Not sure if my example is your ref. I have CanadaPost mod. It is the only shipping I offer. In that respect, the method is pre-selected. Within CanadaPost there are several choices that I offer. These successfully show on the checkout screen, with none of those pre-selected. An attempt to checkout without selecting one choice will not proceed - basically the screen refreshes as is. Selecting any choice will adjust the total sale cost and changing the choice will follow through and change the total.
On the cart screen, before hitting the checkout, the shipping choices and respective costs are presented, with the least expensive estimate hi-lighted. The estimate doesn't become an actual cost until selected on checkout.
Here's a screen shot of checkout shipping section:
As is, my thought is to simply change the message in the language file to reinforce that the customer must select a choice.
I'm still on test store with this. I have also tested in the mobile/tablet simulators with no issues presenting.