Product additional fields plugin is available but how to add additional fields to attributes?
e.g. Want to add upc field for each attribute etc.
Product additional fields plugin is available but how to add additional fields to attributes?
e.g. Want to add upc field for each attribute etc.
Can do this through Stock by Attributes as a customid.
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SBA have so many bugs and developer don't recommend using it.
Any way to add UPC field on page where we enter attribute to product like attribute price, attribute weight etc.
ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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I talked with Numinix.
If you think it work good, How I can add UPC field using it?
There is already a field that can be used to ones desire to hold a unique piece of data. It is called the customid field. The data in this field for a single attribute or combination of attributes must be different for every such entry or be left blank.
How you use it after that is pretty much up to you. As far as mass population, once the SBA variants have been generated, EasyPopulate V4 has a method to export and import the data to support population and modification of the field as well as stock quantities.
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Thank you! Do you know a way for including all attributes and their custom field (UPC in my case) in Google Merchant Center Feed file generated using GMC Feed Plugin?
Not familiar enough with the GMC code to provide specific code and line numbers. At the moment I'm away from the code, but effectively what is required to retrieve a customid from the database is the products_id and the attributes being used to look up the customid as an array such that the key of the array is the option_name_id and the value of that key is the option_value_id. These numbers are the same that you see in each of the option names manager and the option values manager under the catalog dropdown of your admin. If a product is not tracked by SBA then the function returns the products_model information. If necessary, could add another part to the function to return something like a blank result or other "default" value...
The function should be located in the includes/classes/ file that I think is called products_with_attributes_stock.php. It was recently created so hard haven't committed it to memory yet. Functions of that file are accessed through the session variable pwas_class2 at the moment. So: $_SESSION['pwas_class2']-> would reference the file/class then let's say the function zen_get_customid is the function then:
$customid = $_SESSION['pwas_class2']->zen_get_customid($products_id, $attribute_array);
Would assign the customid result to $customid...
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