Originally Posted by
a) zencart 158
https://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=2345 , last updated on 18th feb 2023 one
c) The one updated on 20 aug 2023
"It says "We have a problem on our end. So Sorry! Please report this error to the Store Owner: SQ-MISSING-TOKEN"
but if we disable OPC and do normal checkout webpay works fine
even tried this
For those wondering about 1.5.8, WebPay works exactly as expected in Zen Cart 1.5.8 WITHOUT One Page Checkout.
If you are going to use both One Page Checkout AND Square WebPay with Zen Cart, you will need to get the OLD square javascript file from includes/modules/pages/checkout_payment/ called jscript_square.php "
But did not work
for those wondering, lets talk about what i know.
- i am the author of square webPay, ie i coded the module.
- there are numerous websites out there using this payment module with OPC.
- i spent an inordinate amount of time to get it to play nice with OPC.
- there is NO need for any old javascript file in the directory mentioned above.
now lets look at the message listed above. that only gets generated right here on the 3rd line in the following code fragment (lines 435-438):
PHP Code:
if ($error['category'] === 'INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR') {
trigger_error("Square Connect [configuration] error. \nResponse Body:\n" . print_r($e->getResponseBody(), true) . "\nResponse Headers:\n" . print_r($e->getResponseHeaders(), true), E_USER_NOTICE);
$messageStack->add_session('checkout_payment', MODULE_PAYMENT_SQ_WEBPAY_TEXT_MISCONFIGURATION, 'error');
zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL', true, false));
if one looks at the 2nd line of the code fragment, there is a call to the trigger_error function. in a properly configured server, that will generate a log file.
the log file will provide more information as to why OPC is not working.
provide the log and perhaps a solution will be forth coming.