Getting Upcoming Products to display seems to involve three data values:

  1. Product with a Date Available date specified,
  2. Product's Status listed as In Stock, and, just as odd
  3. Product Quantity set to zero.

The odd balls in the mix seem to be requiring the

  • Product's Status and
  • Product Quantity

as stated above. If the product is expected, how could there be stock, and how would it have an in-stock quantity? I would think the logic behind getting an Upcoming Product to display would simply be having its future date identified.

  1. Will ZenCart's logic adjust the main page's display as the expected date passes?
  2. Perhaps it's inconsequential, but will ZenCart clear the item's Date Available field, or will I have to delete that manually?

Could this be incorporated into future, wish-list features?

Also, Ajeh in notes that there has to be items with its product Dates Available field populated, possibly implying something will break if there are no products listed with Dates Available dates listed. I hope this isn't so. I'm hoping no products with Dates Available dates simply means no box displayed on the bottom of the main page.
