I've just submitted v1.0.0 of
VAT4EU to the Zen Cart plugins for review; once approved, it can be downloaded from
This plugin, a rewrite of the
VAT for European Companies mod supports Zen Cart 1.5.5a and later. The plugin has been designed to use the Zen Cart "notification" system where possible, to reduce the number of core and/or template-override file changes required!
Once installed, configured and enabled the plugin gathers a "VAT number" from your store's business customers and displays that value on any associated orders' confirmation emails, invoices and packingslips. When the customer's VAT number has been validated,
VAT4EU provides "VAT Refund" processing for orders shipped to another country.
The plugin can be configured to automatically validate a customers VAT entry, using the VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) interface or a store admin can override a customer's VAT in case their registration is new or the VIES servers are down.
See the plugin's
readme for additional information.