load_imageGD() - I wonder if rather than assuming the extension was correct if it would make sense (perhaps optionally) to do a getimagesize.
I see cases where images have a .gif extension but they're actually JPGs.
--> PHP Warning: imagecreatefromgif(): '/home/client/public_html/images/folder/l_699-902-016_2.gif' is not a valid GIF file in /home/client/public_html/includes/classes/bmz_image_handler.class.php on line 939.
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These are drop shipper supplied images; there's really no hope of getting them fixed in this case. That's why I suggested a switchable (disabled by default; optionally enabled) feature to be more robust in the case of invalid images.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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I have sent a pr.
If this is good, may be a way to allow WebP images as well.
Mark Brittain
Just sent pr to make work with webp
Mark Brittain