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  1. #1
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    Default Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    I'm not talking about the Template CSS. That's already accomplished. Now I want to spin that image using CSS3 webkit animation, javascript, or whatever the simplest solution might be.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    No clue without at least a link to the site.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    Apparently different EZpages using varying content and varying processes results in the homepage background image being managed in varying modules, templates, or whatever.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberbaffled View Post
    Apparently different EZpages using varying content and varying processes results in the homepage background image being managed in varying modules, templates, or whatever.

    Just curious as to why you need to do this... Is there a good commercial / business / marketing reason? ... or just 'cause you want it there?

    Bear in mind, these sorts of gadgets (if they don't have a specific business reason for being there) add to page load, and earn penalties from search engines.
    20 years a Zencart User

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    A significant proportion of ecommerce sites use animation to differentiate their site from hundreds of thousands of other sites. I share that motivation.

    Incidentally, what form do said 'penalties' take?

    Finally, now that I've addressed your curiosity, do you understand the php code sufficiently to answer the original question? The question is: where in the code is the homepage "background" image affixed to said homepage?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberbaffled View Post
    A significant proportion of ecommerce sites use animation to differentiate their site from hundreds of thousands of other sites. I share that motivation.

    Incidentally, what form do said 'penalties' take?

    Finally, now that I've addressed your curiosity, do you understand the php code sufficiently to answer the original question? The question is: where in the code is the homepage "background" image affixed to said homepage?

    after looking at your site, i'm not seeing different background images on different pages. perhaps you can point me to a page that makes use of a different image?

    i see all of your pages using this background image (if it were my site, i would change the name of the image to something simpler... but that's me...)

    and that image as you stated in your original post got there utilizing css, and specially in:

    as far as rotating said image, i would do it in css. plenty of ways to do it, but i think css is the easiest. a google search provides a number of examples:

    good luck!
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberbaffled View Post
    The question is: where in the code is the homepage "background" image affixed to said homepage?
    Depends on what template you’re using!! Where you want the background to show! What contains the background!

    Most slip it into the body tag in stylesheat.css like:
    body {background: url(../images/puzzle47.jpg);
    Or you can create a class for the container.

    And there are a ton of ways to spin containers with css3 or script, like my hamburger icon is animated with css3 and no images what so ever!

    If you really want something different, create an Animated Portable Network Graphics (APNG) for the background, don't do GIF.. Then each page css can have there own background image animating!!
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    For Carlwhat and Davewest specifically. I always feel guilty when I can't respond to thoughtful replies quickly, but I cannot. I'm the developer, marketer, photographer, and primarily writer (and gardener, carpenter, chef, and so forth in quotidian life); so I do my best and roll with the punches if zenners get put off.

    The mechanics of the animation are trivial compared to integrating a brief program into the app's complete execution. I just slapped myself on the forehead because it just occurs to me that spinning the pin-wheel galaxy image might simply be accomplished by a few lines of CSS3 webkit code in the stylesheet CSS currently used in the "body" tag. {And yes, the galaxy image will only be used for the homepage, with other backgrounds for other pages). However, the task is not that simple. For one thing, the image has to be differentiated into three layers -for foreground, background, and galaxy components; and each component has its own "transformation" parameters. Etc., Etc.. And yes again, a separate class is probably the best solution, but where do I incorporate the class? There, I've given myself away completely. I need to master the php programming in its intricate detail, which I've put off for reasons of time. This is beyond the inline code adjustments I've made to get the homepage to look identical on Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer (which done usually addresses Opera and Safari as well).

    I've added a bit of personal information to my profile for anyone interested.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberbaffled View Post
    A significant proportion of ecommerce sites use animation to differentiate their site from hundreds of thousands of other sites. I share that motivation.
    So does - they are there to entertain. Are you keen on entertaining your visitors, or selling stuff? The modern tendency is to focus on the PRODUCT, and by embedding structured data markup in your PHP - particularly JSON-ld protocol - you will find that specific PRODUCT pages are returned in search engine search results. Research by econsultancy, forrester, and work done by heat-mapping researchers like Jakob Nielsen indicate that sites that follow a "conventional" layout, intuitively makes shoppers more "comfortable". By having product-specific pages now more likely to render in search results, the significance of the "home page" is decreasing - as are other "pages" such as main (parent) categories.

    I tend to build sites on what research tells me - ie: the User Experience, and how users like to interact with product-rich ecommerce sites.

    Of course, if you want your site to look like a pinball machine on steroids - please go ahead.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberbaffled View Post
    Incidentally, what form do said 'penalties' take?
    Go do a pagespeed test on google, or use pingdom or gtmetrix .

    Pagespeed is now a critical ranking factor on Google. Slow sites will find themselves either not featuring in search results (particularly mobile results), or be way down the rankings.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberbaffled View Post
    Finally, now that I've addressed your curiosity, do you understand the php code sufficiently to answer the original question? The question is: where in the code is the homepage "background" image affixed to said homepage?
    I have a fair knowledge of PHP, but what you require is more a CSS issue.
    20 years a Zencart User

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Where in the php code would a background image on the home page be managed?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberbaffled View Post
    For Carlwhat and Davewest specifically. I always feel guilty when I can't respond to thoughtful replies quickly, but I cannot. I'm the developer, marketer, photographer, and primarily writer (and gardener, carpenter, chef, and so forth in quotidian life); so I do my best and roll with the punches if zenners get put off.

    The mechanics of the animation are trivial compared to integrating a brief program into the app's complete execution. I just slapped myself on the forehead because it just occurs to me that spinning the pin-wheel galaxy image might simply be accomplished by a few lines of CSS3 webkit code in the stylesheet CSS currently used in the "body" tag. {And yes, the galaxy image will only be used for the homepage, with other backgrounds for other pages). However, the task is not that simple. For one thing, the image has to be differentiated into three layers -for foreground, background, and galaxy components; and each component has its own "transformation" parameters. Etc., Etc.. And yes again, a separate class is probably the best solution, but where do I incorporate the class? There, I've given myself away completely. I need to master the php programming in its intricate detail, which I've put off for reasons of time. This is beyond the inline code adjustments I've made to get the homepage to look identical on Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer (which done usually addresses Opera and Safari as well).

    I've added a bit of personal information to my profile for anyone interested.
    Incorporating the class concept isn't just about "knowing" the php... it first requires knowing HTML so that you can say: I want this class associated with this tag, to wrap around this "object". Ie, might need an additional span tag or a div tag, or maybe just add a class to an existing tag or an existing tag's class...

    Once you know that part of how you want things to look, there should be no shame/concern/issue with asking: I know I want my source code to go from: xxxxxxx to: yyyyyyy, but either how do I find the right spot, or where is it? And you are likely to get answers of all sorts between how to use ZC to search for you, what page is likely involved, to a copy of the exact line and code to add if the template is based on a default_template.

    Put another way, you come asking questions, tendency is if you learn from the answer(s) (Ie don't keep asking the same question again and again or obviously/blatantly don't do at least a little research), then you'll continue to get answers.

    Of course some answers may go down the line of yes can do, but why would you want to? Which shouldn't be too difficult to answer, but from the askers perspective may be seen as a path that could cause trouble.

    Also, and not to take away from your situation of all things, and also not to turn this forum into some sort of self-help site, there are people of all types here with their various situations/conditions, from the blind to those bed ridden or war veterans, single parents, etc... I think everyone has had their struggle and the thing is that there are those that still want others to succeed or to get through their software issue. That's the ZC community.
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