that.
This guys is going to make me do another checkout because he says if look very unprofessional. I have to be honest i don't disagree with him.
What are my options yo get rid of that?
Edit the site's tpl_checkout_one_default.php (in either template_default or the site's active template), removing this section towards the top:
// -----
// The following content is initially visible and then hidden if the page's javascript/jQuery processing loads
// without error.
$nojs_link = zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, 'opctype=jserr', 'SSL');
<div class="centerColumn" id="checkoutPaymentNoJs"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_NOSCRIPT_JS_ERROR, $nojs_link); ?></div>
... and then remove the "style-"display:none;" from the overall div:
<div class="centerColumn opc-base" id="checkoutPayment" style="display:none;">
Just remember that if the customer has, for whatever reason, javascript disabled in their browser the page will display but be inoperative.