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  1. #61
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by fjbern1943 View Post
    First let me thank you very much, especially since this is away off topic for this thread.

    I will give this a try and see how I make out. Seems like a very reasonable approach.

    OK it didn't work. It produces an error:

    [11-Aug-2016 15:36:31 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hsphere/local/home/religiousshop/ on line 713
    Here is Line 712 to 719 in order.php:

    712 $shipping_array = $_SESSION['cart']->vendor_shipping;
    713  foreach ($shipping_array as $vendors_id => $shipping_data) {
    714   $vendors = $db->Execute("select vendors_name from " . TABLE_VENDORS . " where vendors_id = '" . (int)$vendors_id . "'");
    715    $vendors_name = 'Unknown';
    716   if ($vendors) {
    717      $vendors_name = $vendors->fields['vendors_name'];
    718    }
    719     $shipping_method_array = explode ('_', $shipping_data['id']);

    What do you think?


  2. #62
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Frank, I was thinking last night that there's a better way ... and there is.

    Rather than going down the config.core.php replacement, simply place the following define statement just before your script loads application_top.php:
    define ('CHECKOUT_ONE_ENABLED', 'false');
    That definition will "preempt" the database setting and will allow your script to run in "normal" checkout mode regardless the configuration of the One-Page Checkout plugin.

  3. #63
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    v1.0.1 is now available for download from the Zen Cart plugins. There are a couple of issues (identified in postings above) that are targeted for a v1.0.2 release, which will most likely happen within the next week.

  4. #64
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    Frank, I was thinking last night that there's a better way ... and there is.

    Rather than going down the config.core.php replacement, simply place the following define statement just before your script loads application_top.php:
    define ('CHECKOUT_ONE_ENABLED', 'false');
    That definition will "preempt" the database setting and will allow your script to run in "normal" checkout mode regardless the configuration of the One-Page Checkout plugin.

    Well it took all my brainpower and a very long investigation to figure this out. The file we were looking at in post #55 had absolutely nothing to do with my MVS/Vendor plugin. It was to be used if you wanted to charge freight, not per order but by vendor. In other words if an order went to two different vendors that file would have been used to charge the customer multiple shipping charges. When I was working with the plugin developer I had them change the way the plugin work so that the customer was only charged for one freight charge. Unfortunately they left that file in the distribution but it didn't do anything. The more I looked at the file the more I realized that it made no sense. I removed it from the server and placed an order using the standard multi form check out and the order was processed and the vendor information was posted and vendor email was sent.. Just as it was suppose to, even though that file was removed.

    I placed another order using the on-page checkout and it processed the order but it did not produce any vendor information or vendor email.

    I looked at the standard modules/pages/header_php.php pages and compared them to modules/pages/checkout_one/header_php.php file.

    I ended up adding this code:

    $vendor_shipping = $_SESSION['cart']->vendor_shipping(); to the confirmation_one/header_php.php page code, and then ran another test order and guess what it all worked. Problem solved. Sorry for being so winded but I wanted you to know the full story

    I want to thank you for all your assistance and certainly going the extra mile to help out a fellow zenner.

    P.S. Don't think abut this tonight put your valuable talents to work on something really worth while. Suggestion, a new COWA plugin to go along with the one-page checkout. :-)

  5. #65
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    A couple more bugfixes have been posted to the plugin's GitHub repository:

    Need to move the customers_auth check to after we know the customer's logged in (there were PHP Notify errors being recorded). Change needed to /includes/modules/pages/checkout_one/header_php.php to move that checking block. Currently:
    // -----
    // If the plugin's debug-mode is set to "full", then enable ALL error reporting for the checkout_one page.
    if (CHECKOUT_ONE_DEBUG == 'full') {
        @ini_set('error_reporting', -1 );
    // -----
    // In the "normal" Zen Cart checkout flow, the module /includes/init_includes/init_customer_auth.php performs the
    // following check to see that the customer is authorized to checkout.  Rather than changing the code in that
    // core-file, we'll repeat that check here.
    if ($_SESSION['customers_authorization'] != 0) {
        $messageStack->add_session ('header', TEXT_AUTHORIZATION_PENDING_CHECKOUT, 'caution');
        zen_redirect (zen_href_link (FILENAME_DEFAULT));
    // if there is nothing in the customers cart, redirect them to the shopping cart page
    if ($_SESSION['cart']->count_contents() <= 0) {
        zen_redirect (zen_href_link (FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, '', 'NONSSL'));
    // if the customer is not logged on, redirect them to the login page
    if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id']) || !$_SESSION['customer_id']) {
        zen_redirect (zen_href_link (FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));
    } else {
        // validate customer
        if (zen_get_customer_validate_session ($_SESSION['customer_id']) == false) {
            $_SESSION['navigation']->set_snapshot (array ('mode' => 'SSL', 'page' => FILENAME_CHECKOUT_ONEPAGE));
            zen_redirect (zen_href_link (FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));
    // -----
    // If the plugin's debug-mode is set to "full", then enable ALL error reporting for the checkout_one page.
    if (CHECKOUT_ONE_DEBUG == 'full') {
        @ini_set('error_reporting', -1 );
    // if there is nothing in the customers cart, redirect them to the shopping cart page
    if ($_SESSION['cart']->count_contents() <= 0) {
        zen_redirect (zen_href_link (FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, '', 'NONSSL'));
    // if the customer is not logged on, redirect them to the login page
    if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id']) || !$_SESSION['customer_id']) {
        zen_redirect (zen_href_link (FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));
    } else {
        // validate customer
        if (zen_get_customer_validate_session ($_SESSION['customer_id']) == false) {
            $_SESSION['navigation']->set_snapshot (array ('mode' => 'SSL', 'page' => FILENAME_CHECKOUT_ONEPAGE));
            zen_redirect (zen_href_link (FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));
    // -----
    // In the "normal" Zen Cart checkout flow, the module /includes/init_includes/init_customer_auth.php performs the
    // following check to see that the customer is authorized to checkout.  Rather than changing the code in that
    // core-file, we'll repeat that check here.
    if ($_SESSION['customers_authorization'] != 0) {
        $messageStack->add_session ('header', TEXT_AUTHORIZATION_PENDING_CHECKOUT, 'caution');
        zen_redirect (zen_href_link (FILENAME_DEFAULT));
    ... essentially, moving that customers_authorization check to after we know the customer's logged in.

    I'll identify the other issue in a follow-on post.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Here's the other one:

    The "collectsCardDataOnsite" interface changed between Zen Cart 1.5.4 and 1.5.5 and the plugin's using the 1.5.4 version (which was used to verify the authorizenet_aim payment method). Need to update /includes/modules/pages/checkout_one/jscript_main.php to include the ZC 1.5.5 version of the interface as well.

    To correct, add the highlighted code sections:
    function shippingIsBilling () 
        var shippingAddress = document.getElementById ('checkoutOneShipto');
        if (shippingAddress) {
            if (document.getElementById ('shipping_billing').checked) {
                shippingAddress.className = 'hiddenField';
                shippingAddress.setAttribute ('className', 'hiddenField'); 
            } else {
                shippingAddress.className = 'visibleField';
                shippingAddress.setAttribute ('className', 'visibleField');
    // -----
    // The "collectsCartDataOnsite" interface built into Zen Cart magically transformed between
    // Zen Cart 1.5.4 and 1.5.5, so this module for the One-Page Checkout plugin includes both
    // forms.  That way, if a payment module was written for 1.5.4 it'll work, ditto for those
    // written for the 1.5.5 method.
    function collectsCardDataOnsite(paymentValue)
            url: "ajax.php?act=ajaxPayment&method=doesCollectsCardDataOnsite",
            data: {paymentValue: paymentValue}
        }).done(function( response ) {
            if ( == true) {
                var str = $('form[name="checkout_payment"]').serializeArray();
                    url: "ajax.php?act=ajaxPayment&method=prepareConfirmation",
                    data: str
                }).done(function( response ) {
                    $(document).attr('title', response.pageTitle);
            } else {
                zcLog2Console ('collectsCartDataOnsite: submitting form');
        return false;
    function doesCollectsCardDataOnsite(paymentValue)
        if ($('#'+paymentValue+'_collects_onsite').val()) {
            if ($('#pmt-'+paymentValue).is(':checked')) {
                return true;
        return false;
    function doCollectsCardDataOnsite(paymentValue)
        var str = $('form[name="checkout_payment"]').serializeArray();
            url: "ajax.php?act=ajaxPayment&method=prepareConfirmation",
            data: str
        }).done(function( response ) {
            $(document).attr('title', response.pageTitle);

  7. #67
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    I've just submitted v1.0.2 to the plugins' area for review (if you can't wait, you can download it from either the plugin's GitHub repository or my website).

    This version provides changes to address the following issues (as identified by their issue numbers in the plugin's GitHub repository):
    #13: Form won't submit under IE-11
    #14: Pre-integration with "Product Delivery by Postcode (PDP)"
    #17: Missing semi-colon in language file
    #18: Error-log generated when the customer has applied a discount coupon
    #19: Move customer's authorization check
    #20: Include both ZC1.5.4 and 1.5.5 versions of "handlesCreditCardDataOnSite"
    #21: Correct interoperation with some shipping methods
    #22: Correct AJAX session-save issue
    #23: Session time-out handling
    #24: Display payment-method block when in "special checkout"

  8. #68
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    I am using v1.5.4 and template 'Tableau'

    Do I have to have FEC installed as well? nothing seems to work correctly;
    Reading through the install instructions 'D. Click the "Admin Home" link in your Zen Cart's top admin menu. This action will cause the plugin's installation script to run.' For me this does not happen.
    When I go to checkout all the boxes and format is missing.

    I have been trying to give you a picture of what is happening but I cannot remember how to get the page in to a displayable picture, sorry.
    Learning Fast.
    Eden Craft Supplies

  9. #69
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by adb34 View Post
    I am using v1.5.4 and template 'Tableau'

    Do I have to have FEC installed as well? nothing seems to work correctly;
    Reading through the install instructions 'D. Click the "Admin Home" link in your Zen Cart's top admin menu. This action will cause the plugin's installation script to run.' For me this does not happen.
    When I go to checkout all the boxes and format is missing.

    I have been trying to give you a picture of what is happening but I cannot remember how to get the page in to a displayable picture, sorry.
    You absolutely, positively don't want to have FEC installed to use the One-Page Checkout! That would actually be a disaster waiting to happen.

    Once you've copied the plugin's files to your store, changing the YOUR_ADMIN and YOUR_TEMPLATE names appropriately, that click on "Admin Home" installs the plugin's configuration information into the database. Now, go to Configuration->One-Page Checkout Settings and enable the plugin.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    You absolutely, positively don't want to have FEC installed to use the One-Page Checkout! That would actually be a disaster waiting to happen.....
    And a BIG nod from me - this plugin is the best thing since sliced bread was invented. FEC is definitely not needed at all - and, yes, it would be a disaster waiting to happen......

    Since I installed this plugin, sales have increased considerably, even had comments from long-standing clients/customers that their checkout experience is so much easier. And since making my favorite payment modules eWay a default selected, it's thumbs up all round.


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