just to make it easy, i would change the IMAGE_REMOVE to 'remove'. ie:
v1.0.3 also makes use of `zen_image_submit` which looks deprecated as of zc v1.5.8.PHP Code:
echo '<a href="' . FILENAME_ADDON_REVIEW_REMINDER . '.php?oid=' . $selected_order_id . '&action=remove">' . zen_image_submit('button_remove.gif', IMAGE_REMOVE, 'id="btnRemove"') . '</a>' . "\n";
echo '<a href="' . FILENAME_ADDON_REVIEW_REMINDER . '.php?oid=' . $selected_order_id . '&action=remove">' . zen_image_submit('button_remove.gif', 'remove', 'id="btnRemove"') . '</a>' . "\n";
It works, thanks!
PRO-Webs, Inc. since 2003 :: Zen Cart Hosting :: Zen Cart SEO – 12 Steps to Success
**I answer questions in the forum, private messages are not conducive to a helpful community.
How do some similar modules allow customer to login via the link supplied in the email reminder? Without them having to put their password in, its already logged in and ready to put review. Just wondering.
What changes need to be made so customer don't have to login to leave review as some customers use guest checkout.
PRO-Webs, Inc. since 2003 :: Zen Cart Hosting :: Zen Cart SEO – 12 Steps to Success
**I answer questions in the forum, private messages are not conducive to a helpful community.
ZC 2.01
PhP 8.3
i am getting the following error log when accessing tools->product review reminder
Should I revert 'remove' to IMAGE_REMOVE ? which would be the opposite of post# 52Code:[24-Nov-2024 17:53:56 America/Los_Angeles] Request URI: /sweety/index.php?cmd=addon_review_reminder, IP address:, Language id 1 #0 [internal function]: zen_debug_error_handler() #1 /sweety/includes/header.php(71): trigger_error() #2 /sweety/addon_review_reminder.php(291): require('/home/zch1akhw6...') #3 /sweety/index.php(16): require('/home/zch1akhw6...') --> PHP Deprecated: This page requires updates for the next Zen Cart version. Please refer your site developer or plugin author to <a href="https://docs.zen-cart.com/dev/plugins/admin_head_content/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">this</a> documentation. in /sweety/includes/header.php on line 71. [24-Nov-2024 17:53:56 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "remove" in /sweety/addon_review_reminder.php:423 Stack trace: #0 /sweety/index.php(16): require() #1 {main} thrown in /sweety/addon_review_reminder.php on line 423 [24-Nov-2024 17:53:56 America/Los_Angeles] Request URI: /sweety/index.php?cmd=addon_review_reminder, IP address: --> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "remove" in /sweety/addon_review_reminder.php:423 Stack trace: #0 /sweety/index.php(16): require() #1 {main} thrown in /sweety/addon_review_reminder.php on line 423. [24-Nov-2024 17:53:56 America/Los_Angeles] Request URI: /sweety/index.php?cmd=addon_review_reminder, IP address: --> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "remove" in /sweety/addon_review_reminder.php:423 Stack trace: #0 /sweety/index.php(16): require() #1 {main} thrown in /sweety/addon_review_reminder.php on line 423.
Thank you
apparently my fix was not done properly. change:
notice the single quotes around the word remove.PHP Code:
echo '<a href="' . FILENAME_ADDON_REVIEW_REMINDER . '.php?oid=' . $selected_order_id . '&action=remove">' . zen_image_submit('button_remove.gif', remove, 'id="btnRemove"') . '</a>' . "\n";
echo '<a href="' . FILENAME_ADDON_REVIEW_REMINDER . '.php?oid=' . $selected_order_id . '&action=remove">' . zen_image_submit('button_remove.gif', 'remove', 'id="btnRemove"') . '</a>' . "\n";