I am using PagSeguro payment module, I am from Brazil.
Everytime a customer buy something it needs to inform again some missing information...
For example: The address number (this field is missing); telephone number; CPF number (this would be a new field).

=> The number adress was supposed to be inside address field but this payment module expects a number address field apart.
=> The telefone number is a single field but the module field expects a local code field plus telephone field. I think someone could make a script to take left 2 characters to send like the local telefone code and the third character ahead send like telephone field.
=> CPF number is like a 999.999.999-99 (11 numbers) number field to identify brazilian citizens.

The number of the address and CPF number should be news fields inserted to the table and we should edit the file which creates an customer account and the file which sends data to the payment module.

Anybody could help this step by step?