My business is GDPR compliant Webhosting and other Web Services.
Beside that I still have a Zen Cart Shop running for Classic Vespa Spare Parts
Locations in Germany, Spain and Finland. Other worldwide locations on demand
yes my test images. should I uninstall it then restart Firefix and try again? the next mod iwanted to try is the ceon url one, is it updated for 2.01
UPDATE, eveything shows up today. I figured out that when I added the product I have my main cat>vendor cat name. then add products but I had entered the product somehow wrong and once I set it proper all worked.
2.0.1 is a different critter and almost everything is like a brand new store with things slightly different...
Dutch translation.
Zen cart v2.1.0, IH 5.3.5. Fresh install.
The "Additional Images" button on the product page does not show up even additional images are added and displays fine in Admin. Is there a setting to enable the "Additional Images" button?
The button shows up fine on the product pages for which I did not use IH (before installing IH):
When using IH:
That site shows that it's in maintenance mode.
Zen Cart 2.1.0 added a new setting in Configuration // Images: Additional Images matching pattern. On a fresh install, that setting is forced to strict -- while the pre-zc210 default is legacy.
I'm guessing that (a) while the zc210 installation was a fresh install, that additional images were present in the site using the 'legacy' naming convention and (b) that IH has not (yet) been updated to recognize the 'strict' naming convention.
Oh I should have been able figure this out myself, indeed the problem was that I had changed "_" to "-" in bootstrap_additional_images.php (for a foolish reason). Once I changed that back to "_" it works fine![]()
Anyone have this warning pop up from time to time?
Before I start recursing over every image in my directory, it's a lot, anyone have any ideas of a mend? [I'm 99% sure it's because some images being loaded have an iCCP color profile set to it.]Code:[19-Jan-2025 18:59:10 America/New_York] Request URI: /justuptown/index.php?main_page=product_cards_ufs_info&cPath=1_11&products_id=794, IP address:, Language id 1 #0 [internal function]: zen_debug_error_handler() #1 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\classes\bmz_image_handler.class.php(953): imagecreatefrompng() #2 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\classes\bmz_image_handler.class.php(750): ih_image->load_imageGD() #3 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\classes\bmz_image_handler.class.php(430): ih_image->resize_imageGD() #4 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\classes\bmz_image_handler.class.php(282): ih_image->get_resized_image() #5 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\functions\extra_functions\functions_bmz_image_handler.php(154): ih_image->get_local() #6 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\functions\html_output.php(214): handle_image() #7 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\templates\bootstrap\templates\tpl_modules_main_product_image.php(19): zen_image() #8 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\templates\bootstrap\templates\tpl_product_cards_ufs_display.php(61): require('E:\\xampp\\htdocs...') #9 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\modules\pages\product_cards_ufs_info\main_template_vars.php(153): require('E:\\xampp\\htdocs...') #10 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\templates\bootstrap\common\tpl_main_page.php(233): require('E:\\xampp\\htdocs...') #11 E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\index.php(94): require('E:\\xampp\\htdocs...') --> PHP Warning: imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile in E:\xampp\htdocs\justuptown\includes\classes\bmz_image_handler.class.php on line 953.
googled error got this may help.
Mark Brittain