I am running ZC 155d on my W10 PC using xampp for my test site.
When I set configure.php in Catalog/includes as SSL then everything works fine.
When I run www.your_site.com/extras/curltester.php then I get a couple of pages of "goods".
I have Paypal as one of my payment methods and that works OK
When I set configure.php in Catalog/admin/includes as SSL then I get the following error messages.
This site can’t provide a secure connection
localhost sent an invalid response.
Cannot securely connect to this page
This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening, try contacting the website’s owner.
Any suggestions welcome, I am posting this because I just installed Braintree plug in and it give an SSL error message so might be connected?
I am using ApacheFriends XAMPP Version 5.6.24 ######
+ Apache 2.4.23
+ MariaDB 10.1.16
+ PHP 5.6.24 (VC11 X86 32bit thread safe) + PEAR
+ phpMyAdmin 4.5.1
+ OpenSSL 1.0.2d
+ ADOdb 518a
+ Mercury Mail Transport System v4.63 (not included in the portable version)
+ FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.41 (not included in the portable version)
+ Webalizer 2.23-04 (not included in the portable version)
+ Strawberry Perl Portable
+ Tomcat 7.0.56
+ XAMPP Control Panel Version 3.2.2 by hackattack142 (Great Thanks!!))
See: http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewt...p?f=16&t=46743
+ XAMPP mailToDisk 1.0 (write emails via PHP on local disk in <xampp>\mailoutput. Activated in the php.ini as mail default.)