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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    @mc12345678, doing what you will suggest will not solve @johnnyh's issue.

    as far as i can tell, the problem is with the $language_id.

    #1, it does not look like you have the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE set in the admin. that said, it looks to be a hidden configuration.
    #2, it would still not work, as they are using the default language code as opposed to the languages_id.

    the languages_id looks to get set in includes/init_includes/init_languages.php and it looks to be a SESSION variable.

    so first, revert the code to the original. and then i would change the code as such:

    PHP Code:
    $lang=mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query("select languages_id from ".DB_PREFIX."languages where code in (select configuration_value from ".DB_PREFIX."configuration where configuration_key='DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')"));

    in addition, i think once you have the script in its original form (or the new revised form), the following link could work:

    good luck! let us know how it goes!

    1 last thing, there does look to be some extra spaces in the original mysql query:

    select ".DB_PREFIX."products.products_id,products_price,products_price_sorter,products_ image,products_name,products_description,products_url from ".DB_PREFIX."products,".DB_PREFIX."products_description where ".DB_PREFIX."products.products_status='1' and ".DB_PREFIX."products.products_id=".DB_PREFIX."products_description.products _id and ".DB_PREFIX."products_description.language_id='".$language_id."' order by ".DB_PREFIX."products.products_id
    specifically here:

    products_ image


    products_description.products _id

    i would remove those 2 extra spaces.
    Last edited by carlwhat; 30 Jun 2017 at 01:48 PM. Reason: making it slightly clearer...
    author of square Webpay.
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  2. #12
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    in thinking about my last post, and the supplier's code, there does seem to be a problem as the GET parameter does not get sanitized and one could very easily do a SQL injection utilizing that bit of code.

    in that respect, i do think that they need to update their code, as passing a non-sanitized variable represents a MAJOR security risk.

    one could easily change it by removing the reference to the GET parameter and just using the SESSION value for language_id.

    good luck.
    author of square Webpay.
    mxWorks has premium plugins. donations: venmo or paypal accepted.
    premium consistent excellent support. available for hire.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    Quote Originally Posted by carlwhat View Post
    @mc12345678, doing what you will suggest will not solve @johnnyh's issue.

    as far as i can tell, the problem is with the $language_id.

    #1, it does not look like you have the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE set in the admin. that said, it looks to be a hidden configuration.
    #2, it would still not work, as they are using the default language code as opposed to the languages_id.
    This is why when writing code applicable to ZC that it is recommended to use the builtin ZC functions... They work regardless of underlying syntax.

    Ie. in an environment that supports mysql_ only functions (way back when) a $db->Execute($sql); will work just as well as in an environment where mysqli_ functions are programmed into ZC and at the state of PHP >= 5.5 where mysql_ related functions are deprecated...

    A mysqli_query without being performed against a mysqli object that has established a connection will fail. The code provided is written without a mysqli object... therefore mysqli_query($sql) will fail.

    As to the "hidden" portion of the configuration, a constant that is defined in the configuration table for a default ZC system is loaded regardless of it being "hidden" or not. So, that plays no part in the assignment/usage.

    I suggest the following code in either of two ways (both presented) one which is an upgrade to what they provided (mysql_ functions to mysqli_ functions), the other is significantly using ZC format/code.

    header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8');
    function encodeIfNeeded($text) {
        if('utf-8' != strtolower(CHARSET)) {
            $text = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $text);
        return $text;
    function replace_problem_characters($text) {
        $formattags = array("&");     
        $replacevals = array("&");
        $text = str_replace($formattags, $replacevals, $text);
        $in[] = '@&(amp|#038);@i'; $out[] = '&';
        $in[] = '@&(#036);@i'; $out[] = '$';
        $in[] = '@&(quot);@i'; $out[] = '"';
        $in[] = '@&(#039);@i'; $out[] = '\'';
        $in[] = '@&(nbsp|#160);@i'; $out[] = ' ';
        $in[] = '@&(hellip|#8230);@i'; $out[] = '...';
        $in[] = '@&(copy|#169);@i'; $out[] = '(c)';
        $in[] = '@&(trade|#129);@i'; $out[] = '(tm)';
        $in[] = '@&(lt|#60);@i'; $out[] = '<';
        $in[] = '@&(gt|#62);@i'; $out[] = '>';
        $in[] = '@&(laquo);@i'; $out[] = '«';
        $in[] = '@&(raquo);@i'; $out[] = '»';
        $in[] = '@&(deg);@i'; $out[] = '°';
        $in[] = '@&(mdash);@i'; $out[] = '—';
        $in[] = '@&(reg);@i'; $out[] = '®';
        $in[] = '@&(–);@i'; $out[] = '-';
        $text = preg_replace($in, $out, $text);
        return $text;
    function strip_html_tags($str) {
    // $document should contain an HTML document.
    // This will remove HTML tags, javascript sections
    // and white space. It will also convert some
    // common HTML entities to their text equivalent.
        $search = array ("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si",  // Strip out javascript
                         "'<[/!]*?[^<>]*?>'si",          // Strip out HTML tags
                         //"'([rn])[s]+'",                // Strip out white space
                         "'&(quot|#34);'i",                // Replace HTML entities
                         // "'&(amp|#38);'i",
                         "'&#(d+);'e");                    // evaluate as php
        $replace = array ("",
                         " ",
        return preg_replace($search, $replace, $str);
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
    <rss xmlns:g="" version="2.0">
    echo '<title>Catalog Feed</title>'. "\n";
    $store=mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db->link,"select * from ".DB_PREFIX."configuration where configuration_key='STORE_NAME'"));
    echo '<link>'.HTTP_SERVER.DIR_WS_CATALOG.'</link>'. "\n";
    echo '<description>Catalog Feed generated by 2.1</description>'. "\n";
    // *
    // * This source file is the property of StoreYa Feed LTD. and a part of its patent pending technology.
    // * Using this file is allowed only for the purpose of importing web stores onto Facebook using the service of StoreYa Feed LTD.
    // * Do NOT copy/edit/change this file or use it to any service other than the above.
    $admin=mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db->link, "select * from ".DB_PREFIX."admin limit 0,1"));
    echo '<lastBuildDate>'.date('m/d/Y H:is').'</lastBuildDate>'. "\n";
    //echo '<copyright>Copyright '.date('Y').', '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'</copyright>'. "\n";
    if (isset($_GET['language_id'])) {
      $lng = new language();
      if (isset($_GET['language_id']) && zen_not_null($_GET['language_id'])) {
        $lng->language['id'] = (int)$_GET['language_id'];
      } else {
        if (LANGUAGE_DEFAULT_SELECTOR=='Browser') {
        } else {
      $language_id = (zen_not_null($lng->language['id']) ? $lng->language['id'] : 1);
    } else {
      $language_id = $_SESSION['languages_id'];
    $prdqry= mysqli_query($db->link, "select ".DB_PREFIX."products.products_id,products_price,products_price_sorter,products_image,products_name,products_description,products_url from ".DB_PREFIX."products,".DB_PREFIX."products_description where ".DB_PREFIX."products.products_status='1' and  ".DB_PREFIX."products.products_id=".DB_PREFIX."products_description.products_id and ".DB_PREFIX."products_description.language_id='".$language_id."' order by ".DB_PREFIX."products.products_id ");
        echo '<item>'. "\n";
        echo '    <title>'.strip_html_tags(replace_problem_characters(encodeIfNeeded($row['products_name']))).'</title>'. "\n";
        echo '    <link>'. htmlentities(HTTP_SERVER.DIR_WS_CATALOG.'index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id='.$row['products_id']).'</link>'. "\n";
        echo '    <description>'. htmlspecialchars(strip_html_tags(replace_problem_characters(encodeIfNeeded($row['products_description'])))).'</description>'. "\n";
        echo '    <g:image_link>'.HTTP_SERVER.DIR_WS_CATALOG.'images/'.$row['products_image'].'</g:image_link>'. "\n";
        echo '    <g:id>'.$row['products_id'].'</g:id>'. "\n";
        echo '    <g:price>'.$row['products_price'].'</g:price>'. "\n";
        echo '    <g:sale_price>'.$row['products_price_sorter'].'</g:sale_price>'. "\n";
        $catqry=mysqli_query($db->link, "select categories_name from ".DB_PREFIX."categories_description,".DB_PREFIX."products_to_categories where language_id='".$language_id."' and  ".DB_PREFIX."products_to_categories.categories_id=".DB_PREFIX."categories_description.categories_id and ".DB_PREFIX."products_to_categories.products_id='".$row['products_id']."'"); 
        echo '     <g:product_type>'.strip_html_tags(replace_problem_characters(encodeIfNeeded($catrow['categories_name']))).'</g:product_type>'. "\n";
        echo '</item>'. "\n";
    echo '</channel>'. "\n";
    echo '</rss>';

    Written more for/with ZC code:
    header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8');
    function encodeIfNeeded($text) {
        if('utf-8' != strtolower(CHARSET)) {
            $text = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8', $text);
        return $text;
    function replace_problem_characters($text) {
        $formattags = array("&");     
        $replacevals = array("&");
        $text = str_replace($formattags, $replacevals, $text);
        $in[] = '@&(amp|#038);@i'; $out[] = '&';
        $in[] = '@&(#036);@i'; $out[] = '$';
        $in[] = '@&(quot);@i'; $out[] = '"';
        $in[] = '@&(#039);@i'; $out[] = '\'';
        $in[] = '@&(nbsp|#160);@i'; $out[] = ' ';
        $in[] = '@&(hellip|#8230);@i'; $out[] = '...';
        $in[] = '@&(copy|#169);@i'; $out[] = '(c)';
        $in[] = '@&(trade|#129);@i'; $out[] = '(tm)';
        $in[] = '@&(lt|#60);@i'; $out[] = '<';
        $in[] = '@&(gt|#62);@i'; $out[] = '>';
        $in[] = '@&(laquo);@i'; $out[] = '«';
        $in[] = '@&(raquo);@i'; $out[] = '»';
        $in[] = '@&(deg);@i'; $out[] = '°';
        $in[] = '@&(mdash);@i'; $out[] = '—';
        $in[] = '@&(reg);@i'; $out[] = '®';
        $in[] = '@&(–);@i'; $out[] = '-';
        $text = preg_replace($in, $out, $text);
        return $text;
    function strip_html_tags($str) {
    // $document should contain an HTML document.
    // This will remove HTML tags, javascript sections
    // and white space. It will also convert some
    // common HTML entities to their text equivalent.
        $search = array ("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si",  // Strip out javascript
                         "'<[/!]*?[^<>]*?>'si",          // Strip out HTML tags
                         //"'([rn])[s]+'",                // Strip out white space
                         "'&(quot|#34);'i",                // Replace HTML entities
                         // "'&(amp|#38);'i",
                         "'&#(d+);'e");                    // evaluate as php
        $replace = array ("",
                         " ",
        return preg_replace($search, $replace, $str);
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
    <rss xmlns:g="" version="2.0">
    echo '<title>Catalog Feed</title>'. "\n";
    // $store=mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db->link,"select  * from ".DB_PREFIX."configuration where  configuration_key='STORE_NAME'")); // in this "section" of code, $store  is not even used and therefore there is no need to perform this query.  If it was needed, then:
    // $store=$db->Execute("select * from ".TABLE_CONFIGURATION." where configuration_key='STORE_NAME'"); // or if just need the value associated to that key:
    // $store = zen_get_configuration_key_value('STORE_NAME');
    ?><link><?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT); ?></link>
    <description>Catalog Feed generated by 2.1</description>
    // *
    // * This source file is the property of StoreYa Feed LTD. and a part of its patent pending technology.
    // * Using this file is allowed only for the purpose of importing web stores onto Facebook using the service of StoreYa Feed LTD.
    // * Do NOT copy/edit/change this file or use it to any service other than the above.
    //$admin=mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db->link, "select * from ".DB_PREFIX."admin limit 0,1")); // The variable $admin is also not used in this "section" of code and reveals/provides access to information about the first admin record (admin_id, admin_name, admin_email, the encrypted password(s), etc... and could help lead to a security problem down the line.
    // $admin= $db->Execute("select * from ".TABLE_ADMIN." limit 0,1");
    ?><lastBuildDate><?php echo date('m/d/Y H:is'); ?></lastBuildDate>
    //echo '<copyright>Copyright '.date('Y').', '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'</copyright>'. "\n";
    if (isset($_GET['language_id'])) {
      $lng = new language();
      if (isset($_GET['language_id']) && zen_not_null($_GET['language_id'])) {
        $lng->language['id'] = (int)$_GET['language_id'];
      } else {
        if (LANGUAGE_DEFAULT_SELECTOR=='Browser') {
        } else {
      $language_id = (zen_not_null($lng->language['id']) ? $lng->language['id'] : 1);
    } else {
      $language_id = $_SESSION['languages_id'];
    $prdqry= $db->Execute("select p.products_id,p.products_price,p.products_price_sorter,p.products_image,pd.products_name,pd.products_description,pd.products_url from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." p,".TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION." pd where p.products_status='1' and p.products_id=pd.products_id and pd.language_id=".(int)$language_id." order by p.products_id ");
        $row = $prdqry->fields;
        <title><?php echo strip_html_tags(replace_problem_characters(encodeIfNeeded($row['products_name']))); ?></title>
        <link><?php echo htmlentities(zen_href_link(zen_get_info_page((int)$row['products_id']), 'products_id='.(int)$row['products_id'])); ?></link>
        <description><?php echo htmlspecialchars(strip_html_tags(replace_problem_characters(encodeIfNeeded($row['products_description'])))); ?></description>    <g:image_link><?php echo HTTP_SERVER.DIR_WS_IMAGES.$row['products_image']; ?></g:image_link>
        <g:id><?php echo $row['products_id']; ?></g:id>
        <g:price><?php echo $row['products_price']; ?></g:price>
        <g:sale_price><?php echo $row['products_price_sorter']; ?></g:sale_price>
        $catqry=$db->Execute("select categories_name from ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION ." cd,".TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES." ptc where cd.language_id=".(int)$language_id." and ptc.categories_id=cd.categories_id and ptc.products_id=".(int)$row['products_id']); 
    ?>     <g:product_type><?php echo strip_html_tags(replace_problem_characters(encodeIfNeeded($catrow['categories_name']))); ?></g:product_type>
    Further, just using the session value would discard the information sent to the module if they are truly sending a language_id in the uri, though one should investigate what they think the language_id should be, ie. is it a number (which is what that represents) or a version of a name of a language (ie. En for english, de for german, etc...).

    Yes the "vendor" provided code is subject to sql injection, the above has been worked through to prevent that. The only other issue seen with the above code (taken from ZC functionality related to ZC 1.5.5) is that if the browser is to be used to detect the desired language, the browser doesn't return a "valid" language and at some point the initial language was removed after an additional was added, then the language information would not come back "favorable" because it looks like the language would be assigned to a non-existent language_id of 1. I plan to propose a PR to address that and instead use the default_language instead of 1.
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  4. #14
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    So I used the zc code but am getting this error when I try to upload feed.

    "Missing column named: title. Read more"

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    Quote Originally Posted by Amethyst_fairy View Post
    So I used the zc code but am getting this error when I try to upload feed.

    "Missing column named: title. Read more"
    My guess would be that the lack of a "title" column relates to not returning data from the query which would likely be related to the $language_id in one way or another.

    I am not a user of that software, so I do not know what is transmitted from them to this code. That said, the information could be obtained through a few well placed log functions to see what is going on.


    Temporarily modify the $language_id section to include the following 3 trigger_error commands:
    if (isset($_GET['language_id'])) {
      trigger_error('Get language is: ' . $_GET['language_id'], E_USER_WARNING); 
      $lng = new language();
      if (isset($_GET['language_id']) && zen_not_null($_GET['language_id'])) {
        $lng->language['id'] = (int)$_GET['language_id'];
      } else {
        if (LANGUAGE_DEFAULT_SELECTOR=='Browser') {
        } else {
      $language_id = (zen_not_null($lng->language['id']) ? $lng->language['id'] : 1);
      trigger_error('Get set language_id is: ' . $language_id, E_USER_WARNING);
    } else {
      $language_id = $_SESSION['languages_id'];
      trigger_error('language_id is: ' . $language_id, E_USER_WARNING);
    Perhaps it only needed 2, but I wanted to be sure that the results were clear about what was set where/when.

    Once incorporated, attempt a communication/update. There should be at least one error log in the ZC logs directory. Publish the result(s) omitting any potential reference of your admin directory if it is included and/or other sensitive information to not be openly shared. The result should identify what is sent from the vendor if anything and/or the language related to the communication. Also there may need to be an additional test with a change of logged data to see more detail and/or a question about the store's language setup.
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  6. #16
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    Unfortunately success of use of the above code has not been reported, though oddly enough further questions haven't been asked. (indicator of things working? Maybe.) anyways, the above is further discussed here and indicating (as one might mostly expect) that by adding the parameter language_id=X where X is a number appears to provide results. I can only guess why the absence of a language_id doesn't use the session variable, but that's what the above testing is/was about.

    So basically it has been reported that calling the file on the domain with ?language_id=1 for example would retrieve results for items assigned to language_id having the number 1 which in a default, brand new unaltered store/database would be english.
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  7. #17
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    Sorry trying to get something to work working 3 different scripts trying to get a feed. So I added that code if (isset($_GET['language_id'])) {
    trigger_error('Get language is: ' . $_GET['language_id'], E_USER_WARNING);
    $lng = new language();
    if (isset($_GET['language_id']) && zen_not_null($_GET['language_id'])) {
    $lng->language['id'] = (int)$_GET['language_id'];
    } else {
    } else {
    $language_id = (zen_not_null($lng->language['id']) ? $lng->language['id'] : 1);
    trigger_error('Get set language_id is: ' . $language_id, E_USER_WARNING);
    } else {
    $language_id = $_SESSION['languages_id'];
    trigger_error('language_id is: ' . $language_id, E_USER_WARNING);

    But it won't read on store_ya just get straight error but no logs. Did not try to access feed directly. Sorry vna nurse during week but will try again this weekend and update. The language=1 did work. Just trying to get a working feed lol. Sorry didn't update here. Thank you so much for all your help. I will email store_ya this weekend and make them aware of their security risks in code.

    Thanks Sandria

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    Quote Originally Posted by Amethyst_fairy View Post
    Sorry trying to get something to work working 3 different scripts trying to get a feed. So I added that code
    if (isset($_GET['language_id'])) {
      trigger_error('Get language is: ' . $_GET['language_id'], E_USER_WARNING); 
      $lng = new language();
      if (isset($_GET['language_id']) && zen_not_null($_GET['language_id'])) {
        $lng->language['id'] = (int)$_GET['language_id'];
      } else {
        if (LANGUAGE_DEFAULT_SELECTOR=='Browser') {
        } else {
      $language_id = (zen_not_null($lng->language['id']) ? $lng->language['id'] : 1);
      trigger_error('Get set language_id is: ' . $language_id, E_USER_WARNING);
    } else {
      $language_id = $_SESSION['languages_id'];
      trigger_error('language_id is: ' . $language_id, E_USER_WARNING);
    But it won't read on store_ya just get straight error but no logs. Did not try to access feed directly. Sorry vna nurse during week but will try again this weekend and update. The language=1 did work. Just trying to get a working feed lol. Sorry didn't update here. Thank you so much for all your help. I will email store_ya this weekend and make them aware of their security risks in code.

    Thanks Sandria
    Not sure I understand what is meant about getting a "straight error". If the error received had to do with the "no title" column or some other error related to the "user" of the script and there were no logs generated in your store, then there is a problem with logging errors with that store (assuming that when stated that worked with language_id=1 on the uri that you mean it did so even with the above code). Ie. there could be incorrect information in the includes/configure.php file (if present which there shouldn't be in a properly installed ZC 1.5.5 system using default directories), there is a problem with the permissions of the logs directory or a problem with the php.ini/server configuration. The above code modification should have logged an error regardless of the method used/provided.

    With that all in mind, could you identify the expected operation of this code? Is it a situation where from your feed "catcher" you tell it something like: Go to this file/address to pull records and through its access it gathers it, or is it expected that you initiate something from your browser directly from your own server? It may be more worth while to use a more "human" understandable language identifier unless the receiver of the data needs to use the "number" style access. Ie. for you a language_id of 1 may give english, but if you were to install another language, make that language the default and then delete english, there would not be a language_id of 1 present. In doing that "shift" it could be possible to actually install english again and it would though again have a different number, but if it were referenced as "english" or "en" then it wouldn't matter what number was used... Just a thought. Thing is I don't know anything about how all these pieces fit together (not a customer and have no direct need to be such) so can only discuss possibilities and try to make improvements based on the provided information. Oh another thing, if the "receiver" is able to handle all data at once, it may be also beneficial to just have the code "feed" all languages at once instead of a designated one. Just really depends on how things interrelate.
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  9. #19
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    So honestly neither scripts are mine lol found them on the internet and trying to find an easy way to add easy way to sync my 8000+ prodcuts to facebook, google, bing etc. Tried going to woocommerce because had plugins but having trouble getting my store structure to stay and honestly I know zencart now so trying to find the same functionality staying with zencart.

    I'm not getting any error logs when try to pull went through them all and on storeya just get an unspecified error when add the additional language code.

    Was able to get both google and storeya to grab with using your orginal zencart code Written more for/with ZC code: (deleted due to safety reasons where was busy at work and didn't want to leave site open to injection while busy killing myself at work lol.

    The store_ya one is to grab a feed so can add to facebook store at Trying to figure out how to delete feed received so could duplicate errors on their end again, but no error logs on my end. It appears to need the same type of feed as a google merchant feed because if I can get the script to work with google merchant I can get the feed to work with storeya so appears to be looking for xml sanitized because if not fails google merchant then fails storeya.

    Bare with still relatively new at all this.

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Query does not return data

    And i really appreciate all your help I really do. :-)


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