I had the same issue as per post #23 and #42 above. Had to delete the IH Version number from the database and that refreshed the install.
Warning for anyone else watch out for this as that got me too:
Since you installed/uninstalled IH 4.3.2, it's possible that that uninstall script restored an older version of /admin/includes/modules/category_product_listing.php
Now on to the problem I can't solve. All is OK when I click on a category and it lists the products. IH pop-up works there. If I click to view a product though I get a white screen from just below the breadcrumbs and in the error log I have:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function zen_lightbox() in includes/classes/observers/FualSlimboxObserver.php on line 44
Line 44:
PHP Code:
$image_link = zen_lightbox($products_image_large, $products_name, LARGE_IMAGE_WIDTH, LARGE_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
Through testing I have ascertained that this code breaks things:
PHP Code:
//-bof-image_handler-lat9 *** 4 of 4 ***
// -----
// This notifier gives notice that an additional image's script link is requested. A monitoring observer sets
// the $p2 value to boolean true if it has provided an alternate form of that link; otherwise, the base code will
// create that value.
// $p1 ... (r/o) ... An associative array, containing the 'flag_display_large', 'products_name', 'products_image_large' and 'thumb_slashes' values.
// $p2 ... (r/w) ... A reference to the $script_link value, set here to boolean false; if an observer modifies that value, the
// this module's processing is bypassed.
$script_link = false;
'flag_display_large' => $flag_display_large,
'products_name' => $products_name,
'products_image_large' => $products_image_large,
'thumb_slashes' => $thumb_slashes
if ($script_link === false) {
$script_link = '<script type="text/javascript"><!--' . "\n" . 'document.write(\'' . ($flag_display_large ? '<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\\\'' . str_replace($products_image_large, urlencode(addslashes($products_image_large)), $large_link) . '\\\')">' . $thumb_slashes . '<br />' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE . '</a>' : $thumb_slashes) . '\');' . "\n" . '//--></script>';
//-eof-image_handler-lat9 *** 4 of 4 ***
I used to have Zen Lightbox installed but I'm working on an upgrade to V1.5.5f and I started with a stock install so there will be no remnants of Lightbox left. I have also run the uninstall sql to remove references from my database.
Running PHP Version 5.5.38 and MySQL 5.5.58. If that could be playing a part? Upgrading my store so I can go to PHP 7.
The site is not open to the outside world yet but I can enable it if needs be. Before I do that does any one have any ideas?
PS there are slight differences with /includes/modules/MYTEMPLATE/additional_images.php and the stock file. These don't appear to be intentional but wasn't sure. For example line 86:
PHP Code:
if (count($images_array) > 0) {
PHP Code:
if (sizeof($images_array)) {
line 97:
PHP Code:
$num_images = count($images_array);
PHP Code:
$num_images = sizeof($images_array);
line 101:
PHP Code:
if ($num_images > 0) {
PHP Code:
if ($num_images) {