PHP Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50635 Library:50552

I have read somewhere I need to get the php modules for mysqlnd etc repaired or installed or flushed out or something.

But not worked. using cpanel and hosting company has just told me to select my desired version of php and select the modules. Done this. still get errors in logs.

So what version of PHP for zc 1.5.5e should I use. cpanel give option of php 7 and 5.6 and 5.5 and 5.4 etc. Currently tried php 7 and selected various php mysql modules but still getting this error log - which is preventing the site from loading completely.

Any ideas to try?

I am getting rather dissolutioned. All started trying to cure a error with too many redirects - has forced my to try a complete upgrade. still not sure if resolved as not got new problems.
