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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Adelaide, Australia
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    Default Log error - cannot delete file causing error responsive_all_business

    I installed plugin 'editable_center_boxes' some time back and had issues so uninstalled it using uninstall.sql however have been getting this error message ever since - every 6 seconds and it is taking up a lot of inodes space causing all sorts of issues. (support thread is unsupported hence posting here)

    I tried deleting the template file referred to in the error message but that caused havoc with the site template overall so it obviously interacts with template core files.

    What solution can be offered please? simply edit out line 20 or will that cause other issues?

    log error (old saved copy)

    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_1 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_2 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_3 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_4 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_5 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_6 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_7 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_8 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_9 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_1 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_2 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_3 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_4 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_5 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_6 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_7 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_8 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20
    [06-Jan-2017 11:32:03 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_9 in /home/harmony2/public_html/includes/templates/responsive_all_business/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php on line 20

    template referred to

    * /includes/templates/your_template/templates/tpl_middleboxes.php gjh42 2012-10-15
    * Editable Centerboxes by C. Jones, Glenn Herbert

    if ($this_is_home_page or !MIDDLEBOX_HOME or $box_loc == 8 or $box_loc == 9) {
    $column_box_default = 'tpl_box_default_center.php';
    $middleboxes_group = array();
    for ($i=1; $i<=9; $i++) {
    if (constant('MIDDLEBOX_NUMBER_' . $i) == (int)$box_loc) $middleboxes_group[] = $i;
    if (sizeof($middleboxes_group) > 0) {
    echo "\n\n" . '<!-- BOF Middlebox Group ' . $box_loc . ' -->' . "\n" . '<div id="navColumnMiddleWrapper' . $box_loc . '" class="navColumnMiddleWrapper">';
    for($ix=0; $ix<sizeof($middleboxes_group); $ix++) {
    $box_no = $middleboxes_group[$ix];
    echo ' <div class="middleboxContainer" id="middlebox_' . $box_no . '">';
    $middlebox_name = constant('FILENAME_DEFINE_MIDDLEBOX_' . $box_no);
    $sidebox_name = constant('SIDEBOX_MIDDLEBOX_' . $box_no);
    $sidebox_filename = $sidebox_name . '.php';
    if ($sidebox_name and (file_exists(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $sidebox_filename) or file_exists(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/' . $sidebox_filename))) {
    $box_id = zen_get_box_id($sidebox_filename); //sidebox handling
    if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/' . $sidebox_filename) ) {
    require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/' . $sidebox_filename);
    } else {
    require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $sidebox_filename);
    } else { //defined middlebox output
    echo ' <h3>' . constant('BOX_HEADING_MIDDLEBOX' . $box_no) . '</h3>' . "\n" . ' <div class="middleboxContent">';
    require zen_get_file_directory(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $_SESSION['language'] . '/html_includes/', $middlebox_name, 'false');
    echo ' </div>' . "\n";
    echo ' </div>' . "\n";
    echo '</div>' . "\n" . '<br class="clearBoth" />' . "\n" . '<!-- EOF Middlebox Group ' . $box_loc . ' -->' . "\n\n";

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
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    Default Re: Log error - cannot delete file causing error responsive_all_business

    removal of a plugin/modification should be performed in reverse of installation. SQL statements are just a part of that. Files that were edited need to have the applicable plugin portion removed (or restored back to what they were by use of the backup that was made before installation) and further shouldn't be a problem if the plugin is installed to a development environment first.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
    Contribution for contributions welcome...

  3. #3
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    Adelaide, Australia
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    Default Re: Log error - cannot delete file causing error responsive_all_business

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    removal of a plugin/modification should be performed in reverse of installation. SQL statements are just a part of that. Files that were edited need to have the applicable plugin portion removed (or restored back to what they were by use of the backup that was made before installation) and further shouldn't be a problem if the plugin is installed to a development environment first.
    You are absolutely correct MC - problem is that all of those factors didn't take place / aren't in place .... this plugin was installed a few years ago and I do not have 'notes' (my bad) and ZC version upgrades and template changes have taken place in the meantime... so I have a problem that needs some advice on how to solve :)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Log error - cannot delete file causing error responsive_all_business

    Did you go and re-download the plugin, unzip it, and look at its uninstall instructions, or at least which files it contains, and then use that as a map for removing its traces?

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
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    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Log error - cannot delete file causing error responsive_all_business

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
    Did you go and re-download the plugin, unzip it, and look at its uninstall instructions, or at least which files it contains, and then use that as a map for removing its traces?
    Yes Doc - that has been done, uninstalled as per instructions - including reverting to 'original' installation copies of files modified by the plugin - additionally I have deleted every file associated with the plugin EXCEPT tpl_middleboxes.php which is the one referred to in the original post - as soon as I delete that my template goes haywire ..... so I am stumped

    Modified files included in this package
    The following files in this add-on may overwrite three existing files in your template. IF these files are included in your current template, then you should use a program like Beyond Compare or Winmerge to merge these files with the ones already in your store's template files. (Your current template may NOT include these files at all -- if your current template does not include these files, you will be okay simply using the ones from this module.)

    You may simply turn this module off using the admin settings for each middlebox number:
    Configuration -> Editable Centerboxes -> Middlebox # - Location -> 0=Off

    If you wish to remove this module altogether follow these steps:

    From the Zen Cart admin go to Tools -> Install SQL Patches. Copy the contents of the uninstall_middleboxes.sql file into the form and click the "Send" button. DO NOT RUN THIS PATCH USING YOUR HOST'S PHPMyAdmin tools!! The Zen Cart SQL Patch tool properly adds table prefixes to the SQL code you run through it.
    Delete all the module files from your store.

    If your template already has the following files included includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_index_default.php, includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_index_categories.php, you will need to use a tool like Winmerge or Beyond Compare to manually remove the changes to these files made for this module.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Log error - cannot delete file causing error responsive_all_business

    Thanks for your help guys - solved the issue by editing out (//) the line in the file that was producing the error.

    cheers, Mike



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