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  1. #1
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    Default Problem with Edit Orders Screen


    I am a Canadian, but my website sells in both Canadian and U.S. dollars. I kept the U.S. currency as the default since most of my goods come from the U.S. and are sold to me in U.S. dollars.

    When the sale goes though in U.S. dollars the admin/customers/orders/edit screen is correct and everything is fine.

    When I have a sale in Canadian funds the admin/customers/orders/edit screen is wrong.

    The product description line with pricing is correct in Canadian dollars.
    The Subtotal line is incorrect. The price is displayed converted to U.S. dollars.
    The shipping cost line is incorrect. The price is displayed converted to U.S. dollars.
    The sales tax line is incorrect. The price is displayed converted to U.S. dollars.
    The Grand Total amount is incorrect. The price is displayed converted to U.S. dollars.

    The printed invoice is correct. What the customer sees is correct. The admin/customers/order/edit order screen is not.

    Is there a way to get the edit orders screen to be correct in Canadian currency?

    My website is I am running version 1.5.4.


    Dave H.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen

    Let's continue this discussion in the Edit Orders support thread: Please identify the version of Edit Orders that you're currently using.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen


    I am not using the Edit Orders plugin. This is just the standard 1.5.4 admin/customers/orders/edit screen.

    Dave H

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen

    Quote Originally Posted by top hatt View Post

    I am not using the Edit Orders plugin. This is just the standard 1.5.4 admin/customers/orders/edit screen.

    Dave H
    Oops! I do tend to take things literally.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen

    I phrased it wrong. I had Edit Orders instead of the Orders Edit screen.

    Dave H

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen


    Can someone help me with this problem?

    Am I the only person that has this problem on the Orders/Edit screen?

    Dave H.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen

    Quote Originally Posted by top hatt View Post

    Can someone help me with this problem?

    Am I the only person that has this problem on the Orders/Edit screen?

    Dave H.
    Identifying it as a "problem" is a bit of a point of view. I believe I had posted something in another thread where it was proposed that the issue described above was or was possibly the fault of a payment module. That said and based on the information provided with regards to what is presented where has allowed identifying what is happening and what can be done to modify the view. The question somewhat becomes though if it is still "right" regardless...

    I say this because, this is the only screen where it seems like it is possible to see what the then current conversion rate was that the store used... It doesn't say that it is right or wrong, but it is the only place that ties the money collected to the proposed cost of the item. Heaven forbid the conversion rate be way off (not updated in many years for example) and the amount collected not even closely relate to the cost.

    If you search for the following text in admin/orders.php:
    you should find at or around line 604 the following text:
               '                <td align="right" class="'. str_replace('_', '-', $order->totals[$i]['class']) . '-Amount">' . $currencies->format($order->totals[$i]['value'], false) . '</td>' . "\n" .
    if you were to compare that with similar text from admin/invoice.php
             '            <td align="right" class="'. str_replace('_', '-', $order->totals[$i]['class']) . '-Amount">' . $order->totals[$i]['text'] . '</td>' . "\n" .
    you would see the difference in how the "amount" is displayed. In the orders file it is by currency conversion using the value of the orders line item, in the invoice it is by the text that was captured related to the price. This difference in presentation is what is being seen on the orders page and can be "corrected" or made the same as all of the other pages by the following:
               '                <td align="right" class="'. str_replace('_', '-', $order->totals[$i]['class']) . '-Amount">' . $order->totals[$i]['text'] . '</td>' . "\n" .
    Me personally, while not perfect I'd rather show both if there is a condition that identifies a difference, such as:
               '                <td align="right" class="'. str_replace('_', '-', $order->totals[$i]['class']) . '-Amount">' . $order->totals[$i]['text'] . ($order->totals[$i]['text'] <> $currencies->format($order->totals[$i]['value'], false) ? ':' . $currencies->format($order->totals[$i]['value'], false) : '') . '</td>' . "\n" .
    (note, 0.00 in one currency will be identified as different than 0.00 in another. So even though the numerical value is the same between the two they will show adjacent to another (currency symbol is a factor of the comparison). The same would be true if two currencies are an unlikely 1 for 1 conversion to each other.

    So, this "problem" that has been identified... Are you sure that you want to always see just the currency that was used to make the purchase from the store or is there possibly some information that may be good to have for view/review? More over, is the desire to have everything converted to Canadian currency on the orders screen, or only those items that were purchased using Canadian currency?
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen


    I'm sorry but I am not much of a coder. You kind of lost me there.

    Are you saying that if I change the admin/orders.php file to be the same as the admin/invoice.php file as you describe above, it will read correctly for whatever currency is used?

    My desire is to have the Orders/Edit screen correct no matter what currency is used. If the customer checks out in USD or CDN funds the Orders/Edit screen should be correct for the currency used.

    Dave H.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen

    Quote Originally Posted by top hatt View Post

    I'm sorry but I am not much of a coder. You kind of lost me there.

    Are you saying that if I change the admin/orders.php file to be the same as the admin/invoice.php file as you describe above, it will read correctly for whatever currency is used?

    My desire is to have the Orders/Edit screen correct no matter what currency is used. If the customer checks out in USD or CDN funds the Orders/Edit screen should be correct for the currency used.

    Dave H.
    First, not a php thing specifically. I understand that it took/takes php review to come up with a potential solution, but even with the proposed changes I would not call it "correct" or for that matter "wrong".

    In providing a solution to your inquiry, I am also trying to address some things that can be seen immediately affected and could cause issue downstream of this simple window. It may/may not affect you, but it could impact others.

    So, what is it that I'm talking about and what possible affect could there be?

    Standard ZC store offers a single price for a product to be entered. That price is expected to represent the currency of the store.
    A customer can select any currency that is supported by the store either through links provided or by knowing the cart software by way of url parameter.
    To be "up-to-date" with conversions of currency from one to another, a currency conversion rate should be updated.
    The price shown to a customer when purchasing in a currency that is not that of the store's main currency is converted using the conversion rate.
    Generally speaking a purchase module supports only one currency; however, operations such as paypal support maintaining monies in multiple currencies that if desired to be converted to another require a conversion fee of some type. But not all payment processors support collection in that way. Most would use the store's conversion rate and ask that the purchaser provide "this much" money to equate to the price of the item in the store's currency.

    So, as a customer, if I saw that an item appeared cheaper to me by use of the store's conversion factor (not kept up-to-date) then I could use that alternate currency to pay for the product. With the change proposed above (always showing only the currency that was used to purchase the product) it may look like everything is spot on. Sure they paid €50 for that item. But somehow the conversion was incorrectly entered that €1 was $0.25 instead of perhaps $1.25 and the price of the product was $200.

    So... you look at the orders area, click on edit and you see product costs, sub-total, total, etc all in € and it shows €50... must all be correct right? Because it is all in one currency...

    Now throw in some confusion like if a payment module such as check/cash or whatever is implemented requiring a customer to send funds in... typical "concern" is if they send the wrong currency type as payment at least in the US/CAN situation.

    Yes, if the above proposed change suggested last in my previous post is applied, then the bottom of the order's edit screen will at least show the same currency value of the purchaser's chosen currency. That same edit will also show the converted currency value when conversion would be necessary and that would also reflect by calculation the conversion rate that was used at that point. I suggest that because there does not appear to be anywhere else associated with an order to see/identify what the conversion rate was and allow the store owner a periodic look at such conversion at the time of purchase/order fulfillment as it relates to live product and without directly reviewing the conversion rates area.

    Make the change desired, but understand what is lost and what issue(s) it could cause down the line. Yes, all it is is a change in the display of information, but then again, all it is is a change in the display of information... the invoice shows all of the financial information in the customer's chosen currency: they don't need to know about your background financial management and what do they care about another countries currency when all they wanted was tis one item and were happy to pay the price they did... as a store owner/operator perhaps some more or a different care/concern is in mind.

    Whatever the case, change or don't change what you will. I am perfectly fine with agreeing to disagree about the "correctness" of the display, I think neither is wrong, they are just different and tell a different story however complete it may or may not be.
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Problem with Edit Orders Screen

    Btw, although I had tried to consider the conversion comparison correctly, I have/had things basically reversed. For the paid result of €50 at a cost of $200, the conversion would have to be incorrectly entered as $1 is €0.25 such that giving $200 would be calculated equivalent to €50 and vice versa (one quarter of the $ amount would be the € amount).

    The way I listed the conversion would be that the purchaser would have been expected to provide €800 for the item that was being sold at $250 and that's before shipping and other fees were considered. But again, good thing to see on the order's edit screen that €800 was provided as displayed in all the screen's record data...
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