Well I have walked through the entire header and I only have one referencing 3.7.1 and it is
There are two other jQuery scripts but it does not look rightCode:<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-/JqT3SQfawRcv/BIHPThkBvs0OEvtFFmqPF/lYI/Cxo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Code:<script src="includes/modules/pages/checkout_one/jquery.checkout_one.min.js?1712319903" defer=""></script> <script src="includes/modules/pages/checkout_one/jquery.checkout_one_addr.min.js?1712319904" defer=""></script>
found it
OMG I have been fighting this for days. I kept asking myself, why is the jQuery selector showing an error in the console. Well, I copied that selector string out of another post but the selector was at the end of a sentence...so I got
instead of the correctCode:#ottotal > .ot-text.
That extra period causes a mess!Code:#ottotal > .ot-text
responsive_classic clone
OPC 2.5.1
EO 4.6.2
Square WebPay
PayPal Express
Had strange transaction yesterday with 1.899999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375 as the weight.
After that, all OPC Guests are getting the Your order's details have changed.
display logs since then (83)
Re-entering CC and submitting the order goes through.Code:[04-Jun-2024 03:15:22 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function guestCheckoutEnabled() on int in /includes/classes/observers/class.checkout_one_observer.php:216 Stack trace: #0 /includes/autoload_func.php(61): checkout_one_observer->messageCheck() #1 /includes/application_top.php(222): require('/home/******/...') #2 /index.php(25): require('/home/******/...') #3 {main} thrown in /includes/classes/observers/class.checkout_one_observer.php on line 216 [04-Jun-2024 03:15:22 America/New_York] Request URI: /, IP address: --> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function guestCheckoutEnabled() on int in /includes/classes/observers/class.checkout_one_observer.php:216 Stack trace: #0 /includes/autoload_func.php(61): checkout_one_observer->messageCheck() #1 /includes/application_top.php(222): require('/home/******/...') #2 /index.php(25): require('/home/******/...') #3 {main} thrown in /includes/classes/observers/class.checkout_one_observer.php on line 216.
No one admits to any changes to files or settings.
Can PM or email OPC log before the incidents if needed.
Last edited by dbltoe; 4 Jun 2024 at 08:24 PM.
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myZenCartHost.com - Zen Cart Certified, PCI Compatible Hosting by JEANDRET
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While I can't explain the root-cause of those logs, it looks like changing line 216 of /includes/classes/observers/class.checkout_one_observer.php to read as follows should correct the situation.
Code:if (!(isset($_SESSION['opc_error'], $_SESSION['opc']) && $_SESSION['opc_error'] === OnePageCheckout::OPC_ERROR_NO_JS) && $_SESSION['opc']->guestCheckoutEnabled() === true) {
After creating logs for @36 hours, it stopped.
I put in the code just to monitor for a while.
Are You Vulnerable for an Accessibility Lawsuit?
myZenCartHost.com - Zen Cart Certified, PCI Compatible Hosting by JEANDRET
Free SSL & Domain with semi-annual and longer hosting. Updating 1.5.2 and Up.