@EZorb, while the following suggestion is bad if you're NOT using OPC, it's safe if you ARE using OPC: edit /includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_aim.php line 74 and change $collectsCardDataOnsite = false; from false to true.
It's better for OPC to accommodate this without changing the payment module itself, but in the meantime you can use the above change.
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Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.
What about doing this somehow:
How can I use some "if" statement when REVIEW button pop up use : define ('TEXT_CHECKOUT_ONE_INSTRUCTION_LABEL', '<strong>Please Review your Order by Clicking the continue checkout Button</strong>'); //-Displays as the "legend" value for the fieldset that surrounds the message below
"else" use define ('TEXT_CHECKOUT_ONE_INSTRUCTION_LABEL', '<strong>by Clicking the Submit Order Button</strong>'); //-Displays as the "legend" value for the fieldset that surrounds the message below
Or what you suggest is much simpler for now
Hi Cindy - many thanks for your response (I must have had a Seniors moment with 'no' instead of 'not')
I followed your suggestions and here are the results - in 2 (or more) separate posts as too much text for one post according to the error message;
developer page source;
myDEBUG-one_page_checkout-logPHP Code:
<!--bof payment-method choices -->
<div id="checkoutPaymentMethod" class="floatingBox forward clearRight">
<legend>Payment Method</legend>
<input type="hidden" name="payment" value="paypalwpp" id="pmt-paypalwpp" /> <label for="pmt-paypalwpp" class="radioButtonLabel"><img src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/logo/PayPal_mark_50x34.gif" alt="Click here to pay via PayPal Express Checkout" /><span style="font-size:11px; font-family: Arial, Verdana;"> Checkout with PayPal. The safer, easier way to pay.</span></label>
<br class="clearBoth" />
<!--eof payment-method choices -->
myDEBUG-one_page_checkout-243.logCode:2017-07-31 01:01:28 checkout_one_observer: checkout_one redirect: Array ( [main_page] => checkout_shipping [__utma] => 85241051.1274594576.1500608094.1501459147.1501462860.6 [__utmz] => 85241051.1500608094.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) [__atuvc] => 4|29,18|30,29|31 [__utmc] => 85241051 [zenid] => 4nhdpbdd7d5oe6iufjpqn4m931 [__utmb] => 85241051.3.10.1501462860 [__utmt] => 1 [__atuvs] => 597e814c06adb59c002 ) 2017-07-31 01:01:28 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_ENTRY, version (1.3.0 (2017-07-12)), Zen Cart version (1.5.1), template (responsive_all_business)
end part 1.Code:2017-08-03 00:11:53 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_ENTRY, version (1.3.0 (2017-07-12)), Zen Cart version (1.5.1), template (responsive_all_business) 2017-08-03 00:11:53 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_SHIPPING_CALCULATIONS, pass (), free_shipping (), (not set) 2017-08-03 00:11:53 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_SHIPPING_QUOTES array ( 'id' => 'zones_zones', 'title' => 'Zone Rates (Shipping to AU (0.02kg(s)))', 'cost' => 4.9000000000000003552713678800500929355621337890625, 'module' => 'zones', )order Object ( [info] => Array ( [order_status] => 1 [currency] => AUD [currency_value] => 1.00000000 [payment_method] => [payment_module_code] => [coupon_code] => [shipping_method] => Zone Rates (Shipping to AU (0.02kg(s))) [shipping_module_code] => zones_zones [shipping_cost] => 4.9 [subtotal] => 16.95 [shipping_tax] => 0 [tax] => 0 [total] => 16.95 [tax_groups] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [comments] => [ip_address] => - ) [totals] => Array ( ) [products] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [qty] => 1 [name] => Woven Silk Necklace Cord 50cm 20" with 925 Silver Fittings [model] => WNC050 [tax] => 0 [tax_groups] => Array ( [0] => Sales Tax ) [tax_description] => Sales Tax [price] => 16.9500 [final_price] => 16.95 [onetime_charges] => 0 [weight] => 0.015 [products_priced_by_attribute] => 0 [product_is_free] => 0 [products_discount_type] => 0 [products_discount_type_from] => 0 [id] => 941 [rowClass] => rowEven ) ) [customer] => Array ( [firstname] => Michael [lastname] => O'Shannessy [company] => [street_address] => 19 Shetland St [suburb] => [city] => Woodcroft [postcode] => 5162 [state] => South Australia [zone_id] => 186 [country] => Array ( [id] => 13 [title] => Australia [iso_code_2] => AU [iso_code_3] => AUS ) [format_id] => 1 [telephone] => 0988907766 [email_address] => shags38########################## ) [delivery] => Array ( [firstname] => Michael [lastname] => O'Shannessy [company] => [street_address] => 19 Shetland St [suburb] => [city] => Woodcroft [postcode] => 5162 [state] => South Australia [zone_id] => 186 [country] => Array ( [id] => 13 [title] => Australia [iso_code_2] => AU [iso_code_3] => AUS ) [country_id] => 13 [format_id] => 1 ) [content_type] => physical [email_low_stock] => [products_ordered_attributes] => [products_ordered] => [products_ordered_email] => [attachArray] => [billing] => Array ( [firstname] => Michael [lastname] => O'Shannessy [company] => [street_address] => 19 Shetland St [suburb] => [city] => Woodcroft [postcode] => 5162 [state] => South Australia [zone_id] => 186 [country] => Array ( [id] => 13 [title] => Australia [iso_code_2] => AU [iso_code_3] => AUS ) [country_id] => 13 [format_id] => 1 ) ) messageStack Object ( [messages] => Array ( ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => zones [module] => Zone Rates [methods] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => zones [title] => Shipping to AU (0.02kg(s)) [cost] => 4.9 ) ) ) ) 2017-08-03 00:11:54 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_ORDER_TOTAL_PROCESSING order_total Object ( [modules] => Array ( [0] => ot_subtotal.php [1] => ot_shipping.php [2] => ot_coupon.php [3] => ot_group_pricing.php [4] => ot_tax.php [5] => ot_loworderfee.php [6] => ot_gv.php [7] => ot_total.php ) ) order Object ( [info] => Array ( [order_status] => 1 [currency] => AUD [currency_value] => 1.00000000 [payment_method] => [payment_module_code] => [coupon_code] => [shipping_method] => Zone Rates (Shipping to AU (0.02kg(s))) [shipping_module_code] => zones_zones [shipping_cost] => 4.9 [subtotal] => 16.95 [shipping_tax] => 0 [tax] => 0 [total] => 21.85 [tax_groups] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [comments] => [ip_address] => - ) [totals] => Array ( ) [products] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [qty] => 1 [name] => Woven Silk Necklace Cord 50cm 20" with 925 Silver Fittings [model] => WNC050 [tax] => 0 [tax_groups] => Array ( [0] => Sales Tax ) [tax_description] => Sales Tax [price] => 16.9500 [final_price] => 16.95 [onetime_charges] => 0 [weight] => 0.015 [products_priced_by_attribute] => 0 [product_is_free] => 0 [products_discount_type] => 0 [products_discount_type_from] => 0 [id] => 941 [rowClass] => rowEven ) ) [customer] => Array ( [firstname] => Michael [lastname] => O'Shannessy [company] => [street_address] => 19 Shetland St [suburb] => [city] => Woodcroft [postcode] => 5162 [state] => South Australia [zone_id] => 186 [country] => Array ( [id] => 13 [title] => Australia [iso_code_2] => AU [iso_code_3] => AUS ) [format_id] => 1 [telephone] => 0988907766 [email_address] => shags38########################## ) [delivery] => Array ( [firstname] => Michael [lastname] => O'Shannessy [company] => [street_address] => 19 Shetland St [suburb] => [city] => Woodcroft [postcode] => 5162 [state] => South Australia [zone_id] => 186 [country] => Array ( [id] => 13 [title] => Australia [iso_code_2] => AU [iso_code_3] => AUS ) [country_id] => 13 [format_id] => 1 ) [content_type] => physical [email_low_stock] => [products_ordered_attributes] => [products_ordered] => [products_ordered_email] => [attachArray] => [billing] => Array ( [firstname] => Michael [lastname] => O'Shannessy [company] => [street_address] => 19 Shetland St [suburb] => [city] => Woodcroft [postcode] => 5162 [state] => South Australia [zone_id] => 186 [country] => Array ( [id] => 13 [title] => Australia [iso_code_2] => AU [iso_code_3] => AUS ) [country_id] => 13 [format_id] => 1 ) ) messageStack Object ( [messages] => Array ( ) ) 2017-08-03 00:11:54 checkout_one: CHECKOUT_ONE_AFTER_PAYMENT_MODULES_SELECTION payment Object ( [modules] => Array ( [0] => paypaldp.php [1] => paypalwpp.php ) [selected_module] => [paymentClass] => paypalwpp Object ( ["code"] => paypalwpp [title] => PayPal [description] => <strong>PayPal</strong> [enabled] => 1 [zone] => 0 [enableDebugging] => [showPaymentPage] => [flagDisablePaymentAddressChange] => [sort_order] => 0 [buttonSourceEC] => ZenCart-EC_us [order_pending_status] => 1 [order_status] => 2 [_logDir] => includes/modules/payment/paypal/logs/ [_logLevel] => 0 [fmfResponse] => [fmfErrors] => Array ( ) [codeTitle] => PayPal Express Checkout [codeVersion] => 1.5.1 [enableDirectPayment] => [emailAlerts] => 1 [doDPonly] => [buttonSourceDP] => ZenCart-DP_us [new_acct_notify] => Yes [cards] => Array ( ) [form_action_url] => https://www.harmonyball.net.au/ipn_main_handler.php?type=ec&markflow=1&clearSess=1&stage=final [cc_type_check] => ) ) array ( 'id' => 'zones_zones', 'title' => 'Zone Rates (Shipping to AU (0.02kg(s)))', 'cost' => 4.9000000000000003552713678800500929355621337890625, 'module' => 'zones', )
part 2
myDEBUG.log file generated at the same time as the above;
file too long for one post .... /3Code:[03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 345 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 345 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 346 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 346 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: coupon_code in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 347 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 347 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: shipping in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 353 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: shipping in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 353 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: shipping in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 354 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: shipping in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order.php on line 355 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:53 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: pass in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/pages/checkout_one/header_php.php on line 210 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant FREE_SHIPPING_TITLE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/order_total/ot_shipping.php on line 26 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant FREE_SHIPPING_DESCRIPTION already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/order_total/ot_shipping.php on line 27 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_HEADER already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/order_total/responsive_all_business/ot_coupon.php on line 14 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant SHIPPING_NOT_INCLUDED already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/order_total/responsive_all_business/ot_gv.php on line 13 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant TAX_NOT_INCLUDED already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/order_total/responsive_all_business/ot_gv.php on line 14 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_GV_REDEEM_BOX - assumed 'MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_GV_REDEEM_BOX' in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_gv.php on line 46 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: cot_gv in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_gv.php on line 48 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_subtotal::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 160 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_shipping::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 160 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: cot_coupon in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 162 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: cot_group_pricing in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 162 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_tax::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 160 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_loworderfee::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 160 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: cot_gv in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 162 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: cot_gv in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_gv.php on line 220 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: gv_redeem_code in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_gv.php on line 222 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: submit_redeem_x in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_gv.php on line 268 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_total::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 160 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_subtotal::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 181 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_shipping::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 181 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: total in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 183 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: cc_id in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php on line 393 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: tax in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php on line 114 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: total in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_group_pricing.php on line 136 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: total in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_group_pricing.php on line 137 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: tax in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_group_pricing.php on line 137 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_tax::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 181 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_loworderfee::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 181 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_total::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 181 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: queryFactoryResult::$fields in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/functions/functions_lookups.php on line 496
part 3 of 4
Code:[03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_TEXT_COMMENTS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypaldp.php on line 136 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_DEFAULT_MESSAGE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypaldp.php on line 137 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_TEXT_VOID_CONFIRM_CHECK already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 74 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_TEXT_AUTH_FULL_CONFIRM_CHECK already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 76 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_FIRST_NAME already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 114 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_LAST_NAME already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 115 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_BUSINESS_NAME already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 116 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_ADDRESS_NAME already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 117 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_ADDRESS_STREET already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 118 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_ADDRESS_CITY already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 119 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_ADDRESS_STATE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 120 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_ADDRESS_ZIP already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 121 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_ADDRESS_COUNTRY already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 122 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 123 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_EBAY_ID already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 124 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_PAYER_ID already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 125 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_PAYER_STATUS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 126 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_ADDRESS_STATUS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 127 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_PAYMENT_TYPE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 128 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_PAYMENT_STATUS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 129 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_PENDING_REASON already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 130 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_INVOICE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 131 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_PAYMENT_DATE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 132 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CURRENCY already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 133 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_GROSS_AMOUNT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 134 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_PAYMENT_FEE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 135 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_EXCHANGE_RATE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 136 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CART_ITEMS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 137 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_TXN_TYPE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 138 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_TXN_ID already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 139 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_PARENT_TXN_ID already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 140 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_TITLE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 141 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_FULL already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 142 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_BUTTON_TEXT_FULL already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 143 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_BUTTON_TEXT_PARTIAL already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 144 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_TEXT_FULL_OR already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 145 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_PAYFLOW_TEXT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 146 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_PARTIAL_TEXT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 147 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_SUFFIX already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 148 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_TEXT_COMMENTS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 149 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_REFUND_DEFAULT_MESSAGE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 150 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_TEXT_REFUND_FULL_CONFIRM_CHECK already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 151 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_AUTH_TITLE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 155 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_AUTH_PARTIAL_TEXT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 156 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_AUTH_BUTTON_TEXT_PARTIAL already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 157 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_AUTH_SUFFIX already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 158 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CAPTURE_TITLE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 160 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CAPTURE_FULL already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 161 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CAPTURE_BUTTON_TEXT_FULL already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 162 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CAPTURE_AMOUNT_TEXT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 163 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CAPTURE_FINAL_TEXT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 164 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CAPTURE_SUFFIX already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 165 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CAPTURE_TEXT_COMMENTS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 166 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 167 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_VOID_TITLE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 170 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_VOID already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 171 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_VOID_TEXT_COMMENTS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 172 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_VOID_DEFAULT_MESSAGE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 173 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_VOID_BUTTON_TEXT_FULL already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 174 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_VOID_SUFFIX already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 175 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_TRANSSTATE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 177 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_AUTHCODE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 178 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_AVSADDR already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 179 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_AVSZIP already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 180 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_CVV2MATCH already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 181 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_ENTRY_DAYSTOSETTLE already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 182 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_LINEITEM_TEXT_ONETIME_CHARGES_PREFIX already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 187 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_LINEITEM_TEXT_SURCHARGES_SHORT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 188 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_LINEITEM_TEXT_SURCHARGES_LONG already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 189 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_LINEITEM_TEXT_DISCOUNTS_SHORT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 190 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_LINEITEM_TEXT_DISCOUNTS_LONG already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 191 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALDP_TEXT_EMAIL_FMF_SUBJECT already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 192 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALDP_TEXT_EMAIL_FMF_INTRO already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 193 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant MODULES_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_AGGREGATE_CART_CONTENTS already defined in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypalwpp.php on line 197 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: paypaldp in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/functions/functions_general.php on line 587 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: paypaldp in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 169 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 169 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: fb_image in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/super_data_head.php on line 65 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: fb_image in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/super_data_head.php on line 68 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: fb_image in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/super_data_head.php on line 73 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: fb_image in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/super_data_head.php on line 108
LAST part (4/4)
I also overwrote the /includes/modules/payment/paypaldp.php file from one of the other v1.5.1 sites that are working perfectly, with no result.Code:[03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 14 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 14 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 72 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 72 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 68 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 68 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 49 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 49 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 71 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 71 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 70 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 70 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 53 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 53 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 55 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 55 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 57 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 57 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 58 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 58 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 59 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 59 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 60 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 60 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 61 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 61 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 62 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 62 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 63 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 63 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 64 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 64 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 65 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 65 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 66 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 66 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 67 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 67 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 69 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 69 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 51 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 51 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 43 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 43 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 47 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 47 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 46 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 46 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 50 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 63 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 50 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/categories_ul_generator.php on line 72 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: paypaldp in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 169 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 169 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: paypaldp in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 141 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 141 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: paypaldp in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 169 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 169 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: paypaldp in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 183 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 183 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_subtotal::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 120 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_shipping::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 120 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php on line 136 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php on line 136 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: selection in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_group_pricing.php on line 141 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_tax::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 120 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_loworderfee::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 120 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: output_string in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_gv.php on line 138 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: selection in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_gv.php on line 192 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: ot_total::$credit_class in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 120 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: checkbox in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/template_default/templates/tpl_checkout_one_default.php on line 137 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: tax in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/template_default/templates/tpl_modules_checkout_one_shipping.php on line 34 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: paypaldp in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 183 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/classes/payment.php on line 183 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: total in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php on line 60 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: cc_id in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php on line 393 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: total in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_group_pricing.php on line 32 [03-Aug-2017 00:11:54 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: total in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/modules/order_total/ot_group_pricing.php on line 33
I did a /includes/modules/payment/paypaldp.php file comparison between 1.5.1 and 1.5.4 and there are a number of differences - it is somewhat superfluous as the 1.5.1 version of that file works in any case
So maybe somewhere else amongst the payment files I have something missing ?... or do I need to uninstall OPC and remove all associated files and then re-install?
p.s. not sure if you needed ALL of the above but better to give it all than not enough info .... maybe?![]()
In (/includes/languages/english/responsive4Ezorb/checkout_one.php) Line 115 I need two links to show next line down from "you agree to our shipping & returns policies.........."
<li><a href="https://www.ezorbcalcium.com/main-doc/shipping.html">Shipping Policy</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.ezorbcalcium.com/main-doc/return.html">Return Policy</a></li>
I found the below code and I get syntex error. Above my pay grade.
<!--BOF footer nav links-->
<ul id="footer_links" class="footer_links" style="float:right;width:125px;text-align: right;padding:25px;">
<li><a href="https://www.ezorbcalcium.com/main-doc/shipping.html">Shipping Policy</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.ezorbcalcium.com/main-doc/return.html">Return Policy</a></li>
<!--EOF footer nav links--> see picture @ post 521
Need help please.
Last edited by EZorb; 3 Aug 2017 at 06:32 AM.